
Saturday, May 27, 2023

Raises and Kittens and Other Such Things, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Last Saturday, Jock arrived for his visit, and this Thankful Day sees me thankful i'm holding up.

Added to my usual work schedule is three short walks before i leave for work (i get to work most days at 6am) and several longer walks after work.

I'm thankful Sweetie walks him while i'm at work.

Jock is also behaving better and listening to me better most of the time and i'm very thankful for this.  I am training him to sit and stay when a car drives past instead of lunging at it and trying to chase it, also the same with bikes and people walking past.

It's quite a bit harder when the people going past have a dog, and i'm thankful i was able to hold him one when the other dog got away from the owner and came charging our way.  Thankfully the other dog stopped on the other side of the street and they just had a barking contest until the owner caught up to him.

#2 Son and His Bride forgot to bring Jock's food bowl and a couple of other items, i'm thankful i was able to pick them up at the pet store this week.

When they dropped the dog off, #2 Son told me two hours before the wedding, he got a call from the owner of the company he works for telling him to be in his office the next morning at 10am.

#2 Son said, "You realize I'm getting married in two hours, right?"

The boss acknowledged the fact, and still said he expected to see him at 10am.

When #2 Son showed up, the gist of the message was he was being entrusted with more responsibility in the company and given a nice raise.

That news almost makes it worth having to get up earlier than you planned the day after your wedding, and we're all thankful for the good news.

Brother-in-Law has back trouble and hates wearing a belt to keep his pants up, it puts pressure on his back.  He bought suspenders.  I'm thankful they came in and thankful Sweetie and i between the two of us were able to get them adjusted and show him how to get them on and adjusted.  Somehow the lesson had escaped him!

Ms. JAI has finally called and i was most thankful to hear from her.  Her daughters came, moved her into her new place, and cleared out her house and have it up for sale, a very thankful thing.  She's mourning the loss of her home of over 50 years, but her new place is lovely (i'll have some pictures tomorrow for Sunday Selections).

I'm thankful her recent falls haven't caused her any lasting harm, that she can rest up and get stronger now the move is over and her daughter is handling the house selling, and i can start going over and helping her.  I think once she falls in love with the new place, or at least in like with it, she'll enjoy being there and it's certainly going to be easier to keep clean.

Ms. GA and Mr. BA have a new cat!  They heard a kitten crying across the street at the corning house, and Ms. GA pulled out her trap.  The baby was so small he was too light to trip it, so she fed him up for a few days to put some meat on his little bones (although he wouldn't let her touch him) and finally he did spring the trap and get brought in the house and put in the bathroom.

He's adapting well and was taken to the vet yesterday where we're very thankful he got a clean bill of health.  It looks like Abigail, Ruth(less), Oliver Twist, Little Orphan Annie, Puddin', Louis, Alice and Sunshine will have a little Buddy joining them.

The shelter is also bursting with kittens, and we're thankful for two new fosters who between them took 8 kittens to be raised where they can get more individualized care.  The babies will come back when they weigh about 2.5lb/1.15kg to be fixed and put up for adoption.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Abolition Day -- Guadeloupe; Saint Martin

ARMAD: Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day -- US ("Ham it up for the troops!" is the motto of amateur ham radio operators on the Saturday before Memorial Day)   

Buttercup Day -- an internet holiday that just sounds fun

Cellophane Tape Day -- patented this date in 1930

Children's Day -- Nigeria (a school holiday)

FindleFritter's Stoat-Wheedling Event -- Fairy Calendar

International Blacksmith's Day   

International Jazz Day -- date as originally set by the New Jersey Jazz Society, on the Saturday before US Memorial Day

Julia Pierpont Day -- US (she came up with Decoration Day, the precursor to US Memorial Day; spend time today to prepare veterans' graves for Memorial Day)

Mother's Day -- Bolivia

National Grape Popsicle Day

Pop-up Toaster Day -- Charles Strite applied for his patent on the first pop-up toaster on this day in 1919

St. Augustine of Canterbury's Day (Roman Catholic Church observance; Patron of England)

St. Melangell's Day (Patron of hares)

Sun Screen Protection Day -- an annual, and unsponsored, reminder to use that SPF protection, every day!

Throw the B*st@rds Out Day -- originally directed at politicians, (and if you want to do that, too, great!), and celebrated on various days on various sites, but whomever is making your life miserable, toss them out!  or at least, toss them out of your thoughts for today.

Birthdays Today:

Chris Colfer, 1990

André Benjamin, 1975

Jamie Oliver, 1975

Jack McBrayer, 1973

Joseph Fiennes, 1970

Jeremy Mayfield, 1969

Todd Bridges, 1965

Pat Cash, 1965

Adam Carolla, 1964

Peri Gilpin, 1961

Richard Schiff, 1955

Bruce Weitz, 1943

Louis Gossett, Jr., 1936

Ramsey Lewis, 1935

Lee Meriwether, 1935

John Barth, 1930

Henry Kissinger, 1923

Christopher Lee, 1922

Herman Wouk, 1915

Sam Snead, 1912

Hubert H. Humphrey, 1911

Vincent Price, 1911

Dolores Hope, 1909

Rachel Louise Carson, 1907

Dashiell Hammett, 1894

Isadora Duncan, 1878

Arnold Bennett, 1867

Wild Bill Hickock, 1837

Julia Ward Howe, 1819

Amelia Bloomer, 1818

Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1794

Debuting/Premiering Today

From Russia With Love(Film). 1964

The Three Little Pigs(Disney animated short), 1933

Today in History:

Habeaus Corpus Act, codifying how the writ of habeaus corpus is to be used, passes in UK, 1679

Peter the Great founds St. Petersburg, 1703

In Bolivia, the Battle of La Coronilla, in which the women from Cochabamba  fight against the Spanish army, 1812

In Canada, American forces capture Fort George, 1813

Bubonic plague breaks out in San Francisco, California, 1907

The NC-4 aircraft arrives in Lisbon after completing the first transatlantic flight, 1919

The 1,046 feet (319 m) Chrysler Building in New York City, the tallest man-made structure at the time, opens to the public, 1930

Richard Gurley Drew receives a patent for his adhesive tape, later manufactured by 3M as Scotch tape, 1930

The Walt Disney Company releases the cartoon  The Three Little Pigs, with its hit song "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?", 1933

In California, the Golden Gate Bridge opens to pedestrian traffic, , 1937

Toronto's CHUM-AM, (1050 kHz) becomes Canada's first radio station to broadcast only top 40 Rock n' Roll music format, 1957

Australians vote in favor of a constitutional referendum granting the Australian government the power to make laws to benefit Indigenous Australians and to count them in the national census, 1967

In Culpeper, Virginia, actor Christopher Reeve is paralyzed from the neck down after falling from his horse in a riding competition, 1995

Russian President Boris Yeltsin meets with Chechnyan rebels for the first time and negotiates a cease-fire, 1996

The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, Netherlands indicts Slobodan Milosevic and four others for war crimes and crimes against humanity, 1999

The May 2006 Java earthquake strikes at 5:53:58 AM local time (22:53:58 UTC May 26) devastating Bantul and the city of Yogyakarta killing over 6,600, 2006

Scientists in Canada bring 400 year-old bryophyte specimens left behind by retreating glaciers during the Ice Age back to life, 2013

The director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde calls for "tougher regulation and tighter supervision" of the banking sector, 2014

Commercial space company SpaceX is approved as a contractor to the U.S. military for satellite launches, 2015

A research team from University of York publish a study based on 711 samples from 72 countries that shows the world's rivers are widely contaminated with antibiotics, especially in Africa and Asia, 2019

Ringo Starr's fifteenth All-Starr Band debuts in concert, 2022


  1. The new little kitty is a sweetie. How nice to get a raise right after a wedding! I'm glad you are training Jock, chasing after cars and bikes could end so badly.

  2. Lots to be thankful about - indeed lots to be joyful about. How lovely.

  3. Your son is a hard worker and has shown the trust of his boss. Thankful indeed. And another little lost cat found and saved.

  4. Wonderful series of Thankfuls ~ glad your son got a raise ~
    Sweet kitty photos ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. I'm about to go and join my kitty girl on the bed. She's snuggled up keeping warm, and I soon be doing so, reading the daily paper :)

  6. Ms. G and Mr. BA sound like nice people.I am glad they helped this cutie. Nice thankfuls. Congrats to your son on his promotion! XO

  7. Those are great thankfuls and hooray for the #2 son promotion. That wee kitten sure is a cutie!

  8. It's definitely kitten season! My oldest son recently rescued a cat that had been dumped, only to be surprised 63 days later with a kitten. (The cat was indoors the whole time since he brought her home, so must have been pregnant at the time he got her.)

  9. Delightful thankfuls and a cute cat! What's not to like?

  10. Excellent TToT*

    *like an video of an expert doing exercises (whether physical or musical or whatever) it inspires and encourages me to remember to put my all into every day.

  11. Wow! Definitely something to come in for at 10 AM the day after your wedding!
    Little cutie pie! So glad he found a loving home! I just hate to think of the little sweetie out there on his own!


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