
Tuesday, April 11, 2023

It's all Par for the Carl, a Random and Happy Tuesday A to Z Post


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It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Ms. V, Mr. L, and Carl were host to the extended family's Easter brunch.  They'd spent a huge amount of time preparing (well, not Mr. L so much, as he's still feeling puny from his last bout of sickness) and cleaning the parts of the house which company would see.  They close Carl's door, for obvious reasons.

The area i deep cleaned a couple of weeks ago is still good.

An oasis of calm in the midst of a riot.

Meanwhile, Carl was wearing his coat over his pajamas while eating breakfast.  Why?  Because his robes were dirty, of course.

Ms. V has encouraged him to put the powder on his feet in the bathroom over his rug so the powder doesn't make the floor slippery and dangerous.  The bathroom doesn't have enough space.  His solution was to move the rug.

No longer in the bathroom, in the hall doorway instead.

Then sit next to it to put the powder on.

I went to pack his lunch and found this.

Yes, a cheese stick sandwich.  Three mozzarella cheese sticks between two slices of bread.  As i often says, they're his taste buds, i'm not going to worry about it.

What i did have to worry about was the whereabouts of his lunch box.  It has pulled a disappearing act again, and no, it was not in the car.  It will be interesting to see if it shows up again.

While getting the first load of laundry ready, i made sure i didn't take his towel out of the bathroom.  He went for his shower and started calling, "I don't have a towel!"  I passed him another, and when i went in later, there were two in there.  Where the first one was when he needed it is a question for the ages.

When he did head in for his shower, i told him he'd need to hurry because it was late.

"It's only 6:40!" he said.

He has to be at work at 7am.

It takes about ten minutes to drive to work.

Does it surprise any of us that he sometimes cuts into his 10-minute grace period for signing in pretty close to the bone?

This time, i remembered to take a couple of "after" photos.

In honor of being late for work, or not, some funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Barbershop Quartet Day -- founding day of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America

Be Kind to Lawyers Day -- after all, you will need one someday, for something

Buchenwald Liberation Day -- at 3:15pm local time, by the Third Army

Children's Day in Florida -- FL, US

Easter Tuesday -- TAS, Australia; Cyprus; Nauru

Eight Track Tape Day -- do you remember those; someone who fondly does has a day to honor them

Festival of Unmediated Play -- just go out there and have fun, like kids do

International "Louie Louie" Day -- a song that caused such a stir it deserves a day; on the birth anniversary of its composer, Richard Berry

Juan Santamaria Day -- Costa Rica (commemoration of the hero of the Battle of Rivas)

Liberation Day -- Uganda (fall of Idi Amin)

M&M Crisis in Space Day -- on this day in 1996, American astronaut Shannon Lucid reported from Space Station Mir that she was out of M&Ms; it was the only thing she regularly requested for resupply in her 188 days there!

National Cheese Fondue Day

National Pet Day / Pet Day USA -- US (it's about the love, so adopt, don't shop!)

Southland Provincial Anniversary Day -- Southland, NZ

St. Antipas' Day (spiritual student of St. John, mentioned in the Book of the Revelation of St. John)

St. Stanislaus' Day (Patron of soldiers in battle; Cracow, Poland; Plock, Poland; Poland, where he is celebrated on May 8)

World Parkinson's Disease Day

Anniversary Today:

Spelman College is founded, 1881

Birthdays Today:

Joss Stone, 1987

Tricia Helfer, 1974

Vincent Gallo, 1961

Bill Irwin, 1950

Ellen Goodman, 1948

Meshach Taylor, 1947

Peter Riegert, 1947

Louise Lasser, 1939

Richard Berry, 1935

Tony Brown, 1933

Joel Grey, 1932

Ethel Kennedy, 1928

Oleg Cassini, 1913

Jane Matilda Bolin, 1908

Dalia "Dale" Messick, 1906

Percy Julian, 1899

Lizzie “Lillie” Bliss, 1864

Charles Evans Hughes, 1862

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"On Your Toes"(Musical), 1936

"Matthäus-Passion/St. Matthew's Passion"(Bach BWV 244), 1727

Today in History:

William III and Mary II are crowned as joint sovereigns of Britain, 1689

The last execution for witchcraft in Germany takes place, 1775

President Abraham Lincoln makes his last public speech, urging a spirit of concilliation during reconstruction, 1865

The Shogunate is abolished in Japan, 1868

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is organized, 1876

Ellis Island is designated as an immigration station, 1890

Spain cedes Puerto Rico to the United States in the treaty ending the Spanish American War, 1899

The US Navy aquires its first submarine, designed by John P. Holland, 1900

Albert Einstein announces his Special Theory of Relativity, 1905

The International Labour Organization is founded, 1919

The Stone of Scone, the stone upon which Scottish monarchs were traditionally crowned, is found in Arbroath Abbey where Scottish nationalist students had taken it from Westminster Abbey, 1951

Britain agrees to Singaporean self-rule, 1957

Apollo 13 is launched, 1970

The Apple I is created, 1976

Ugandan dictator Idi Amin is deposed, 1979

The London Agreement is secretly signed between Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Shimon Peres and King Hussein of Jordan, 1987

Australia beats American Samoa in a 31-0 win, the biggest ever in an international match of football, 2001

The French ban of Islamic women's face coverings goes into effect, 2011

Fossilized dinosaur eggs complete with embryos are found in China, 2013

European Union leaders agree to allow a six month extension for Brexit after UK leaders fail to reach a consensus, 2019


  1. Sleep IS amazing. And yes adulthood can be v scary.

  2. I do hope Carl's family had a great Easter get together. You did all you could to help. I used to work with a woman who thought pulling into the company parking lot at 8:05 counted for being on time. In the meantime I had to do the 10 minutes of her job while she finally got in and took off her coat and got her coffee!

  3. The before and after shots are amazing! Running late is just the way some people are. Mom is always on the early side and can't stand being late. It is really kind of rude for people to be late without a good reason, but Carl is his own reason,LOL!

  4. Carl is always good for yet another chapter :D

  5. I love the before and after shots two. You rock and I love hearing about Carl. I just love him. He's most entertaining.

    Love all the late funnies. I was always the one that was early. Just in my DNA.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

  6. Hope you are writing your book about Carl ~
    Fun comics about 'being late' ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Those after photos are amazing and Carl is a hoot. Those were fun funnies, love that last one!

  8. thecontemplativecat here. We have a bedroom that gets cleaned and then slowly builds up another collection of stuff. We were never late, Dad sat outside in the car waiting for the 6 of us use our only bathroom to clean up. He wasn't going to be late---he wanted to be first at church.

  9. So enjoyed reading. Life sounds fun in your world. I use to clean for all the families to come at holidays, and then wonder why when I peered around after everyone left. lol Had all to do again. But, I sure did all the company.

  10. Having a clean room makes a happy day! Looks like it just needed tidying up. Some places I've seen... oh my.

  11. It's true, sleep is amazing. I had a boss once who would note every single second a person was late for a shift but thought nothing of turning up late herself.

  12. M&Ms in space? Who knew! Carl is quite the character. I love hearing about his misadventures. The after photos looked so nice.

  13. What an amazing transformation!
    I hate being late. But I loved those funnies!

  14. Your before and after shots are proof positive you are truly a miracle worker! :) LOVED all the funnies! My sister has always been notoriously late - no matter how long it took to get somewhere, she'd finally leave at the time she was supposed to *be* there. We learned to tell her she needed to be somewhere much earlier than she did, so she'd end up being there on time. ;)


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