
Saturday, August 19, 2023

Official Or Not, Here It Comes, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


The official Ten Things of Thankful Blog Hop is on a summer break this month.

That won't stop me from counting my blessings on Thankful Day.  It keeps me focused on the positives in life, and there are so many.

I needed to focus on them last Saturday when i was trying to get out the door to head to NOLA.  First i ended up knocking one of my favorite coffee cups which the kids gave me off the counter.  I'm thankful it broke into clean, large pieces instead of shattering as many of them do.  It's much safer this way, i don't have to worry about the cats stepping on a lost piece.

Then i had to stop and clean up a cat yack.  They are wonderful pets, but they do yack sometimes.  I'm thankful this was a small one and easy to find and clean up.

Because of those two mishaps, we left a few minutes late but made it to NOLA in good time, so we didn't have to stay late to finish everything, and i'm thankful for that.

Becca's mom, Ms. A, was not feeling well and didn't make it to church.  I'm thankful it didn't change our morning routine before church at all, i was able to bring Becca to Sunday school for the start of the new semester, and after i was able to take her home.

Every other Monday, i clean a shower stall at one client home that sometimes gives me fits.  It gave me a fit this past week, i'm thankful i was able to get it scrubbed to my satisfaction on the third go-around with the SoftScrub.

While i am not necessarily thankful my post of the Wednesday's Words on Tuesday was late even though it was scheduled, i am thankful i noticed and got it up as soon as i could.

As with most of the country, we've had very hot weather and working outdoors has been difficult on the rare occasions i've had to do so.  Wednesday, however, we had a wonderful slight reprieve, lower temps, lower humidity, and i'm thankful Ms. G and i were able to get all the tires aired up on the RV and truck without feeling like we were going to get heat sick.

I'm also thankful she showed me her latest new contraption, a portable hand-held air compressor with a rechargeable battery.  As often as we've had low tires and had to drive around looking for air at a gas station, i'm going to put this at the top of the list of "need to get one" items soon.

It was Ms. V's turn on Thursday, and i arrived to find Carl had the day off.  He showed up in the kitchen wanting breakfast as i was cleaning the stove and i was thankful to find he wanted to eat and get going as he was heading for a yoga class at a local park!

Carl came in a few hours later and made himself lunch and as i went to clean it up, Ms. V told me to leave it and make him do it.  He's been very grumpy with his mom and it seems this is why, she's trying to train him a bit, before he moves out to the group home situation in the next year or so, to do better about cleaning up after himself.

I'm thankful she's taking the initiative on this.  The group home he'll be moving to teaches life skills as their first course for new residents, but this is good for him as she tried to teach him these things growing up and was simply overwhelmed.  Now he is starting again to get some training and i think it will be good for him.

Ms. JAI has been needing some things and one i was able to order and have delivered.  The other i was thankful to find at the MallMart yesterday.  I was also thankful to find, at Ms. GA's house, Little Buddy was outside and when he started pestering Abigail out there, i was able to bring her indoors to get away from him.  He's certainly his own little man.

My shelter partner, Ms. M, who does rooms while i do cages, was back this week after having to work late two weeks in a row.  It was nice to have a partner again.

If you have some thankful things to share, put them in the comments below or write up a list of your own.  Even if we aren't having a linky party this month, it's still a fun thing to do and makes us all smile to read each other's lists.


Today is:

Black Cow Root Beer Float Day -- the ice cream and root beer combination was supposedly first served on this date in 1893 by Frank J. Wisner, owner of Cripple Creek Brewing, and he named it after the local Cow Mountain

Hanawa Bayashi -- Kazuno City, Japan (parades and music in the merchant's quarter, through tomorrow)

Hot & Spicy Food Day

Ibumin Earoeni Day -- Nauru (Day of the Tribes)

International Geocaching Day   

International Homeless Animals Day® -- International Society for Animal Rights   

Jeshen -- Afghanistan (Independence Day)

Manuel Luis Quezon Day -- Quezon City, Philippines

National Aviation Day -- US

National Honey Bee Day -- US  

Potato Day

St. John Eudes' Day (Patron of Baie-Comeau, Quebec, Canada)

St. Sebald's Day (a/k/a Sebaldus) (Patron of Bavaria, Germany; Nuremburg, Germany; against cold weather and freezing)

Vinalia Rustica -- Ancient Roman Calendar (Festival of Ripening Grapes)

World Humanitarian Day -- UN

World Photography Day

Birthdays Today:

Snuffleupagus (year unconfirmed)

Jennifer Morrison, 1979

Matthew Perry, 1969

LeAnn Womack, 1966

Kyra Sedgwick, 1965

Kevin Dillon, 1965

John Stamos, 1963

Adam Arkin, 1956

Cindy Nelson

Peter Gallagher, 1955

Mary Matlin, 1953

Jonathan Frakes, 1952

John Deacon, 1951

Gerald McRaney, 1948

Tipper Gore, 1948

Bill Clinton, 1946

Jack Canfield, 1944

Jill St. John, 1940

Diana Muldaur, 1938

Franklin Story Musgrave, 1935

Willie Shoemaker, 1931

Don Ho, 1930

Gene Roddenberry, 1921

Malcolm Forbes, 1919

Jimmy Rowles, 1918

Ring Lardner, Jr., 1915

Philo T. Farnsworth, 1906 (forgotten inventor of television)

Ogden Nash, 1902

Coco Chanel, 1883

George Bellows, 1882

Orville Wright, 1881

John Dryden, 1631

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Animal Clinic" and "Acrobat Ranch"(first Saturday morning children's programs, on ABC), 1950

Today in History:

The Roman Senate is compelled to elect Octavian, later Augustus Caesar, Consul, BC43

Augustus Caesar dies, 14

Crusaders defeat the Saracens in the Battle of Ascalon, 1099

Mary Queen of Scots arrives in Leith to assume the throne, 1561

Five people are executed for witchcraft in Salem, Mass., 1692

Presentation of Jacque Daguerre's new photographic process to the French Academy of Sciences, 1839

The New York Herald reports the discovery of gold in California, 1849

The first All-American Soap Box Derby is held in Dayton, Ohio, 1934

Hurricane Dianne kills 200 and does about $1 Billion in damage, 1955

Leonard Bernstein conducts his final concert, ending with Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony No. 7, 1990

Several hundred East Germans cross the frontier between Hungary and Austria during the Pan-European Picnic, part of the events which began the process of the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 1989

A series of strong storms lashes Southern Ontario spawning several tornadoes as well as creating extreme flash flooding within the city of Toronto and its surrounding communities, 2005

A team of divers discover the wreck of a Swedish warship, part of King Erik XIV's fleet, that sank in 1564 in the Baltic Sea, 2011

The monsoon rains finally ease up in Kerala State, India, where flooding has already claimed 350 lives and left 200,000+ in relief camps, 2018

Apple becomes the first US company to be valued at $2 trillion, just 2 years after it reached the value of $1 trillion, 2020

The drought in Europe uncovers river "hunger stones" which were set in rivers in warning of famine; the one in Děčín on the Elbe River, with an inscription dating from 1417, simply says "if you see me, then weep," 2022


  1. Love your list. Hooray for Carl's mama.
    I don't think you will be out of a job anytime soon though.
    I am glad that I have started to get stuck into the garden work again - even if I do need a nap afterwards.

  2. In everything give thanks to the Lord.

    God bless.

  3. What a wonderful post about you and your volunteer friend M and all you do for the critters.
    I am thankful for you and all who give their time to make the shelter animals feel loved.
    Hugs cecilia

  4. I'm thankful I have wiggle in my fingers now, lol. And it was 47 this morn. Take the cool today but watch out next week.

  5. So many things to be grateful for...I always wonder why it feels especially good to find ways to be thankful for difficulties.

  6. Call me crazy* but this 'oT seems a bit more ... not relaxed but less something**

    Our weather (southern New England) has not be so summer-like, with high temperatures... more like the Pacific Northwest (or what I imagine it is like, never having actually gone there). This week past it rained from Sunday on; today is bright, sunny and reeking of back-to-school

    have a good week
    *wait, don't
    ** why yes, I do claim to be a writer of sorts and yes, 'words and descriptions are my thing'

  7. Wow! Lady ~ you are one busy woman ~ lots of thankfuls ~ I am thankful for you ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. I always enjoy reading your thankfuls. Only you could spin cat puke into a thankful. :)

  9. Those are all terrific thankfuls. Gosh, I hope Carl is able to cope in a group home setting.

  10. I'm thankful Carl is getting some training which will help make everyone's life at least a little easier.
    I'm also thankful my sprained shoulder is healing quickly and getting dressed is no longer difficult, I spent last week in my pj's.

  11. It's never too late to start--or, in Carl's case, re-start!
    You have gotten me in the habit of looking for the blessings in things and I have one to tell you about:
    Our family was camping a couple of weeks ago. One family in a tent and the rest of us in cabins. My nine-year-old grandson (whose parents were tenting) asked if he could stay with Gramma and Grampa in their cabin for a sleep-over. Shortly after he crawled into his sleeping bag, he started feeling ill and vomited all over his bag and the floor between his bed and mine. Cleaning up was not much of a problem. Other than his sleeping bag, everything scrubbed up nicely. (Cleaning supplies and mop and bucket were right there!) I kept thinking about how difficult the cleanup would have been for his parents if he'd been staying in their tent with them! So grateful things happened the way they did!


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