
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Just What I Don't Need to See (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday, an A to Z Post


To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.     


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, BeThere2Day, and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Teresa.     

This week’s prompt list is:






Additional words (should you wish to use them.)






Charlotte/Mother Owl's color of the month is Reseda Green (a grayish green).

"They want TIME CLOUDS?"

Veelan was incredulous.

"I had a difficult enough time coming up with a ROSE RIVER.  Which the dwellers there cannot detect, and which functions as a river for them."

"Consider yourself the LUCKY recipient of a choice assignment," Miaka said mildly.

"The only luck," Veelan said with a bite, "is that my KNIFE of silence is locked up at the moment, or I might want to use it."

"On me, or on yourself?" Miaka was smiling.

"You know better, I'd probably run toward the counsel room."  Veelan looked down, then looked back up with a pained expression.

"I'm afraid it's IMPOSSIBLE.  I'm an ARTISAN, and my COINS are the fanciful and the beautiful, not the technical.  I think they're holding me over a FIRE on this one and I will get burned."

"And there lies the problem, you are afraid," Miaka said gently.

Veelan looked down.  Then looked up and said, "Yes, I am.  This one is too deep."

"Bulin is to help you, he is the technical advisor.  You are the artist.  The clouds are to be, not the usual gray the dwellers see, but a greenish gray.  I believe they used the term, 'Reseda Green.'  You are familiar with that shade in the dwellers vision, I am sure."

"Yes, I am," Veelan said heavily.  Then another sigh.  "Bulin will be making sure the time aspect works?"

"Yes, and Bulin is the best technician, just as you are the best artist."

"Tell them I make no guarantees."

"I will tell them, and I thank you for taking this, as I was the one who recommended you to do this.  I have great faith in what you and Bulin can do together."

"Remind me to thank you with what the dwellers might refer to as a 'spanking.'

Miaka laughed.  "You'd have to catch me first, and you have work to begin."


Today is:

Big Wind Day -- anniversary of the strongest natural wind ever recorded on the earth's surface, at Mount Washington, NH, US; the wind gusts reached 231 mph

D.E.A.R. Day (a/k/a Drop Everything And Read) -- sponsored by the ALA, on Bevery Cleary's birth anniversary 

Eat All Your Snacks Before the Movie Even Starts Day -- with all the ads before the movie, doesn't that happen anyway?

Festival of Cerealia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (seven-day public and private festival for Ceres)

Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

Halifax Day -- North Carolina, US (anniversary of the resolution adopted authorizing voting for independence in 1776)

International Day for Street Children    

National Licorice Day     

Sinhala & Tamil New Year's Eve -- Sri Lanka

St. Sabas' Day (Patron of Lectors, torture victims)

St. Zeno's Day (Patron of anglers, children learning to speak, children learning to walk, fishermen, newborn babies; city and diocese of Verona, Italy)

Walk on Your Wild Side Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, a day in which to do something no one would expect from you

Yuri's Night -- International (Commemoration of first human in space, Yuri Gagarin)

     Cosmonaut's Day -- Russia

     International Day of Human Space Flight -- UN

Birthdays Today:

Saoirse Ronan, 1994

Riley Smith, 1982

Claire Danes, 1979

Sarah Jane Morris, 1977

Nicholas Brendon, 1971

Shannen Doherty, 1971

Nick Hexum, 1970

Art Alexakis, 1962

vince Gill, 1957

Andy Garcia, 1956

David Cassidy, 1950

Tom Clancy, 1947

Dan Lauria, 1947

David Letterman, 1947

Ed O'Neill, 1946

Herbie Hancock, 1940

Dennis Banks, 1937

Tiny Tim, 1930

Ann Miller, 1923

Beverly Cleary, 1916

Henry Clay, 1777

Lyman Hall, 1724

Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism, BC599

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"21 Jump Street"(TV), 1987

"Your Hit Parade"(Radio), 1935

"Madame Bovary"(Publication date), 1857

"Oberon, or The Elf King's Oath"(Weber opera), 1826

"The Tatler"(Journal, first edition), 1709 Note:  this original version of a publication with the name lasted only two years

Today in History:

Constantinople falls to the Fourth Crusade, temporarily ending the Byzantine Empire, 1204

The formal inquest of Galileo by the Inquisition begins, 1633

The first edition of Tatler Magazine is published in London, 1709

The American Civil War begins at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, 1861

George C Blickensderfer patents a portable typewriter, 1892

Pierre Prier makes the first nonstop flight from London to Paris, in 3h 56m, 1911

Sir Frank Whittle ground-tests the first jet engine designed to power an aircraft, at Rugby, England, 1937

The strongest surface wind gust ever measured, 231 mph, at Mount Washington, New Hampshire, 1943

The Salk vaccine is declared safe and effective, 1955

Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human to travel into outer space, 1961

Samuel Doe takes over Liberia in a coup d'etat, ending 130 years of peaceful and democratic presidential successions, 1980

The first launch of a space shuttle, the Colombia, 1981

The Euro Disney Resort officially opens (now Disneyland Paris), 1992

Canter & Siegel post the first commercial mass Usenet spam, 1994

Zimbabwe officially abandons the Zimbabwe Dollar as their currency, 2009

Following the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, Japan raises the crisis level to 7, equal to the disaster in Chernobyl, 2011

The new drug, ABT-450, with a 90-95% success rate for treating Hepatitis C, is announced, 2014

Scientists and internet entrepreneurs, including Yuri Milner, Stephen Hawking, and Mark Zuckerberg, announce a joint interstellar project to send a robot spacecraft to Alpha Centauri, 2016

In an attempt to stabilize world oil prices, OPEC and several major oil companies agree to the largest-ever drop in production, 2020

According to industry officials, 80% of France's vineyards are affected by the worst frost condition in half a century, 2021


  1. I am looking forward to seeing your take on the prompts.
    Pants optional? Shudder. Not here.

  2. LOL now that made me laugh heheh! :-) :-)

    Have a pantstastic week 👍

  3. I definitely want pants this morning. it's way too chilly without my sweats! As the day goes on, I might rethink my options. :) Heck, I didn't know it was National Licorice Day. I could've saved my licorice jelly beans the Easter Bunny left just for this occasion. lol

  4. Pants are optional? Bwahahahahahaha. I don't want to go there.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug. ♥

  5. I guess if you're working from home, MAYBE pants are optional. But otherwise, no. LOL

  6. Actually, celebrating grilled cheese sandwich day sounds like a good idea. There are sooo many options. Have a blessed week.

  7. Oh hah! If at home pajamas or not could be optional....BUT at work eeeek.

  8. I wonder what kind of office that is? :)

  9. Yikes! Pants mandatory! Those was a good story.

  10. I do love your take on Teresa's prompts.

  11. I really like your story. Easy to get lost in! Thanks for stopping by.
    T. Powell Coltrin @

  12. What a good take on the prompts! I hope we get mort of this in the coming weeks. Thanks for using my colour. And stupid me read your story before writing my own. Time clouds is all I can think of now ;)

  13. Intriguing story which I missed yesterday because I went to play with the twins.

  14. Great story. I'm guessing the pants refer to what we call trousers, not pants as in underwear!

  15. I want that sign for my daughter!
    Great job on the story! Drew me right in!

  16. Hi - loved the story and well done for including Charlotte's colour ... I must remember to include it - cheers Hilary


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