
Saturday, November 5, 2022

Too Much to List, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


There are too many thankful things to list from the week, and it’s late, so it’s all rEcess.

There's room to run (and this way lies the gym).

Books and plans, although it never all goes by the book or according to plan.

Playing "hangman" on the board.

We had lasagna, a med school student volunteer, time in the gym (no pics as i stayed behind and got to spend extra time with Linda), costumes, crafts, a comedy show, music, games and a rollicking good time.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Children's Day -- Malaysia

Conmemoracion Patriotica en la Ciudad de Colon -- Panama

Day of the First Shout for Independence -- El Salvador

Digital Scrapbooking Day -- it certainly takes up less room than the other kinds!

Egyptian Day -- Medieval Europe day of bad fortune (common saying on this day was, "Notwithstanding, I will trust the Lord.")

Fall Back Night -- all areas that end Daylight Saving Time tomorrow; set your clock back one hour before you go to bed and change the batteries in your smoke alarms/carbon monoxide detectors (Bermuda; Canada (most areas); Cuba; Greenland (some areas); Haiti; Mexico (Baja area); Saint Pierre and Miquelon; The Bahamas; Turks and Caicos Islands; US (most areas))

Festival of Amun -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Guy Fawkes' Day -- Canadian province of Newfoundland & Labrador; New Zealand; UK; a/k/a Gunpowder Day, bonfires celebrate that Guy Fawkes plot did not succeed; related famous celebrations

     Burning of the Tar Barrels -- Ottery St. Mary, Devon, UK (17 barrels soaked in tar are lit outside 17 taverns and carried through the town)

     Lewes Bonfire Night -- Lewes, East Sussex, UK

     Turning the Devil's Stone -- Shebbear, Devon, UK (erratic stone, possibly from an Ice Age deposit, turned every year on this day to assure good fortune)

National Hot Sauce Day

Nones of November -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Popes Day -- US name for the remembrance of Guy Fawkes' Day

St. Elizabeth's Day and St. Zechariah's Day -- parents of John the Baptist (Elizabeth is Patron of pregnant women)

Wet Wellington Day -- Fairy Calendar (Imps and Gremlins; they really love it when this falls on a Wednesday)

Wuwuchim Fire Ceremonies begin -- Hopi Native American (dating approximate, as these ceremonies are now mostly closed to outsiders, a celebration of Masaw, god of death, and Spider Woman, the earth mother; a 16-day festival and manhood ceremony for adolescent boys)

Anniversary Today:

George W. Bush marries Laura Welch, 1977

Birthdays Today:

Kevin Jonas, 1987

Corin Nemec, 1971

Judy Reyes, 1967

Tatum O'Neal, 1963

Tilda Swinton, 1960

Bryan Adams, 1959

Bill Walton, 1952

Peter Noone, 1947

Sam Shepard, 1943

Art Garfunkel, 1941

Elke Sommer, 1940

Geoffrey Wolff, 1937

Ike Turner, 1931

Vivien Leigh, 1913

Roy Rogers, 1911

Joel McCrea, 1905

Strom Thurmond, 1902

Raymond Loewy, 1893

Will Durant, 1885

Ida M. Tarbell, 1857

Eugene Debs, 1855

Debuting/Premiering Today

"Into the Woods"(Sondheim musical), 1987

"Fifth of July"(Wilson play), 1980

"The Nat King Cole Show, 1956

The New York Weekly Journal(first edition), 1733

Today in History:

Wu MeKuan, a collection of 48 Zen koans, is compiled in China, 1228

Publication of the Catholicon in Treguier (Brittany); it is the first Breton dictionary as well as the first French dictionary, 1499

St. Felix's Flood ravages the Dutch coast and destroys the city of Reimerswaal in the Netherlands, 1530

The Gunpowder Plot, in which Catholics were trying to blow up the English Parliament, is foiled, 1605

The first post office in the Colonies is opened in the home of Richard Fairbanks, 1639

Susan B. Anthony is arrested for trying to vote in Rochester, NY, 1871

The first US patent for a gasoline driven motor car is granted to George B. Selden, 1895

Calbraith Rodgers arrives in Pasadena from Sheepshead Bay, NY, completing the first transcontinental plane flight, in 49 days, 1911

Colombia joins the United Nations, 1945

USS Rentz, USS Reeves and USS Oldendorf visit Qingdao (Tsing Tao) China — the first US Naval visit to China since 1949, 1986

André Dallaire attempts to assassinate Prime Minister Jean Chrétien of Canada, but is thwarted when the Prime Minister's wife locks the door, 1995

Saddam Hussein, former president of Iraq, and his co-defendants Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti and Awad Hamed al-Bandar are sentenced to death in the al-Dujail trial, 2006

China's first lunar satellite, Chang'e 1 goes into orbit around the Moon, 2007

Collins Dictionary names "binge-watch" the word of the year, followed by "transgender", 2015

NASA's Voyager 2 probe leaves the solar system, becoming the second human-made object to reach interstellar space, 2018

The Chinese government sets new rules for gaming for young people to try to curb gaming addiction, including a legal maximum 90 minutes of gaming allowed per day, 2021


  1. I am so very glad that you had such a good time.

  2. I'm sure everyone had a fabulous time and I'm so glad y'all do this event.

  3. Day of special gifts ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. you do bring such joy to many!

  5. Looks like a fun time was had by all.

  6. Another fun rEcess day! I like the red and white striped socks.

  7. It's always a pleasure to see others enjoying themselves especially when bringing joy to others.

  8. I love your rEcess posts! And life never seems to go by our book or according to our plans--but things usually work out nevertheless. :-)

  9. Full Disclosure: As I read the title of your TToT (Too Much to List...) my stomach dropped. ruh roe.
    But then I saw rEcess and relaxed.

    (that, oddly enough was part of the discussion on the Livestream this weekend, the equivalency of friends online and friends in the 'real' world. Basically when there is a continuity between posts, i.e. "...and remember that time that...."
    Have a great week.

  10. As always, you amaze me. You are most thankful for opportunities to serve!


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