
Friday, July 28, 2023

It Bugs Me, a Monthly Poetry Group Poem


It's time for the Monthly Poetry Group, hosted by Karen at Baking in a Tornado.  Participants write a poem about a topic one of us chose.  This month, Karen chose Bugs.  Be sure to go check out all the poems.

"I love to study etymology"

I told my dearest friend.

She bought me an ant farm to study,

it drove me around the bend!

I tried to explain the mistake to her,

how an "n" makes it a different word,

she thinks I'm being picky

and too much of a word nerd.


My job is in entomology,

I really think it's cool,

I get to work with lots of bugs

and teach about them in school.

But one thing really gets me,

people asking what different words mean,

I'd yell, "I'm not a walking dictionary!"

but I don't want to cause a scene.

The other participants:

Karen at Baking in a Tornado     

Diane at On the Border     



  1. Smilling at your clever poems - which I suspect posted earlier than you planned.

  2. What sweet little kittens! I love them all. I hope they go to their furever homes very, very soon. Until then they have each other.

  3. You've embraced the topic AND the bugs. Perfect!

  4. Minnow and Guppy what wonderful names. Love them.
    Thanks for hosting today FF
    Hugs and happy weekend

  5. Precious kittens. Thank you for hosting Feline Friday. Love your Friendly Fill In answers too. Have a blessed weekend.

  6. Minnow and Guppy are precious. Aw... Ben too. Hard to catch kittens not in action. heeeeheee Love all your fill in answers. Thank you for being here, I know how busy your days are. God Bless You!

  7. Such clever poems! You word-ie, you!

  8. I like to study entomology (moth and butterfly features on my blog!) in books or on the Internet, but the mere thought of an ant farm makes me itchy! Ick!


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