
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Restored (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day, and Brian's Thankful Thursday


Mimi stood at the door of the labyrinth that was the pantry of the SSC&B and sighed.

She liked the pantry with its twists and odd spaces where so many ingredients could find a home.

She really liked that one nook was on an outside wall and had one of those high windows through which she could see sunshine and blue sky and the occasional bird flitting past.

Yes, she was known to put a small dish of birdseed on the ground beneath that window to increase the likelihood of such a sighting, but what of it?

On days like this, however, when her back was a little "tetchy" as she put it, she especially liked the pantry with its odd angles and shelves at differing levels where she could reach up and stretch out by grasping a shelf edge, or push up from two shelves near enough to use for the purpose, one hand on each, just enough of a reach to work out sore muscles.

Once done, she was refreshed and ready to get back into the kitchen, her culinary interests rejuvenated by a few minutes in the quiet alcove most people would have ignored.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Labyrinth.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!

This local business has a fun fence.


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

The drive-in was the place to go

with your date on Friday night.

The burgers and fries and shakes

were an incredible delight.

There was always great service,

it was really above par,

and all of this without having to leave

the comfort of your car!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful Sweetie remembered to turn on the sump pump after the hard rain we got.


Today is:

Aphrodisia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (bathing festival of Aphrodite and Peitho [Persuasion]; date approximate)

Bonza Bottler Day™

Chocolate Day  -- no one knows why today, so why not?  Enjoy chocolate cereal with chocolate milk for breakfast, some chocolate covered raisins and nuts as a midmorning snack, chocolate milk with lunch, chocolate truffles as a midafternoon snack, chocolate liquer before dinner, chocolate cake for dessert, and sip chocolate coffee any time through the day!

Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo -- Vernal, UT, US (one of the top rodeos in the country; through Saturday)

Global Forgiveness Day -- encouraging "citizens of this global village" to forgive and be forgiven; sponsored by the CECA

Father-Daughter Take a Walk Together Day -- encouraging fathers to take some special time out with their girls today

Hodag Country Festival -- Rhinelander, WI, US (at the Hodag "50" Track, a large open-air country music festival; through Sunday)

Independence Day / National Day -- Solomon Islands(1978)

Macaroni Day -- it goes with more than just cheese!

National Strawberry Sundae Day

Nones of July -- Ancient Roman Calendar; celebrations on this day included:

     Festival of Feriae Ancillarum -- "Feast of the Serving Women", when female servants dressed up and "attacked" men of free birth with fig boughs; in honor of the serving women who helped free the city of Rome from the Gauls

     Nonae Caprotinae -- "Nones of the Wild Fig", honoring Juno Caprotina with a sacrifice under a wild fig tree

     Parilia -- festival for Pales, god of the herds

Oregon Trail Days -- Gering, NE, US (the oldest continuing celebration of the Oregon Trail; through Sunday)

Saba Saba Day -- Tanzania (literally "Seven Seven" Day, a/k/a Peasants' Day or Workers' Day, and the biggest day of the Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair)

     Maonyesho ya Saba Saba -- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Dar es Salaam Trade Fair, through July 8)

St. Willibald's Day (Patron of Eichstatt, Germany)

Tanabata -- Japan (star festival, 7th day of 7th month; some areas go by lunar calendar, but most larger cities celebrate by the Gregorian Calendar now)

Tell The Truth Day -- a yearly challenge frm Kepa Freeman of Teens Express to go the whole day without telling a lie or saying or doing anything misleading or dishonest

Unity Factory Day -- Yemen (all workers are encouraged to play at work today, to build team and national unity)

Anniversaries Today

James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr., marries Eleanor Rosalynn Smith, 1946

Birthdays Today

Michelle Kwan, 1980

Cree Summer, 1969

Jorga Fox, 1968

Billy Campbell, 1959

Shelley Duvall, 1949

Ringo Starr, 1940

Doc Severinsen, 1927

Pierre Cardin, 1922

Gian Carlo Menotti, 1911

Robert Heinlein, 1907

Satchel Paige, 1906

Marc Chagall, 1887

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Ryan's Hope"(TV), 1975

"All You Need is Love"(Single release), 1967

Waverly(Novel, publication date), 1814

"Utrecht Te Deum and Jubilate"(Canticles, HWV 278 & 279), 1713

Today in History

A retrial verdict acquits Joan of Arc of heresy 25 years after her death, 1456

Raid of the Redeswire, the last major battle between England and Scotland, 1575

United States begins first military draft; exemptions cost $300, 1863

An International Railway trolley with an extreme overload of 157 passengers crashes near Queenston, Ontario, killing 15, 1915

Sliced bread is sold for the first time by the Chillicothe Baking Company of Chillicothe, Missouri; it is described as “the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped", 1928

Alleged and disputed Roswell UFO incident, 1947

Venus occults the star Regulus. This rare event is used to determine the diameter of Venus and the structure of the Venusian atmosphere, 1959

In Canada, the Official Languages Act is adopted making the French language equal to the English language throughout the Federal government, 1969

Sharia is instituted in Iran, 1980

Samantha Smith, a U.S. schoolgirl, flies to the Soviet Union at the invitation of Secretary General Yuri Andropov, 1983

The Western Black Rhinoceros is declared extinct due to poaching, 2006

In efforts to avoid food shortages and political oppression, South Korea begins work on a new facility to house North Korean refugees, 2011

Tesla Motors produces its first mass-market car, the Model 3, 2017

Nigeria, Africa' biggest economy, joins the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), in attempt to create world's largest free trade area, 2019

The world's biggest sandcastle, standing 21.16m (69.4 feet) high, using nearly 5,000 tons of sand, is completed in Blokhus, Denmark, 2021


  1. I would love a pantry like that. Nice poem and image. I like that colourful fence.

  2. I hope your back stops being tetchy. That colourful fence is a joy.

  3. We love the bright colored fence. It is perfect in the right location.

  4. Your story reminded me of the years I spent in the kitchen and pantry of my bistro! Delightful poem too.

  5. That was a really good story and a fun car hop poem too. What a terrific thankful, it could have been a real mess. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. Your poem made me nostalgic reminiscing about yesterday. There's something truly magical about those old drive ins. I loved the smell of the food! Sonic is a good idea but has lost its luster over the years. Do you remember when they used Frankie Avalon and girls rollerskating? Those were great commercials!

  7. Love your six. That was me yesterday with the back.

    Love the painted fence the best.

    I remember those drive-ins. It was fun.

    A wonderful thankful too. Sweetie did good.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  8. love your poem! and macaroni day, whoo hoo!

  9. We liked that colorful pump and completely understand the thankfulness for a working sump pump, flood warnings in our neck of the woods and although we're built high onto a hill, many of our furiends have to deal with basement water!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    The Feline Opines Tribe

  10. I love your little pantry story! What memories that carhop brings back!

  11. Hey Mimi, I can sure help with that sore back. The Gatekeeper has some aces up his sleeve ( see post Nascent for details 😉)
    A Proprietor in ma'am, we can't have it at the SSC&B.

  12. Great poem and story. Cool fence too. And I am glad your Sweetie remembered the sump pump. :)

  13. Your six story rocks! Love the fences, and your thankfuls and your poem is terrific! Who knew it was Chocolate day today!?! I ate a chocolate bar yesterday, Macaroni day is today and strawberry sundae, I had those for dinner the day before! Dang! Maybe I'll have them all again today! Barb

  14. Such a place, this Café. Not so much an establishment that has something for everyone, but a place where everyone a a special place.

  15. Right there with you, stretching in that patch of blue and inhaling the scent of spices and something browning in the kitchen. Mmmmm!

  16. An excellent portrayal of using everything round about for happiness and health - living in the moment.

  17. Wonderful thankfuls! Hope your back feels better!

  18. One might believe those drawn to certain areas of the SSC&B, do so of their own volition. Perhaps not! Perhaps the SSC&B senses our needs and predilections and then guides us to those areas of the Café that suit us best 😊

    Excellent thankful, important thankful!


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