
Thursday, July 27, 2023

An Ounce of Prevention (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy’s Poetry Day and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


"What are you doing?"

"Preventing the game of furniture Tetris and thus saving your back."


"Meaning I use graph paper like we used to use in math class at school, making a grid of the room to scale and putting in all the details, windows, doors, the fireplace, then cutting out pieces to scale to represent the furniture from another piece of paper, and moving them around until I figure out where I want each furniture item to go.  And yes, I know you're going to say it sounds complicated to go through all that, but would you prefer to be moving heavy furniture around over and over until I get it the way I like it?"


Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Grid.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

I can't believe it squeaked at me

when I tried to take a bite.

After all, I put everything in my mouth

as a baby, that's my right!

But now I'm not sure what to think,

should I give it a nip again?

I was told he is mine very own toy

and I want him to stay my friend.


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful our current car drama is mild by comparison to this time last year.  A part has been ordered, it's not going to be outrageously expensive, and we can drive the car just fine, including to NOLA and back, until it gets seen to next week.


Today is:

Ashura -- Islam (optional day of fasting that begins at sundown, local observances and national holidays may vary)

Barbie-in-a-blender Day -- while i get why we do it to Barbie, what did your blender do to deserve this?  originally thought of by, to defend our rights to comment on cultural icons, whether they are trademarked/copyrighted or not

Bugs Bunny Day -- the "wascally wabbit" made his debut in A Wild Hare, released on this day in 1940

Day of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus -- date on the Julian Calendar, these are the legendary saints who, upon persecution by the Emperor Decius and being walled up in a cave to die as martyrs, instead slept for over 200 (in the Koran, yes, they are mentioned there, it is 300) years; based on an even more ancient legend and the prototypes of Rip Van Winkle; related observances 

     National Sleepy Head Day -- Finland (the last person in the house to wake on this day is awakened with water, either thrown on him/her or the person is thrown into water; in honor of the story of the Saints of Ephesus)

     Seven Sleepers Day -- Ancient Latvian Calendar

     Siebenschlafer -- Germany (a weather prognostication day, if it rains today, there will be rain for seven weeks more)

Iglesia Ni Cristo Day -- Philippines

Ipip Festival -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (festival for working on the king's tomb; date approximate)

Jose Celso Barbosa Day -- Puerto Rico

National Blunt Object Day -- this one is just weird, and no one wants to take the blame for starting it, either

National Chili Dog Day

National Creme Brulee Day 

National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day -- US

National Scotch Day

Over-The-Moon Night (Cows and Spoons) -- Fairy Calendar

St. Pantaleon's Day (Patron of bachelors, physicians, torture victims; against tuberculosis)

Take Your Houseplants For a Walk Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, which claims doing this will orient them to their position on the earth and make them healthier (some websites mistakenly call it take your pants for a walk day!)

Tisha B'Av -- Judaism (began sunset yesterday, through sunset today)

Victory Day -- North Korea

Walk on Stilts Day -- at your own risk always; sponsored by Bill "Stretch" Coleman, the Nine Foot Clown, who encourages everyone to walk on stilts to foster a chance to develop self-confidence, master balance and coordination, enjoy the challenge, and celebrate daring accomplishments at all ages

War Martyrs' and Invalids' Day -- Vietnam

Birthdays Today

Ashlyn Sanchez, 1996

Cheyenne Kimball, 1990

Courtney Kupets, 1986

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, 1977

Alex Rodriguez, 1975

Maya Rudolph, 1972

Triple H, 1969

Julian McMahon, 1968

Maureen McGovern, 1949

Peggy Fleming, 1948

Betty Thomas, 1947

Bobbie Gentry, 1944

James Victor, 1939

Gary Gygax, 1938

Jerry Van Dyke, 1931

Norman Lear, 1922

Leo Ernest Durocher, 1905

Joseph Bert "Joe" Tinker, 1880

José Celso Barbosa, 1857

Alexandre Dumas, fils, 1824

Queen Hatshepsut, BC1508

Today in History

Siward, Earl of Northumbria invades Scotland to support Malcolm Canmore against Macbeth of Scotland, who usurped the Scottish throne from Malcolm's father, King Duncan; Macbeth is defeated at Dunsinane, 1054

Jesuit priest Francis Xavier's ship reaches Japan, 1549

The English Parliament passes the second Navigation Act requiring that all goods bound for the American colonies have to be sent in English ships from English ports, 1663

A Royal Charter is granted to the Bank of England, 1694

The Russian Navy defeats the Swedes atthe Battle of Grengam, 1720

The first U.S. federal government agency, the Department of Foreign Affairs, is established (later renamed Department of State), 1789

Robespierre is finally arrested, 1794

The Atlantic Cable is successfully completed, allowing transatlantic telegraph communication for the first time, 1866

Researchers at the University of Toronto led by biochemist Frederick Banting announce the discovery of the hormone insulin, 1921

The animated short A Wild Hare is released, introducing the character of Bugs Bunny, 1940

RMS Titanic, Inc. begins the first expedited salvaging of wreckage of the RMS Titanic, 1987

A pipe bomb explodes at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, GA, US, during the Summer Olympics, 1996

Photograph negatives purchased at a garage sale prove to be early works by photographer Ansel Adams, 2010

The first Przewalski’s horse (whose wild populations were believed extinct in 1969) to be conceived via artificial insemination is born at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute as part of a worldwide effort to rebuild the wild herds, 2013

Fiat Chrysler is fined a record $105 million by US regulators over their number of car recalls, 2015

US congressman John Lewis becomes the first African American lawmaker to lie in state in the Rotunda in Washington D.C., 2020

Triathlete Flora Duffy claims an historic first ever Olympic gold medal for Bermuda in the women's event at the Tokyo Games, 2021

A diamond mine in Angola announces the discovery of the "Lulo Rose," a 170-carat pink diamond thought to be the largest found in the last 300 years, 2022


  1. Definitely touche.
    Smiling at your poem - and glad that your car drama is relatively minor.

  2. I used to do that furniture placement paper planning but too often what looked good on paper just didn't look good in the actual room.

  3. Good news about the car. And I love the picture of that beautiful house with that stucco fence and the Beautiful Moss hanging down out of the tree.

  4. Mom needs to see things for real to really know if it works or not. Some people are just fine with a diagram on paper. Car trouble is the pits. Hope your part comes in and you are fixed up and ready to roll quickly.

  5. The furniture planner! A blast from the past!

  6. Excellent strategy. (And, if no graph paper available... a couple of old blankets. Tip the furniture on it's side on the blanket and pull. Only works on wood or tile floors. Wall-to-wall, not so much.)
    Fun Six

  7. A very sensible way to plan a room! The poem is SO cute!

  8. Sweet poem ~ great fence photo and glad you car will not be expensive to fix ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. That's a wise back-saving story, a good poem and a really good thankful too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Nice story and poem. And wonderful thankfuls. XO

  11. I heard that "Barbie in a Blender" started in Australia and the idea was making barbecue sauce in the blender--but the dolls were too tempting!

  12. While the grid method makes sense, mine seems to be the "push and pull" it around until it works, lol
    What is cuter than a puppy and poem to match!
    Excellent news about the car.

  13. Found you through GirlieOnTheEdge blog party! Enjoyed your reasoning regarding furniture moving :) Though, I quite enjoy moving the furniture five times, only to put it back in the original spot.

  14. All your poems and stories are terrific ! I love the furniture layout too. Saves backs from aching. Car woes are hard to deal with, glad you don't have a huge expensive. Thanks for all you do.

  15. You have so many time saving ideas, you're a great writer and poet. Love the fences and I forget to snap photos. I am going to get my big camera out and shot some fences. Lots of cool ones in our neighborhood. Thank you for all you do here. Have a great weekend.

  16. Fun times doing house planning by gridded paper--I suppose t j.g ere'sxan app for that now, though. Adorable er puppy poem, too!

  17. Great fence, I'd forgotten all about furniture planning, thanks for the reminder as I really want to rearrange my sitting room but just don't have the energy to start humping furniture around xxx

  18. My son was the first person I saw use that graph-paper technique. Brilliant!
    So glad you're not having moderate to severe car troubles this year!


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