
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

I Believe It! (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, BeThere2Day, and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Sandi and are being posted by Elephant's Child.           

This week's prompts are:


  • Hope
  • Joie de vivre
  • Devotion
  • Forgiveness
  • Rescue



  • Brioche
  • Pie
  • Pi
  • Duty
  • Honor



Elephant's Child, our beloved coordinator, is adding a further challenge to the mix.  Charlotte(MotherOwl) has assigned a colour to each month of the year.  This month it is pine green and if you can include it in your Words for Wednesday contribution each week in January she and EC would be very grateful.

The family reunion was in full swing and Aunt Marigold was in high cotton.   Each part of the family had a day to cook for the whole group, and Aunt Marigold was wandering in and out of the kitchen at various times, oblivious to what that part of the family had planned for the menu of the day, "concocting delights," as she liked to say.

They'd made it work, of course, even when she made a BRIOCHE on Tex-Mex night and served them her famous deviled eggs as an appetizer for the Italian supper.  Aunt Marigold's DEVOTION to her family made FORGIVENESS their default attitude toward her no matter how outlandish she could sometimes be.  Her JOIE DE VIVRE and the HOPE with which she faced everything made her beloved of all.

When June wandered into the kitchen, then, she wasn't surprised to see Aunt Marigold in her PINE GREEN muumuu putting the finishing touches on a PIE.  She was humming along as Moonlight Sonata played softly from the speaker tucked in the corner of the kitchen counter.

"What are you baking for us this time, Aunt Marigold?" June asked brightly, watching as the woman expertly rolled the crust scraps and shaped them into the PI symbol, laying them on the top crust as a finishing touch.

"Apple!  Nothing like a good deep dish apple pie to go with whatever meal it is you and Alan have planned for the family tonight.  I've got the first one baking already, you know we're going to need two with this crew," Aunt Marigold said.

"With some of them, we might need three," June mischievously smiled.

"Ain't it the truth!" Aunt Marigold responded.

"Did I hear apple pie?" Alan asked, walking in.  "Oh, good!  We're making an old-fashioned pot roast supper tonight, this will top it off perfectly."

"Mmmm, a pot roast.  I remember you made one the first time I visited you, June.  It was a delight.  Now Alan," Aunt Marigold turned to him solemnly.  "I'm putting you on guard DUTY.  Once these pies are done, you know those rascals are going to want to sneak some.  We can't keep those young ones full.  You're going to have to RESCUE our dessert by protecting these, got it?"

Alan snapped to attention.  "It will be an HONOR to protect your pies from all comers!" he said with a salute, and the three of them shared a long laugh.


Today is:

Day of the Fallen against the Colonial Repression -- Angola

Day To Mourn Racism -- anniversary of the day ethnic discrimination was outlawed worldwide in 1969

Dimpled Chad Day -- if you have to ask, you wouldn't understand; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Earth at Perihelion -- 4:17pm UTC (closest point to the Sun)

Eleventh Day of Christmas

Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (1st US-born Saint; Patron of Apostleship of the Sea, people ridiculed for their piety, widows; Shreveport, LA; against in-law problems, the death of children, the death of parents)

Festival of Fufluns -- Etruscan (god of wine, also of spring and rebirth; date approximate)

Get Out Your Boxer Shorts Day -- internet generated, and why, i do not know

Independence Day -- Myanmar(1948)

Martyrs' Day -- Democratic Republic of the Congo

National Spaghetti Day

Ogoni Day -- Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People of the Niger River

Pop Music Chart Day -- Billboard magazine published the first one today in 1936

St. Pharaildis' Day (Patron of difficult marriages, victims of abuse, widows; Bruay, France; Ghent, Belgium; against childhood diseases)

Trivia Day -- celebration of those who have a doctorate in uselessology, sponsored by PunsCorp

World Braille Day -- birth anniversary of Louis Braille

World Hypnotism Day -- to remove myth and misconception, and promote the truths and benefits of hypnotism 

Anniversaries Today:

Utah becomes the 45th US state, 1896

Birthdays Today:

Julia Ormond, 1965

Dave Roley, 1962

Michael Stipe, 1960

Matt Frewer, 1958

Ann Magnuson, 1956

Grace Bumbry, 1937

Dyan Cannon, 1937

Floyd Patterson, 1935

Don Shula, 1930

Barbara Rush, 1927

Jesse White, 1917

Jane Wyman, 1914

Sterling Holloway, 1905

Charles "Tom Thumb" Stratton, 1838

Louis Braille, 1809

Jakob Grimm, 1785

Benjamin Rush, 1746

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Night Court"(TV), 1984

"Blondie"(TV), 1957

The Pop Music Charts in Billboard Magazine, 1936

"Academic Festival Overture"(Johannes Brahms Op. 80), 1881

Today in History:

Titus Labienus is defeated by Julius Caesar in the Battle of Ruspina, BC 46

Columbus leaves the "New World" on return from his first voyage, 1493

Spanish viceroy Alva banishes Zutphen City's only physician, Joost Sweiter, "because he is a Jew", 1570

Most of the Palace of Whitehall in London, the main residence of the English monarchs, is destroyed by fire, 1698

Andre Méchain discovers M80, the globular cluster in Scorpio, 1781

Samuel Colt sells his first revolver pistol to the United States government, 1847

4 wheeled roller skates patented by James Plimpton of NY, 1863

The New York Stock Exchange opens its first permanent headquarters at 10-12 Broad near Wall Street in New York City, 1865

Sofia is emancipated from Ottoman rule, 1878

The last known sighting of an eastern cougar, in Ontario, 1884

Dr W W Grant of Iowa, performs the first appendectomy (on Mary Gartside, 22), 1885

Thomas Stevens is the first man to bicycle around the world (SF-SF); his itinerary accounts "DISTANCE ACTUALLY WHEELED, ABOUT 13,500 MILES", 1887

The Scout Association is incorporated throughout the British Commonwealth by Royal Charter, 1912

The first elected Jewish governor, Moses Alexander, takes office in Idaho, 1915

Sputnik 1 reenters the atmosphere and burns up, 1958

Luna 1 becomes the first spacecraft to reach the vicinity of the Moon, 1959

Rose Heilbron becomes the first female judge to sit at the Old Bailey in London, 1972

Elizabeth Ann Seton becomes the first American-born saint, 1975

Spirit, a NASA Mars Rover, lands successfully on Mars at 04:35 UTC, 2004

The 110th United States Congress convenes, electing Nancy Pelosi as the first female Speaker of the House in U.S. history, 2007

The Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building is officially opened, 2010

Eleven-year-old Kathryn Gray, of Canada, becomes the youngest person in the world to discover a supernova, 2011

The world's largest ever blue star sapphire at 1404.49 carats, found in a Sri Lankan mine in August 2015, is finally certified by Colombo's Gemology Institute, 2016

South Korea, the country with world's lowest birth rate, records more deaths than births for the first time, 2021


  1. This is a gorgeous use of Sandi's prompts. Thank you - and thank you for including the pine green additional challenge.

  2. Pine green for the 1st month of the year. Hmmm...nice to have an apple pie freshly baked from the oven.

  3. Great story. It must be lovely to be part of a big family.

  4. It def helps I do like a flat white heheh!

    Have a caffeinetastic week 👍

  5. Mom laughed at your story because when she was a kid, she used to go in the fridge and eat leftovers. Her Mom would get ready to make dinner with the leftovers later in the day only to find most had been eaten by a certain someone, LOL! She needed a guard.

  6. I think I can taste the flavor of National Spaghetti Day!

  7. Coffee helps several situations in this life.
    Maybe I'll celebrate National Spaghetti Day with a little spaghetti "red" by making chili my sauce. Good stuff! Have a blessed Wednesday.

  8. You always write up such cozy scenes. It is a delight to read. And than you for incorporating my colour!

  9. Coffee helps and I'm having my coffee right now.

    You're such a wonderful wordsmith. I always enjoy your use of the prompts.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

  10. Fun sign and your use of prompts is great ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Coffee certainly does help. :-)

  12. Another enjoyable read, Mimi. Thank you.

  13. Hugs with coffee is even better! Great use of the words- you are sooooo good at this! xoxo

  14. Coffee does make things better and tea! :) Tea would be great with some apple pie.. Now I'm hungry. - I'm Italian and I had no idea today was spaghetti day! I should apologize to my ancestors. :) - Happy Wednesday Mimi. I hope you're having a great day! <3

  15. Every family needs an Aunt like that. :)

  16. What a smart way to use Pi. This is a delightful family story.

    Have a lovely day.

  17. We love how you used those prompts, Mimi. And yes, coffee ALWAYS helps. Haha.

  18. The story is wonderful! All that cooking, grandma swanning around, pot roast and pi apple pie too! I love it :)

  19. Oops! Aunt Marigold, not Grandma.

  20. Now that's a family reunion I would definitely be happy to attend! Well done, you!


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