
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Contentment (Six Sentence Story)


You know the honeymoon's over, she thought shaking her head with a grin, when you hear him say that.

He'd just called out from the bedroom, "Don't flush, I need to go, too, and I'll do it," while she was on the loo.

Coming out of the bathroom, she looked at her husband of almost 40 years, bed hair sticking up and a bit of a tummy pudge, then looked down and realized what she must have looked like just getting out of bed (she never looked in the mirror before her morning coffee).

They'd just been to a wedding the day before, the young couple fit, trim, beautiful, and she remembered their own wedding photo, on the wall of the hallway just outside the bedroom.

Would I trade places, she thought, go back to being young and with all of life ahead?

On his way to the bathroom he stopped and gave her a hug and as she felt the familiarity of the embrace she thought, not for the world.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Flush.      



  1. Oh such a 'loved filled' story ~ well done ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Beautiful ending. Good advice not to look in the mirror before the morning coffee.

  3. Well, if we could go back and end up with the same person, in love, happy... hmmm. I might be tempted. Well written, the contentment comes through!

  4. Ah, that's a lovely story. You captured something really special there.

  5. Aye...Not for the world, Mimi.

  6. really enjoy your weaving of fact and fiction in these Sixeseses this week.
    and the cool thing, is that we all get glimpses into (each other's) worlds and life when this approach to 'writing fiction' is taken.

  7. This just brought tears today! Beautiful!


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