
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Alligators, Water Woes and Wormholes, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

We never know what a day will bring, so I'm glad I know Who brings the day.

Yesterday was one where I had many opportunities to be glad.

I arrived at Carl's and the lights were off.  That usually means one thing, and it did.  He had another day off.

Then i got into the laundry room and felt for the light.

Picture taken with flash because, of course, no lights!

They've had trouble with this light fixture and it has apparently gotten worse.  Nothing like doing laundry in the dark, right?

But wait, there's more!

Yes, it says the water to the house is turned off.

There'd been a shower handle incident in the master bathroom.

The only way to get the water to turn off was to cut off everything except Carl's apartment.

Brother-in-Law handed me a fortune cookie.  Was this an omen?

We can deal with this, right?  Of course, we can.

No laundry today, just cleaning, and sorting.  I took the opportunity to sort through his closet and remove every item that is now too small for him to wear.  I divided the clothes that need washing into two piles, fits and doesn't fit.

His closet now only has items that fit, and it shows he only has three pair of pants and two pair of shorts.  His mom now knows what he needs.

Of course, i was not allowed to simply do the work by myself.  Carl wandered in and out at various times.

He asked how i was doing.  He told me about his dream -- an alligator that could walk and talk was trying to chase him.  He talked about the price of concert tickets.

He went back to nap, them came back to brush his teeth.  He told me he went to David's party last week and was playing a game and got stuck in a wormhole.  He asked if that had ever happened to me, and i told him that no, i've never had the misfortune of running into one of those in my treks through the galaxy.  He said he was still tired from the experience.

It would happen that he'd come in to take a shower just after i sprayed it down.  I told him to give me five minutes, then went to find him to tell him he could shower now.

"But now I'm hungry," he said, and continued pulling food out foraging for breakfast.  He made it a good one, returning to his room for the bread and jam he'd bought.  I don't know what all or how much he ate, but i can say that's very likely one of the reasons so many of his clothes don't fit any longer.  He does love his food.

He finally came in so he could shower and took his shorts and a polo shirt in there, along with socks.

Do you have your clean underwear? i asked, and grabbed a pair, handing it to him through the door.  Then i told him, don't come out until you are completely dressed!

I've been flashed by him often enough to know what happens if he doesn't have everything in there and if you are not specific in your instructions.

While tidying his kitchen, i found these.

Two red coupons.

Where did he get them?  He doesn't remember.  Why did he keep them?  Because they say, "Keep This Coupon," of course.

In honor of Carl's wormhole blues, some funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Defender's Day -- Maryland, US (marking the bombardment of Ft. McHenry, which event inspired Francis Scott Key to write "The Star Spangled Banner", current national anthem of the US)

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 2, Interdependence (sponsored by We, the World 

Gahambar Paitishahem -- Zoroastrian Calendar (five-day feast of bringing in the harvest)

International Day for South-South Cooperation -- UN

National Chocolate Milkshake Day

National Day of Encouragement -- US (no matter where you live, encourage someone today)

Paryushana Parva -- Jain (start of the 8 day festival signifying human emergence into a new world of spiritual and moral refinement and a celebration of the natural qualities of the soul; the final day is Samvatsari, the most important day and focused on forgiveness)

 Programmers Day -- Russia, and among programmers around the world (on the 256th day of the year)

     some sites call this "Thank a Programmer Day"

St. Alibe's Day (Patron of wolves; Cashel, Ireland; Emly, Ireland; Munster, Ireland)

St. Guy's Day (Patron of bachelors, epileptics, horned animals, laborers, sacristans, sextons, work horses; for protection of outbuildings, sheds, and stables; Anderlecht, Belgium; against epilepsy, hydrphobia/rabies, infantile convulsions, and rabid dogs)

Video Games Day -- an unofficially declared day for kids to thank their parents for indulging their love of games

Anniversaries Today:

Winston Churchill marries Clementine Hozier, 1908

Elizabeth Barret and Robert Browning elope, 1846

Robert Schumann marries Clara Wieck, 1840

Birthdays Today:

Emily Rossum, 1986

Jennifer Hudson, 1981

Yao Ming, 1980

Benjamin McKenzie, 1978

Amy Yasbeck, 1963

Rachel Ward, 1957

Joe Pantoliano, 1954

Peter Scolari, 1954

Gerry Beckley, 1952

Barry White, 1952

Maria Muldaur, 1943

Linda Gray, 1940

George Jones, 1931

Ian Holm, 1931

Dickie Moore, 1925

Irene Dailey, 1920

Jesse Owens, 1913

Ben Blue, 1901

Alfred A. Knopf, Sr. 1892

Maurice Chevalier, 1888

H.L. Mencken, 1880

Charles Dudley Warner, 1829

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Captain EO(3-D Film), 1986

"Taxi"(TV), 1978

"Maude"(TV), 1972

"The Monkees"(TV), 1966

"Bonanza"(TV), 1959

"Lassie"(TV), 1954

"Quadrille"(Play), 1952

"The Symphony No. 8 in E-flat major/Symphony of a Thousand"(Mahler symphony), 1910

Today in History:

Henry Hudson begins his exploration of the Hudson River while aboard the Halve Maen, 1609

The first submarine is tested in London, 1624

Turkish troops besieging Vienna are overthrown after 2 months by Poland's King Sobieski, 1683

First Black Masons Lodge is formed, 1787

Switzerland becomes a Federal State, 1848

The "Cleopatra Needle" is installed in London, 1878

Charles Leroux, world famous parachutist with 238 successful jumps, perishes in his attempted jump in the Bay of Reval, 1889

The world's first female police officer, Alice Stebbins Wells, is appointed by the LAPD, 1910

Cave paintings are discovered in Lascaux, France, 1940

Jack Kilby demonstrates the first integrated circuit, 1958

Premiere of Bonanza, the first regularly scheduled TV program presented in color, 1959

Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, 'Messiah' of the Rastafari movement, is deposed following a military coup, 1974

Indonesia is hit with an 8.1 earthquake, 1979

Hurricane Gilbert devastates Jamaica, 1988

Hong Kong Disneyland opens in Penny's Bay, Lantau Island, Hong Kong, 2005

Iran finally agrees to release U.S. hiker Sarah Shourd, arrested there in 2009, on bail and permit her to leave the country, 2010

The "Lamb of God" panels of the Ghent Altarpiece, one of the most often stolen artworks in history, are secretly removed for restoration, 2012

NASA's Voyager 1 space probe becomes the first manmade object to reach interstellar space, 2013

The Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, completes his last shift as a pilot in the RAF, and officially retires to perform Royal and community work, 2013

The discovery of the oldest known human drawing, a 73,000-year-old marking on stone found in Blombos Cave, South Africa, is published, 2018

In tribute to the late artist Christo, his unfulfilled project is completed and Paris's Arc de Triomphe is covered in fabric, 2021

Modern slavery (forced labor and forced marriages) has increased by 10 million to 50 million people in the last five years according to the UN's International Labour Organization, 2022

Lee Jung-jae, star of "Squid Game" becomes the first person from a foreign-language show to win an Emmy for best actor in a drama, 2022


  1. Batty travelled in that wormhole today - he was very glad to be home again.

  2. Carl and wormholes in one post is almost enough for one day :D Thanks for writing

  3. The cats with the carrier really made us laugh. It is probably what they wonder about. Hopefully next week at Carl's place will have a guy who goes to work and water for laundry. Simple wishes!

  4. Carl is so very entertaining. He has no boundaries and that's so very entertaining. I love Carl.

    Love all the funnies. I laughed more than once.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

  5. The keep this coupon is funny. :)

  6. Carl keeps everyone busy ~ funny wormhole comics ~
    Bless you for being you ~ a busy lady ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. That was sure a more than usual challenging day at Carl's place. Those were good funnies!

  8. I need to get Lola into her wormhole soon, I tell her she's going to the spa for a manicure which sounds a lot nicer than a trip to the vet to get her claws clipped.
    Tesseracts in Seattle!

  9. Carl plus funnies, what more could we wish for?

  10. I like your WfW story very much! I wish at times I could disappear!

  11. I love your Carl stories, but he keeps you busy doesn't he? I would like to disappear for a while. hmmm.....

  12. Youjeep busy with Carl, he is entertaining and your are so patient with him.

  13. Carl certainly keeps you on your toes, doesn't he? Thank you for entertaining us with his antics! :) Loved all the funnies!

  14. Carl keeps life interesting! Great funnies!!!


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