
Sunday, November 20, 2022

Smart Enough (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Grandpa was, as typical for the time of year, watching American style football yesterday and the subject of colleges and universities came up.  Sweetie and Grandpa started talking about small versus large schools, and tuition prices.

Aline done be lookin' at goin' college soon, an' she'n Boudreaux done been plannin' what school they gots the money fo' and how much she goin' have to work to pay.

"It be a shame," Clothile done chime in, "dat de state gov'mint don't do mo' to make it easy fo' de kids to get a good schoolin'!"

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais!  If'n dey eddicate de young 'uns right, den dey goin' be smart 'nuff to want a better gov'mint!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.        

There's plenty of seasonal decor around.


Today is:

Absurdity Day -- an internet generated absurd holiday

Alascattalo Day -- Anchorage, Alaska (A salute to Alaskan humor, a parade in honor of the "alascattalo", a cross between a moose and a walrus; the longest running, shortest parade in the world, held in the alley behind Club Paris from 12:03 to 12:07 pm.  A prize is given to the smallest and ugliest float -- yes, it must be both small and ugly.  An anonymous queen will be crowned, if she has the bad sense to show up.)

Africa Industrialization Day -- UN

Air Your Dirty Laundry Day -- internet generated, and be careful with this one!

Beautiful Day -- Fairy Calendar

Celebration of Christ The King -- Christian (final Sunday of the Ecclesiastical Year) related observance

     Stir Up Sunday -- the day to get your Christmas plum pudding started

Clean the Cat Hair Out of the Vacuum Cleaner Day -- internet generated, and always tops on my chore list

Dia de la Soberania Nacional -- Argentina (Sovereignty Day)

Day of Sekhmet and the Purifying Flame -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Day of National Sovereignty -- Argentina (commemorates the Battle of Vuelta de Obligado)

Dia da Consciencia Negra -- Brazil (Black Consciousness Day)

Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day aka G.O.H.A.R.D

Name Your PC Day -- mine is Ol' Bessy, a/k/a Old Crankypants; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays  

National Farm-City Week -- US (on the week of Thanksgiving, remember that it's the farmers, ranchers and growers who supply your celebratory foods)

National Peanut Butter Fudge Day

Praetextatus and Paulina's Day -- Ancient Roman Calendar (Guardians of the Eleusinian Mysteries, pagan activists and devotees who tried to save Roman religions; date approximate)

Revolution Day -- Mexico (traditional)

St. Edmund the Martyr's Day (Patron of kings, torture victims, wolves; East Anglia, England; against plagues)

Teachers' Day -- Vietnam

Totensonntag/Ewigkeitssonntag -- Germany (Sunday of the Dead/Eternity Sunday; a general celebration and memorial of all who have died, decreed to be celebrated in Lutheran Churches by King Frederick William III of Prussia in 1816)

Transgender Day of Remembrance -- memorial for those who have been killed because of transphobia

Universal Children's Day -- UN

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims -- UN

Zumbi Day -- Brazil (death anniversary of Zumbi dos Palmares, a day of Afro-Brazilian consciousness, as he was a hero and freedom fighter)

Anniversaries Today:

The Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) marries Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten at Westminster Abbey in London, 1947

The first municipal airport in the US opens, in Tuscon, AZ, 1919

Birthdays Today:

Sabrina Lloyd, 1970

Ming-Na Wen, 1967

Sean Young, 1959

Bo Derek, 1956

Steve Dahl, 1954

Richard Masur, 1948

Duane Allman, 1946

Judy Wooodruff, 1946

Veronica Hamel, 1943

Joe Biden, 1942

Dick Smothers, 1939

Don DeLillo, 1936

Richard Dawson, 1932

Estelle Parsons, 1927

Kaye Ballard, 1926

Robert F. Kennedy, 1925

Nadine Gordimer, 1923

Gene Tierney, 1920

Robert Byrd, 1917

Alistair Cooke, 1908

Chester Gould, 1900

Edwin Hubble, 1889

Karl von Frisch, 1886

Kenesaw Mountain Landis, 1866

Selma Lagerlf, 1858

Sir Wilfred Laurier, 1841

Thomas Chattertn, 1752

Oliver Wolcott, 1726

Susanna Wesley, 1669 (mother of John, Charles, and 17 other children)

Peregrine White, 1620 (born on the Mayflower)

Maximinus, Roman Emperor, 270

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Beatles Antology 1(album release), 1995

The Day After(TV movie), 1983

"A Soldier's Play"(Fuller Pulizer winning play), 1981

"Cabaret"(Musical), 1966

"The Seven Year Itch"(Play), 1952

"The Children's Hour"(Play), 1934

"The Goldbergs"(Radio), 1929

The Sheik(Film, with Rudolph Valentino), 1921

"Das Lied von der Erde/The Song of the Earth"(Mahler symphony), 1911

"The Doctor's Dilemma"(Play), 1906

"Fidelio"(Opera, Beethoven Op. 72), 1805

Today in History:

Bögü, Khan of the Uyghurs, conquers Lo-Yang, capital of the Chinese Empire, 762

Zumbi, the last leader of the Quilombo dos Palmares of Brazil, is executed, 1695

New Jersey becomes the first state to ratify the US Bill of Rights, 1789

Curacao's government forbids slave work on Sunday, 1795

Howard University is founded in Washington, D.C., 1866

US State Department starts requiring photographs for passports, 1914

The first municipally owned airport in US opens, in Tucson Az, 1919

In response to the Soviet Union agreeing to remove its missiles from Cuba, U.S. President John F. Kennedy ends the quarantine of the Caribbean nation, 1962

The SETI Institute is founded, 1984

Microsoft Windows 1.0 is released, 1985

The number of protesters assembled in Prague, Czechoslovakia swells from 200,000 the day before to an estimated half-million, 1989

In England, a fire breaks out in Windsor Castle, badly damaging the castle and causing over £50 million worth of damage, 1992

The first module of the International Space Station, Zarya, is launched, 1998

The Dow Jones Industrial Average reaches its lowest level in eleven years, 2008

NATO agrees to begin handing over Afghanistan's security to the Afghan military, 2010

The UN World Meteorological Organization announces the 2011 greenhouse gasses reached record levels, 2012

A vote of the General Synod of the Church of England approves women to be ordained bishops beginning the next year, 2013

Atlanta's Georgia Dome, once the world's largest covered stadium, is destroyed in a controlled implosion, 2017

The Oxford Dictionary word of the year is "climate emergency," 2019


  1. Seasonal decor is a rarity here. In another few weeks some houses (but not all by any means) will decorate for Christmas.
    Nice to see that your area is not so staid.

  2. Aline & Boudreaux would do more for the government then what's there right now. I often wonder are these politicians there for the American people or themselves?
    Have a wonderful Sunday Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  3. Dearest Mimi,
    what a lovely selection of Autumn decorations, I so love them all!
    And I so love to be here again, reading your "meanderings" :)
    Have a blessed Sunday and new week ahead
    Dany at ~ My little old world ~

  4. Great joke and I love all the fall decorations. XO

  5. Oh, let's educate our young ones and have a better government, please!

  6. Dittos Charlotte! This is being typed on The Unsatisfactory Toshiba.

  7. That was a good story, not a joke though, it's what we need. Very nice door decorations!

  8. I love the idea of seasonal decorations. Here I'll just have to wait till Christmas. Always love your Boudreaux jokes.

  9. We love all the Thanksgiving decorations! And Mimi, my computers have the same same name (and have had since I started working with them in the 80s. I cam mine FRED (standing for F##ing Ridiculous Electronic Device. But don't tell any of them that is what it means, they think I love them enough to give them a name! Have an awesome week!

  10. Good joke on education. We need to teach the young on choosing good government. Looking forward to Christmas decoration.

  11. Love all the decorations. A couple of houses here have the boring giant red bow on their gate or door, but that's it so far. I hope the house across the road does the twinkly lights again, they may not as they are quite old and might not be up to it.

  12. Wow! Great photos of doors and seasonal decorations ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Boudreaux makes a very good point. Love the seasonal decs.

  14. Hahaha! Yep. The more 'eddycated' they are, the more they'll want better representation! Gorgeous decorations! I'm in love with those beautiful doors!


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