
Friday, May 26, 2023

Through the Looking Glass, a Monthly Poetry Group Poem


It's time for the Monthly Poetry Group, hosted by Karen at Baking in a Tornado.  Participants write a poem about a topic one of us chose.  This month, yours truly chose Through the Looking Glass.  Be sure to go check out all the poems.

If I stepped through the looking glass

I wonder what I'd see.

Since everything is backward there,

would I still be me?

Would I become a night owl,

morning rituals eschew,

and would I find, to my chagrin,

I'd become left-handed, too?

Would I sleep on the wrong side

of the bed and fall in getting out?

Perhaps the dog would be walking me

while I wander all about.

Maybe the clocks would run backward

and I might younger grow

which may be good to a certain age,

but would it stop?  I don't know.

Best stay on this side of the looking glass

though it shows me older than I feel by half,

'Cause a mirror may not lie or turn back the clock,

but at least at me it does not laugh!

The other participants:

Karen at Baking in a Tornado     

Diane at On the Border     



  1. Smiling at your poem. I suspect I would like to go through the Looking Glass - so long as it remained a two way street.

  2. I'm not sure I'd like life permanently on the other side of the looking glass, but it might be a fun adventure just to see how it is.

  3. Delightful poetry ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Wonderful job! I agree. Would everything be backward on the other side?


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