
Friday, July 22, 2022

Kitten Love (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.

He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

Just waiting for somebody to love (and they won't have to wait long, i promise).


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. I think _________ is a waste of money.

2. Lately, I spend a lot of time _________.

3. _________ is the craziest thing on my bucket list.

4. _________ is a holiday I'd like to create or see more celebrated.

1. I think   most bottled water, most of the time  is a waste of money.  If it is that nasty mineral water, don't even get it near my mouth.

2. Lately, I spend a lot of time   noodling on my new ukulele.

3. Learning to play the ukulele  is the craziest thing on my bucket (teacup) list.   Not because it's difficult or dangerous or anything, but because with my lack of musical talent, it's a bit silly.  Still, i enjoy music and singing and making music (in private, i don't make others suffer!) and this is a fun and easy and private way to do that.  For me, i'm getting old enough that it's no longer a bucket list, it's a teacup list, very short and wouldn't fill a bucket.

4. Enjoy Today Day  is a holiday I'd like to create or see more celebrated.   Every day is a day to find something simple to enjoy.


Today is:

Aphrodisia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (bathing festival of Aphrodite and Peitho [Persuasion]; through tomorrow)

Casual Pi Day / Pi Approximation Day (22nd day of month 7; 22/7 is the approximation of Pi)

Festival of Boredom and Reverie -- Fairy Calendar

Hammock Day -- don't know who came up with this one, but at the height of the dog days, it seems appropriate; on some sites listed as Summer Leisure Day

International Childbirth Education Awareness Day -- can't find confirmation on this, but if you're going to have a kid, it's not a bad idea to get educated about what to expect!

King Father's Birthday -- Swaziland

National Penuche Fudge Day

Ratcatcher's Day -- celebrated by the British dating of the Pied Piper story; celebrated June 26 in Hamelin, Germany

Revolution Day -- The Gambia

Soma-Nomaoi Festival -- Haramachi City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan (Wild-Horse Chasing, a four-day festival in which a thousand horsemen, clad in ancient armor, compete for possession of three shrine flags, and along the Hibarigahara Plain, men clad in white costumes attempt to catch wild horses)

Spooners Day (Spoonerism -- Named for William Archibald Spooner, English cleric and scholar who once fussed at a student because "You hissed my mystery lesson," told a groom it was "kisstomery to cuss the bride," and once accidentally referred to Queen Victoria as "the queer old Dean.")

St. Mary Magdalene's Day (Patron of apothecaries, contemplative life and contemplatives, converts, druggists, glove makers, hairdressers and hair stylists, penitent sinners, penitent women, people ridiculed for their piety, perfumeries and perfumers, pharmacists, reformed prostitutes, tanners, women; Anguiano, Spain; Atrani, Salerno, Italy; Casamicciola, Italy; Elantxobe, Spain; Foglizzo, Italy; La Magdaleine, Italy; against sexual temptation)

   Stilt Dance Day -- Anguiano, Spain (a special stilt dance performed on the Feast of the city's patron, St. Mary Magdalen)

Birthdays Today:

George Alexander Louis Windsor, His Royal Highness Prince of Cambridge, 2013

Madison Pettis, 1998

Selena Gomez, 1992

Scott Dixon, 1980

Daniel Jones, 1973

Rufus Wainwright, 1973

Irene Bedard, 1967

Rhys Ifans, 1967

Shawn Michaels, 1965

David Spade, 1964

John Leguizamo, 1964

Rob Estes, 1963

Keith Sweat, 1961

Willem Dafoe, 1955

Alan Menken, 1949

Albert Brooks, 1947

Don Henley, 1947

Danny Glover, 1946

Estelle Bennett, 1944

Bobby Sherman, 1943

Kay Bailey Hutchison, 1943

Alex Trebek, 1940

Terrence Stamp, 1939

Louise Fletcher, 1934

Oscar De la Renta, 1932

Orson Bean, 1928

Bob Dole, 1923

Amy Vanderbilt, 1908

Alexander Calder, 1898

Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1890

William Archibald Spooner, 1844

Gregor Johann Mendel, 1822 (Note:  some sources say July 20)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Plan 9 From Outer Space(Film), 1959

Today in History

King Edward I of England and his longbowmen defeat William Wallace and his Scottish schiltrons outside the town of Falkirk, 1298

The Swiss decisively defeat the Imperial army of Emperor Maximilian I in the Battle of Dornach, 1499

A second group of English settlers arrive on Roanoke Island off North Carolina to re-establish the deserted colony, 1587

Alexander Mackenzie reaches the Pacific Ocean becoming the first Euro-American to complete a transcontinental crossing of Canada, 1793

In the Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Rear Admiral Nelson is wounded in the arm, and part of it is amputated, 1797

Death of Josef Strauss, Austrian composer, 1870

First ever motorized racing event is held in France between the cities of Paris and Rouen. The race is won by comte Jules-Albert de Dion, 1894

Wiley Post becomes the first person to fly solo around the world traveling 15,596 miles in 7 days, 18 hours and 45 minutes, 1933

Dezik and Tzygan become the first of Russia's Space Dogs, making a sub-orbital flight, which they both survived, 1951

Japan completes its last reparation to the Philippines for war crimes committed during WWII, 1976

Martial law in Poland is officially revoked, 1983

The second Blue Water Bridge opens between Port Huron, Michigan and Sarnia, Ontario, 1997

The Stonehenge World Heritage Site announces the discovery of a possible new henge, the biggest discovery at a major monument in over 50 years, 2010

Norway is the victim of twin terror attacks, on government buildings in Oslo and a youth camp at Utoya, 2011

Scientific studies reveal that dolphins have unique names for one another, much like humans do, 2013

The Brain Kids, a team of robots from Japan's Chiba Institute of Technology, wins this year's RoboCup, a robotic soccer tournament started 18 years ago to encourage new developments in the robotics field, 2015

India's lunar mission, Chandrayaan-2, successfully takes off from Satish Dhawan Space Center, Sriharikota aiming to make India the fourth nation to soft-land on the moon, 2019

The French submarine Minerve, which disappeared in 1968 with a crew of 52, is  rediscovered off coast of Toulon, France, 2019


  1. I am sure the cute kitties will be adopted soon. These days, I try to bring water in my own container wherever I go. Whatever day it is, let us enjoy and be thankful.

  2. Love your fill ins and hope that those cuties do find their furever homes soon. I am not sure I have anything on my bucket list at the moment.

  3. Those kitties will have homes in no time.

  4. Those kitties are adorable and will hopefully soon have their forever homes.
    I agree that bottled water is a waste of time. We filter all our drinking water and that tastes better than any bottles!

  5. Aww! Who could ever resist them they looks so cute there

    I liked your answers have a ukuleletastic weekend 👍

  6. Aw on all those precious kitties. I hope they find a forever home and soon.

    Love your fill-ins. I laughed with the teacup. I'm more of a thimble. Just saying.

    I can't hold a tune either. I smiled at your singing and play the ukulele. Good for you.

    We have reverse osmosis and that's how we drink our water.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug. ♥

  7. Oh look at all those sweet, precious kitties ~ hope they find forever homes soon ~ love them ~ Great fillins for your 'teacup list' ~ Playing the Ukulele sounds fun!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~ Xo

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Every day is a day to find something simple to enjoy, we all need to say that to ourselves when we get out of bed every day (or, in my case, once I've got a cup of coffee in my hand).

  9. We love the idea of an "Enjoy Today" holiday! The Human says it's not happy people who are thankful, it's thankful people who are happy and there's something to be thankful for every day. We are thankful for second breakfast when we can con The Human!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  10. Such sweet and adorable wee kittens! Those were good answers too, keep on strumming along!

  11. Very cute kittens. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I agree every day should be celebrated and I love that you are learning the ukulele. XO

  12. Spoonerisms are wonderful. They deserve more than one day a year, maybe a whole week.

    1. PS. I love the picture your words made in my head of you sitting all alone in an overstuffed chair playing the ukulele wiht a smile, and now and then a slight frown. Go for it!

  13. I love the kittens and I love your Fill in answers especially number 4. I am a guilty bottled water drinker but I love Hint. . I love all the poetry and stories you tell and share. You shared many beautiful wall pictures too which I loved. Take care and have a good week.


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