
Friday, May 19, 2023

Cat Whisperer (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins


Feline Friday was originally started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude (who no longer blogs), and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.

He handed hosting duties off to Sandee at Comedy Plus, and now she's entrusting it to me.  Wish me luck!  

Feline Friday is simple to join.  All you have to do is: Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (they may be silly or cute).  Then add your link!

One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do.  So come and join us in Feline Friday.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!

Louella had come in to the shelter the day before, and was not happy.  She stayed in her carrier and wouldn't come out.  Then our adoptions manager and resident cat whisperer went in the room with her, and it was magic.


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. _________ always gives me a headache.

2. Ten years ago, I was _________.

3. _________ is the reason I haven't yet _________.

4. I prefer _________, but I also don't mind _________.

1. Sleeping in the wrong position  always gives me a headache.

2. Ten years ago, I was   still raising teenagers.

3. Needing the money  is the reason I haven't yet   retired.

4. I prefer   real books,   but I also don't mind   having a few on an E-reader for when I'm not at home.


Today is:

Bike to Work Day 2023 -- the League of American Bicyclists have urged you to celebrate this day the third Friday of May ever since 1956   

Boy's Club Day -- founding in 1906

Celebrate Your Elected Officials Day 2018 -- unless you don't like them, then get to work electing better ones; if you know of a good one, take time today to thank her/him

Circus Day -- the four Ringling Brothers opened their first circus on this day in 1884

Endangered Species Day     

Greek Genocide Remembrance Day -- Greece

International Virtual Assistants' Day -- acknowledging the dedication, experience, expertise, and determination of virtual professionals    

May Ray Day -- to celebrate being able to go out into the sun's rays as summer nears

National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day -- US (information at Banyan Tree Project)

National Defense Transportation Day -- US (remembering the contributions of people working in the transportation industries)

National Devil's Food Cake Day

National Pizza Party Day -- as declared by Garlic Jim's Famous Gourmet Pizza, on the 3rd Friday of May; Garlic Jim's holds a contest for school students to nominate their favorite teacher, and the winning teacher gets a free pizza party for the class on this day

New England's Dark Day*

Plant Something Day -- because it's fun, and summer is coming so you can!

Praia Municipal Day -- Praia, Cape Verde

St. Dunstan of Canterbury's Day (Patron of armourers, blacksmiths, blind people, gold workers and smiths, jewelers, lighthouse keepers, locksmiths, musicians, silver workers and smiths, swordsmiths; Charlottetown, PEI, Canada)

St. Peter Celestine's Day (Patron of bookbinders; Aquila, Italy)

Yom Yerushalayim -- Israel (Jerusalem Day; began sunset yesterday, ends sunset today)

Youth and Sports Day / Commemoration of Atatürk -- North Cyprus; Turkey

Anniversary Today:

Eric Clapton marries Pattie Boyd, 1979

Birthdays Today:

Rachel Appleton, 1992

Jordon Pruitt, 1991

Eric Lloyd, 1986

Kevin Garnett, 1976

Kyle Eastwood, 1968

Grace Jones, 1952

Joey Ramone, 1951

Archie Manning, 1949

Andre the Giant, 1946

Pete Townshend, 1945

Nora Ephron, 1941

James Fox, 1939

Francis R. Scobee, 1939

David Hartman, 1937

James Lehrer, 1934

Malcolm X, 1925

Ho Chi Minh, 1890

Nancy Astor, 1879

Johns Hopkins, 1762

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith(Film), 2005

Smokey and the Bandit,(Film)oikRoom Service"(Play), 1937

Gone With The Wind(Publication date), 1936

"L'heure espagnole / How They Keep Time in Spain"(Ravel comédie musicale), 1911

Today in History:

Jacques Cartier sets sail on his second voyage to North America, 1535

Anne Boleyn is beheaded, 1536

Queen Elizabeth I orders the arrest of Mary, Queen of Scots, 1568

French forces under the duc d'Enghien decisively defeat Spanish forces at the Battle of Rocroi, marking the symbolic end of Spain as a dominant land power, 1643

The Long Parliament declares England a Commonwealth, and England remains a republic for the next 11 years, 1649

King George II of Great Britain grants the Ohio Company a charter of land around the forks of the Ohio River, 1749

*A combination of thick smoke and heavy cloud cover causes complete darkness to fall on Eastern Canada and the New England area of the United States at 10:30 A.M, 1780

Napoleon Bonaparte founds the Légion d'Honneur, 1802

Mexico ratifies the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo thus ending the Mexican-American War and ceding California, Nevada, Utah and parts of four other modern-day U.S. states to the United States for $15 million USD, 1848

Jan Matzeliger begins the first mechanized shoe production, 1885

Oscar Wilde is released from Reading Gaol, 1897

White women win the right to vote in South Africa, 1930

Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind is published, 1936

Churchill and Roosevelt set May 1, 1944 as their goal date for D-Day (it had to be delayed over a month because of weather), 1943

The Soviet Venera 1 becomes the first man-made object to fly-by another planet by passing Venus, 1961

Croatians vote for independence, 1991

The Sierra Gorda Biosphere, the most ecologically diverse region in Mexico, is established as a result of grassroots efforts, 1997

Hundreds of Albert Einstein's scientific papers, personal letters and humanist essays were make available on the Internet. Einstein had given the papers to the Hebrew Universtiy of Jerusalem in his will, 2003

A rare 19th century torpedo is discovered off the coast of California by the US Navy dolphins, 2013

UK inflation is recorded as a negative for the first time since 1960, 2015

EgyptAir flight MS804 goes missing over the Mediterranean on route Paris to Cairo, 2018

Greenhouse gas emissions dropped 17% worldwide in April 2020 when most of the world was in lockdown according to a study, 2020

According to a major new study, environmental pollution caused by “obesogen" toxins is having a significant effect on the obesity crisis, 2022


  1. We have much more trouble getting the cats into a carrier than getting them out again. I also prefer 'real books'.

  2. Aww! glad the whisperer managed to give some confidence to Louella 👍

    Have a whispertastic weekend and thanks for hosting 👍

  3. I am glad the manager was able to get Louella to relax. I hope she settles in well, but also hope she won't be there for too long.

  4. Glad to see that the kitty relaxed a little bit.

  5. I am with you when it comes to real books and E-books!

  6. If all the books were laid side by side on the floor; there would be many books to clear up and put on the shelves again.

    The books I write are edible - food for the soul.

    God bless.

  7. We glad Louella got more comfortable. Great Fill-in answers.

  8. I'm so glad the manager was able to get to Louella. Great fill ins and I hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Louella is beautiful. I hope she can get a forever home soon. Thank you for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am the same way about books, in a pinch I will use my Kindle. :) XO

  10. Real books over ebooks for sure, just ask Amber! LOL Awwww Louella is gorgeous, and we're hoping that her purrfect home comes along asap! Happy Friday to mew all and we hope mew have an epic weekend!

  11. Oh, I much prefer my eReader, mostly because I always read library books and hated how they smelled like smoke, were written on, and were smeared with food stains.

  12. Some people just have a way with animals. :) I prefer print books as well, but I'm also open to e-books or audiobooks occasionally when I can't find or don't have time for the print format. Have a great weekend. :)

  13. That has to be pretty scary for poor Louella. Those were good fill-in answers!

  14. I "whispered" a neighbour's cat out of his carrier almost a year ago now, she had taken him to the vet and he didn't want to come out once he was home. It took me almost an hour lying on the floor talking to him and petting him, he died soon after from kidney failure.
    I'm glad Louella came out to enjoy her bigger space.
    My Lola goes into her carrier but at the vet doesn't want to come out, so now we just open the lid and treat her that way. One back home she bolts out super fast.

  15. Glad Louella relaxed a bit ~ great 'cat whisper' ~ Xo ~ great fill-ins ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter, and love,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Awesome fill-in answers, Mimi. That's so wonderful about Louella. Hooray for your cat whisperer (every shelter should be so lucky as to have at least one). :)

  17. Everything you do over here is great! I am scatter brained missing last week's fill in's but I did post mime from two weeks ago. Oh much to do and so much going on! It hurts my heart when I hear about kittens overflowing shelters. It seems no one wants to be responsible. Poor pets suffer if they can not find homes. All your input here brings me joy and sometimes tears too happy & sad ones. It is always my pleasure to be here.

  18. Lazy cat day at this house but I shared him here so he is happy that he is a celebrity daydreaming on the love seat. I am running backward somedays. But I do what I need to most days! Grandkids, events, laundry, it all adds up. I am most grateful for all of it. Hope your week is blessed and beautiful.

  19. Some people just have that spirit about them. Animals feel it!
    I sure wish I could figure out what gives me headaches! ;)


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