
Friday, November 4, 2022

Hungry Enough (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-ins


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.

He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

Buttercup had a stitch from her spay surgery come loose, so she had to fast before a visit to the vet.  She was so hungry, she tried to eat the note attached to her cage telling us not to feed her and tore it down!

One Do Not Feed note, worse for wear and teeth.

You see what's left of the note that is still attached to the cage.

Yes, she got a good meal when the ordeal was over.


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. My list of things to do in November includes ___________, _________ and _________.

2. A _________ is _________.

3. I never would have guessed that _________.

4. _________ is an unpopular opinion that I have.

1. My list of things to do in November includes   work,   work and   figure out what we're going to do for holiday meals, since Grandma will not be doing any cooking (thus more work).

2. A   cat  is   a purring hot water bottle in the bed with you in winter.

3. I never would have guessed that   i'd end up driving something as sporty looking at Slow-Moe.

4. We're probably all wrong no matter which side we're on  is an unpopular opinion that I have.


Today is the BlogBlast for Peace, hosted by Mimi Writes, and i am joining and praying for peace, as well as committing to work for peace right where i am.     

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18


Today is:

Arbor Day -- Samoa

Breeder's Cup World Championship -- Keeneland, Lexington, KY, US (the world's best horses compete in 14 races; through tomorrow)

Chicken Lady Day -- Miami, FL, US (in honor of The Chicken Lady, whose nonprofit organization helps people get over being "chicken" about public speaking)

Citizenship Day -- Northern Mariana Islands

Community Service Day -- Dominica

Constitution Day/National Day -- Tonga

Feast of Qudrat (Power) -- Baha'i

Flag Day -- Panama

Giorno dell'Unita Nazionale e Festa delle Forze Armate and Victory Day -- Italy (National Unity and Armed Forces Day; celebration of the 1918 Treaty with Austria)

Guy Fawkes Eve -- sometimes called Mischief Night in some parts of Australia, UK, and New Zealand, although that is more appropriate to April 30/October 30

Honeymoon Day -- reminisce about your own special trip, on the birth anniversary of Art Carney

King Tut Day -- his tomb was opened this day in 1922

Ludi Plebeii -- Ancient Roman Calendar (public games, through the 17th)

Medical Science Liaison (MSL) Awareness And Appreciation Day -- US

National Candy Day -- guess they're thinking you still have some left over from Hallowe'en

St. Charles Borromeo's Day (Patron of apple orchards, bishops, catechists, seminarians, spiritual directors/leaders, starch makers; Joliette, Quebec; Lombardy, Italy; Monterey, CA; Rocca di Papa, Italy; against abdominal pain, colic, intestinal disorders, stomach diseases, ulcers)

     a Bank Holiday in Andorra

Tori No Ichi -- Japan (the first "rooster day" of November, so called because it is held on the two or three days of the rooster this month, in which to wish good luck and prosperity at temple and shrine ceremonies around the country, and celebrate with a fair)

Unity Day -- Russia

Will Roger's Day -- especially in OK, US; related observance

     Use Your Common Sense Day -- because "Common sense ain't all that common."

Waiting for the Barbarians Day -- internet generated, and i thought they came and took over a long time ago!

World Community Day -- sponsored by Church Women United to focus on justice and peace through non-violent means; this year's theme is "Through G-d Our Hands Can Heal"

Anniversaries Today:

Taking of the US Embassy in Teheran, Iran -- 1979

Discovery of King Tut's Tomb -- 1922

Abraham Lincoln marries Mary Todd, 1842

Mary II of England marries William, Prince of Orange, 1677 (ruled jointly as William and Mary)

Birthdays Today:

Sean "Diddy" Combs, 1970

Matthew McConaughey, 1969

Andrea McArdle, 1963

Ralph Macchio, 1962

Jeff Probst, 1962

Kathy Griffin, 1960

Markie Post, 1950

Laura W. Bush, 1946

Robert Mapplethorpe, 1946

Loretta Swit, 1937

Doris Roberts, 1930

Martin Balsam, 1919

Art Carney, 1918

Walter Cronkite, 1916

Will Rogers, 1879

Augustus Montague Toplady, 1740 (wrote the hymn "Rock of Ages")

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Crimes of the Heart"(Henley play), 1981

"One Man's Family"(TV), 1949

"Prince Igor"(Borodin opera), 1890

Symphony No. 1 in C minor(Brahms Op. 68), 1876

Today in History:

The Flood of the Arno River causes massive damage in Florence, Italy, 1333

Joan of Arc liberates Saint-Pierre-le-Moûtier, 1429

Thomas Wolsey, English cardinal, arrested, 1529

Mozart's Symphony No. 36 is performed for the first time in Linz, Austria, 1783

The Erie Canal is completed with Governor DeWitt Clinton performing the Wedding of The Waters ceremony in New York Harbour, 1825

Benjamin Palmer patents an artificial leg, 1846

Dentist John Beers of San Francisco patents the gold crown, 1873

Tonga adopts a constitution, 1875

James Ritty patents the cash register, to combat the pilfering of the till by the bartenders in his Ohio saloon, 1879

London's first deep-level tube railway opens between King William Street and Stockwell, 1890

The Italian unknown soldier is buried in the Altare della Patria (Fatherland Altar) in Rome, 1921

Nellie Tayloe Ross is elected the first female US State governor, in Wyoming, 1924

The rebuilt Vienna State Opera reopens with a performance of Beethoven's Fidelio, 1955

Two-thirds of Florence, Italy is submerged as the River Arno floods; together with the contemporaneous flood of the Po River in northern Italy, this leads to 113 deaths, 30,000 made homeless, and the destruction of numerous Renaissance artworks and books, 1966

Genie, a 13-year-old feral child is found in Los Angeles, California having been locked in her bedroom for most of her life, 1970

The Netherlands experiences the first Car Free Sunday caused by the oil crisis, as the highways are deserted and are used only by cyclists and roller skaters, 1973

First conference that focuses exclusively on the subject of the commercial potential of the World Wide Web, in San Francisco, 1994

Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated by an extremist Orthodox Israeli, 1995

Chinese authorities arrest cyber-dissident He Depu for signing a pro-democracy letter to the 16th Communist Party Congress, 2002

Barak Obama is elected President of the United States, 2008

In Australia's Northern Territory in the lands of the Jawoyn people, archaeologists discover what is believed to be the world's oldest example of a stone ax, estimated at 35,500 years old, 2010

The body of the last missing victim is found on board the wrecked Costa Concordia, during its dismantling in Genoa, 2014

Tim Scott, a Republican from South Carolina, becomes the first African-American Senator from the south since the Reconstruction, 2014

Justin Trudeau is sworn in as Canadian Prime Minister with a cabinet split equally between men and women, 2015

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigns in a shock TV broadcast from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, amid concerns he is being forcibly detained, 2017

According to the International Energy Agency, the COP26 climate pledges, if kept, could help limit the global average increase in temperatore to 1.8 °C above pre-industrial averages, 2021


  1. Poor Buttercup. Glad that she got her meal later.
    Working towards Peace sounds wonderful to me - starting at home.

  2. Poor Buttercup, they don't understand the reason for no food.

  3. Poor Buttercup is so hungry that she could eat anything even the note. Glad the ordeal is over and no more fasting for her. The world needs peace.

  4. Aww! poor Buttercup she will devour her next lot of food when able to eat

    I liked your replies especially #2 :-)

    Have a peacefultastic weekend 👍

  5. Poor Buttercup. I am sure she appreciated her meal.

  6. Poor Buttercup. I'm glad she finally got to eat. So precious.

    Love your fill-ins and you're right about the hot water bottle. I so remember.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  7. I'd amend your thought to say that we're probably all a little wrong, but we're probably all a little right too.

  8. Hee! Hee! poor Buttercup! I, Marv, have been known to chew on Mom's Postit Notes. I love the fill-ins! I like being a hotwater bottle on cold nights and you ROCK! Keep being awesome! Purrs Marv

  9. I'm glad sweet Buttercup is okay, poor sweetie. Those were good fill-in answers and a wonderful peace message. Here's to Peace for everyone everywhere.

  10. Buttercup is adorable and too funny. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. #2 is very true- I love having cats in bed with us. XO

  11. Oh, poor Buttercup, she must have wondered what the hell was going on. I always enjoy your "Today in History" posts.

  12. Sweet Buttercup ~ so adorable and glad she was fed after more surgery ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Poor Buttercup! I'm so glad all is OK now!


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