
Thursday, August 25, 2022

How to Make a Dog Happy (Six Sentence Story)


"Congratulations are in order for your best canine buddy, Gatekeeper!" Mimi said with triumph in her voice as she and Hunga entered the SSC&B, both wearing their badges and she carrying a cake box with a brown paper bag resting precariously on top.

"I knew he could do it!" was the confident response.

"Without missing a beat.  He and I are now officially registered pet partners, able to go to hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and all such places, with no need to 'borrow' my friend's service dog paraphernalia."

"This calls for a celebration."

"We've got it covered, we stopped at the bakery that also carries canine treats -- cupcakes for everyone!"

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Beat.      



  1. Smiling. And all praise for those support pooches - and their people.

  2. It is good that those bakeries have something for the dogs as well.

  3. Nice! (Thanks for this Six, it reminds be of the fun of carry-over storylines, cross-narratives and such.... now I need to go and make a slight adjustment to my Café Six for this week,)

    and... and! A third Six to read. muy coolito

  4. Mimi!!
    Yes, celebration is in order !
    And Hunga knows... we can all do it! Together!

  5. I love a bakery that remembers the furry people.

  6. Oh how wonderful ~ proud of the fur baby Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~ Xo

    A ShutterBug Explores ~
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. That sounds like a great gig, to be a support animal's companion. I love it when they have a support dog at the public library, for the kids to read to. I thin I'd like to be that dog in my next life. :-D

  8. I think 'support animals' were the best idea...ever! And now I want a cupcake...


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