
Saturday, August 26, 2023

A Happy Habit, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Even though the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop is taking a summer break this month, it's no reason for me to skip out on keeping my list each week and posting it.

It's one of my "happy habits."

Another "happy habit" is rEcess, and i'm thankful we got the email letting us know the upcoming schedule.  It's getting close!

I am most thankful i had my key to Grandma and Grandpa's house with me, on the lanyard on my work apron, when i was there last week.  Uncle J accidentally locked me out of the house while i was watering the plants.  Although it might have been funny to call the house from the back yard for a rescue, now i think about it.

Speaking of calls, i was thankful for a call from Red-headed Alec, my "foster son."  It seems he and his sweetheart are expecting again.  Lee is going to be a big brother!

There was a power outage over a large swath of our area, and while it didn't happen here, it did at Ms. JAI's house.  I had already gotten her new Kaboom Toilet Cleaning System i ordered and bought her the A/C filters she needed, so i was thankful she let me come over anyway to at least drop those things off.

On the way over, i thought to myself, what if her electricity comes on while i'm there?  In fact, i'd brought my cleaning supplies just in case.

Guess what?  Of course, her electricity came on just as i was about to leave, so i stayed and cleaned the toilets and mopped floors and got the toilet cleaning system installed and the A/C filter changed.

My Tuesday morning was spent "putting out fires."  I was thankful to meet up with #1 Son at Kevin and Lenny's so he could get an oil change in his car.

Charismatic Enigma SissyCat was overgrooming again, so i was thankful to get her to the vet for the usual shots which take care of the problem.

The evening was spent at a ladies' meeting for church, and i'm thankful i was there.  It was a leaders' meeting for all who chair or teach at a circle, and i was invited because Ms. V teaches and hates driving, especially at night, so i am her chauffeur.  While there, i was most thankful to speak to the group about coordinating meals for rEcess this year, something that's not been easy the last couple of years because i didn't have all their contact information or an easy way to set up a system.

#2 Son and His Bride came by on Wednesday to pick up mail and he said, "Oh, and I have to go check on my beaver head."  I'm thankful they came by as well as thankful i don't go snooping into his taxidermy stuff in the back yard.

Ms. G is well and we were thankful to get a good bit done at her place, all but about 15 minutes of it indoors.

When i arrived at Ms. SE's on Thursday, i was thankful i noticed the outdoor freezer had been left open.  I'd have hated for them to come home and find everything defrosted.

Friday evening was icing on the cake.  Two people had brought in orphaned kittens, and there were fosters coming to pick them up.  Meanwhile, i'm thankful i was able to lend a hand and get a couple of the smaller ones to eat.  They needed to be pottied and warmed up a bit was all, it was a delight to be able to handle and feed such littles again.

Even if we're on a hiatus, please feel free to list your own thankfuls on your blog or in the comments.  Sharing the thankful things brings more reasons to be thankful!


Today is:

Be Kind to Humankind Week: Speak Kind Words Saturday 

Birthday of Set -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Heroes Day -- Namibia

Ilmatar Day -- Finland (Water Mother, goddess of the heavens)

International Bat Night -- through tomorrow, go enjoy these wonderful creatures; or

Make Your Own Luck Day -- for those who refuse to sit around and wait for it

National Cherry Popsicle Day

National Day of Repentance -- Papua New Guinea

National Dog Day -- sponsored by the Animal Miracle Foundation 

St. Adrian of Nicodemia's Day (Patron of butchers, prison guards, soldiers; against plague)

Women's Equality Day -- US (commemorates Women's Suffrage)

Yoshida no Hi Matsuri -- Yoshida, Japan (fest to mark the end of Mt. Fuji climbing season; through tomorrow)

Birthdays Today:

Chris Pine, 1980

Macaulay Culkin, 1980

Christopher Burke, 1965

Branford Marsalis, 1960

Leon Redbone, 1949

Ben Bradlee, 1921

Mother Teresa, 1910

Albert Bruce Sabin, 1906

Christopher Isherwood, 1904

Peggy Guggenheim, 1898

Lee de Forest, 1873

Albert "Bertie" von Saksen-Coburg-Gotha, husband of queen Victoria, 1819

Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, 1743

Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, 1740

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Cincinnati Reds vs. Brooklyn Dodgers Doubleheader(first MLB games televised), 1939

"Lightnin'"(Play), 1918

"Elijah"(Mendelssohn Op. 70 MWV A25), 1846

Today in History:

Michelangelo is commissioned to carve the Pieta, 1498

The Pennsylvania Ministerium, the first Lutheran denomination in North America, is founded in Philidelphia, 1748

John Fitch is granted a US patent for his working steamboat, 1791

Charles Thurber patents a typewriter, 1843

The first news dispatch by telegraph is made, 1858

Major eruption of Krakatoa, 36,000 dead, 1883

19th Amendment to the US Constitution, granting women the vote, takes effect, 1920

The first Major League Baseball game is telecast, 1939

The USSR announces the first successful test of an ICBM, 1957

The Charter of the French Language is adopted by the National Assembly of Quebec, 1977

John Paul I is elected Pope, 1978

The agreement on how to divide the Czech Republic and Slovakia is signed, 1992

Russia unilaterally recognizes the independence of the former Georgian breakaway republics Abkhazia and South Ossetia, 2008

Israel requests that Germany arrest Klaas Carel Faber, a Nazi war criminal who killed 20 Jews at Westerbork concentration camp, 2010

Burger King agrees to purchase Canadian donut chain Tim Hortons for $11.4 billion, 2014

Half a million people take part in a peace march in Barcelona after terrorist attacks, 2017

Dutch author Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, age 29, becomes the youngest to win the International Booker prize for the debut novel "The Discomfort of Evening", 2020


  1. A wonderful list - and being thankful is indeed a happy habit.

  2. I've know taxidermy folks, and yes the smell is a bit over whelming, lol.

  3. This was a happy list of thankfuls indeed. Today I'm happy that the rain came from the right direction, so that I was able to outrun a major downpour on my way back in from feeding the chickens.

  4. I enjoyed your thankfuls and I'm thankful my weeks aren't as busy as yours!

  5. Wonderful thankfuls. How kind of you to help the kittens. XO

  6. A great list of thankfuls and I'm happy you got to handle such tiny kittens and help them get off to a good start. The Kaboom toilet cleaning system is one I've never heard of.

  7. Thank you for sharing your thankfuls!

  8. Your list of Thankfuls are awesome ~ you are an angel and I am thankful for you ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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