
Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Handy Dandy (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, BeThere2Day, and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Susan Kane and posted by River \     


This week's words/prompts are: 

1. oppose 

2. child 

3. mind 

4. kitchen 

5. foundation 

6. excavation 


1. exceed 

2. exploration 

3. enterprise 

4. escape 

5. entertain 

6. efficient

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

If you wish to include Charlotte's colour of the month it is Salmon Pink for March

When we first moved into this house, we had two children.

#2 Son came along on this date two years later and his crib was put in the bedroom with SALMON orangey-pink walls with his brother.  Little Girl would come along two years later and share the other bedroom with her sister.

He was a CHILD born for adventure.  Like all of my little night owls (all four of mine are night owls, just like Sweetie), he would OPPOSE bedtime.

When he was 9, he saw me at the BBQ grill and said, "That's not how Grandpa does it.  Here, let me show you!"  His MIND could soak in cooking knowledge as fast as he could eat a dozen corn dogs.

He took over the grill from that night, proving to be very EFFICIENT at it and in the KITCHEN.  Quite often he'd have a hankering for banana bread and simply get to baking. It was a good FOUNDATION for his future career in restaurant management, where he tries to EXCEED expectations and does.

He loved EXPLORATION, spending as much time as he could in the fields, woods, ponds and creeks nearby.  He would ENTERTAIN himself for hours making a bow and arrows and teaching himself to use it, or fishing in the creek, cooking whatever he caught.

Also in that creek, his attempt at the EXCAVATION of a rock to catch a snake he was after resulted in the loss of one of my best kitchen knives.  He learned it wasn't strong enough the hard way, and yes, a 11-year-old boy determined to pry the rock up from the bottom of the creek to catch a snake can break a Cutco knife.

Yes, he'd bring the snakes home sometimes, and had some as pets.  They don't bother me, but Sweetie is terrified of them and we were blessed to never have one ESCAPE, although there were a couple of close calls.

All grown up now, he's getting married soon (his second, the first wife was a nice girl but they weren't right for each other).  She's in college and once she gets her degree, they are planning a new ENTERPRISE.  Half of her family is from here, half from Alaska and they want to move up there and join her family business.

Meanwhile, he's still my sweet #2 Son, and i wish him many, many happy returns of the day.


Today is:

Celebrate Your Name Week -- Wednesday:  Learn What Your Name Means Day, go look it up, it's probably very interesting

Day of No Interest to Fairies -- Fairy Calendar

Girls Write Now Day -- on International Women's Day, encouraging girls as the makers of future history to put pen to paper and make their voices heard

Hola Mohalla -- Sikh (3 day grand festival)

International Women's Day -- also celebrated as:

     Day for Women's Rights and International Peace -- UN

     Mother's Day -- Afghanistan; Albania; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Kazakhstan; Kosovo; Laos; Macedonia; Montenegro; Republic of Moldova; Russia; Serbia; Slovenia; Tajikistan; Vietnam

Lailat al-Bara'ah (Shab Barat) -- Islam (Night of Forgiveness, or sometimes Night of Records, a preparation for Ramadan; began at sunset yesterday, local custom dates may vary)

National Decoration Day -- Liberia

National Peanut Cluster Day

National Proofreading Day -- to promote accuracy in written messages

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day -- US   

Revolution Day -- Syria

St. John of God's Day (Patron of alcoholics, bookbinders, booksellers, dying people, firefighters, heart patients, hospitals, hospital workers, nurses, publishers, printers, sick people; Tultepec, Mexico; against alcoholism, bodily ills and sickness)

Anniversary Today:

Harry Hamlin marries Nicollette Sheridan, 1991

Birthdays Today:

Marcia Newby, 23, 1988

Bob, Clint, and Dave Moffatt, 1984

Kat Von D, 1982

James Van der Beek, 1977

Freddie Prinze, Jr., 1976

Kathy Ireland, 1963

Camryn Manheim, 1961

Aidan Quinn, 1959

James Edward "Jim" Rice, 1953

Carole Bayer Sager, 1947

Micky Dolenz, 1945

Lynn Redgrave, 1943

Susan Clark, 1940

Raynoma Gordy Singleton, 1937

Cyd Charisse, 1923

Alan Hale, Jr., 1921

Claire Trevor, 1909

Louise Beavers, 1902

Kenneth Grahame, 1859

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., 1841

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, 1714

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Mary, Mary"(Play), 1961

Symphony No. 2 in D major(Sibelius Op. 43), 1901

"Don Quixote"(Straus Op. 35), 1898

"Emilia Galotti"(Play), 1772

Today in History:

William Claxton completes his translation from French into English of Mirror of the World; as England's first printer, he will soon turn this into England's first illustrated print book, 1481

John Casor becomes the first legally-recognized slave in what will be the United States, 1655

Anne Stuart, sister of Mary II, becomes Queen regnant of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1702

Thomas Paine's "African Slavery in America," the first article in the U.S. calling for the emancipation of slaves and the abolition of slavery is published, 1775

Gnadenhütten massacre: Ninety-six Native Americans in Gnadenhutten, Ohio, who had converted to Christianity are killed by Pennsylvania militiamen in retaliation for raids carried out by other Indians, 1782

The New York Stock Exchange is founded, 1817

The first train crosses the first US railway suspension bridge at Niagara Falls, 1855

Everett Horton of Connecticut patents a fishing rod of telescoping steel tubes, 1887

International Women's Day is launched in Copenhagen, Denmark, by Clara Zetkin, leader of the Women's Office for the Social Democratic Party in Germany, 1911

Mahatma Gandhi starts civil disobedience in India, 1930

Daytona Beach Road Course holds their first oval stock car race, 1936

Phyllis M Daley is the first black nurse sworn-in as US Navy ensign, 1945

Ghana joins the United Nations, 1957

The first radio episode of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams, is transmitted on BBC Radio 4, 1978

Philips demonstrates the Compact Disc publicly for the first time, 1979

Martina Navratilova becomes the 1st tennis player to earn $10 million, 1986

The Supreme Court of the United States upholds the murder convictions of Timothy McVeigh for the Oklahoma City bombing, 1999

The first comprehensive map of the debris field of the RMS Titanic is revealed, 2012

The Aboriginal DNA study by University of Adelaide shows that the Aboriginal population dates back 50,000 years from one migration, 2017

Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon formally apologises to the 4,000 Scots, mostly women, accused of witchcraft between 1563 and 1736, 2022


  1. Well that is very handy I want one heheh! :-)

    Have a handydandytastic week 👍

  2. That is a weird tool. What all can it do? Congratulations to your son #2. Hope this one works out well for him.

  3. I have no idea what that photograph is. Not a clue. I did love your post about your kids. I love hearing about your kids.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. That looks like it will make a very awkward tool of carry in one's pocket. Meanwhile, I am off to celebrate Peanut Cluster Day!

  5. That pocket ... hammer? Made me laugh. Thanks.
    I'll be back to read your WfW once I have written my own.

    1. This was a good, heart-warming story of your son. Congratulations - although belated.

  6. I love it when bloggers write about their kids or family in general as well as the kitties and woofies.

  7. That is a handy looking gadget!
    Happy birthday to #2 son.

  8. Congrats to your son! We have Cutco knives too. :)

  9. Your Son needed that fancy tool to pry the rock up. What a wonderful story, he'll do good in whatever he does.

  10. Excellent story with Susan's words. One of my sons liked to be in the kitchen too, he's a good cook now.

  11. I enjoyed that beautiful (and clever) tribute to your son. You sound justifiably proud.

  12. How interesting to see all the birthdays and who they are! Hi, Xmasdolly is back! I had some back trouble, but I'm on the mend. It sure feels good to be back. Have a great day my friend.

  13. That is a cool gadget! Love the story of your kids and congrats to your #2 son. Always a pleasure to be here, enjoy the week.

  14. We suppose that tool would work, if it was big enough! As always, we love what you did with those word prompts.

  15. Multi-tools are really neat. This one has a pretty handle. I loved the story about son. Congratulations on his upcoming wedding but moving to Alaska is a looong way from home and just to think I thought our darling daughter living in Maine is far away.

  16. A mini tool kit, I like it! Liked your story too, Mimi.

  17. That wordless photo is awesome ~ great tool ~ fun story ~ sigh ~ son moving to Alaska ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. I love hearing about your family! #2 son sounds like a wonderful person! Someone I'd like to meet! ;)


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