
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

No, Thanks Anyway (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, BeThere2Day, and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by River at Drifting Through Life.    

This week's words/prompts are:

1. threadbare

2. season 

3. disconnected 

4. everybody 

5. unusually 

6. mysteriously 


1. excruciating 

2. public 

3. safe 

4. gained 

5. roof 

6. lucky

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

Also try to include Charlotte's colour of the month if you can, it is Antique Pink for September.

She had both given up and GAINED.

She'd given up the EXCRUCIATING (to her) PUBLIC life in a fishbowl and no longer felt DISCONNECTED from EVERYBODY around her.

She'd gotten a freedom she thought she had given up forever.

Back then, going to the store wasn't an option, she'd be mobbed.  Now, she felt SAFE going out.  She could simply talk to people, go to the library, eat a meal out.

The SEASON of life which had worn her soul almost THREADBARE wasn't something she regretted, but it was something she was glad she'd chosen to leave behind.

A bit of cosmetic surgery and a change in her style of dress and hair color had altered her looks just enough to make her able to pull off disappearing from that life so suddenly and MYSTERIOUSLY.  Whenever someone looked at her for an UNUSUALLY long time and then said, "Wow, you really resemble So-and-So," she would laugh and say, "I get that a lot."

She really didn't now, not after over 10 years away from that time and place.

As she got home and under her own ROOF after a long evening's walk and some chatting with the neighbors, she realized, "I'm very LUCKY."

Looking around at her small house decorated with the Antique Pink accents and other colors she liked best, she knew she'd made the right decision.


Today is:

Defy Superstition Day -- go walk under that ladder!

Dia de los Niños Héroes -- Mexico 

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 3, Environment (sponsored by We, the World

Epulum Iovis and Lectisternia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (festival for Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva)

Festival of Lighting the Fires of Neith -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Fortune Cookie Day -- you might need one after that ladder stunt

Independence Day -- Venda (recognized within South Africa only)

International Chocolate Day -- as declared by the National Confectioners Association

National Celiac Awareness Day -- US

National Hug Your Boss Day (some claim this began in the UK, others say it was started by and is to be celebrated everywhere, but no matter what nation you live in, be careful with this holiday!  website here)  

National Peanut Day

Positive Thinking Day -- think positively that nothing bad will happen because of that ladder!

Roald Dahl Day -- it's his birth anniversary    

Runic Half Month Ken begins (illumination)

Snack-A-Pickle Time

St. John Chrysostom's Day (Patron of education, epileptics, lecturers, orators, preachers; Constantinople)

Birthdays Today:

Ben Savage, 1980

Fiona Apple, 1977

Stella McCartney, 1977

Tavis Smiley, 1964

Jean Smart, 1959

Nell Carter, 1948

Jacqueline Bisset, 1944

Peter Cetera, 1944

Bela Karolyi, 1942

David Clayton-Thomas, 1941

Fred Silverman, 1937

Richard Kiel, 1939

Judith "Miss Manners" Martin, 1938

Robert Indiana, 1928

Mel Torme, 1925

Yma Sumac, 1922

Roald Dahl, 1916

Bill Monroe, 1911

Claudette Colbert, 1903

Sherwood Anderson, 1876

John J. Pershing, 1860

Milton Hershey, 1857

Walter Reed, 1851

Clara Schumann, 1819

Cesare Borgia, 1475

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Law & Order"(TV), 1990

Divine Madness(Documentary/Comedy), 1980

"Soap"(TV), 1977

"The Muppet Show"(TV)1976

"The Rockford Files"(TV)1974

"Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?"(TV)1969

"Yesterday"(Beatles' single release), 1965

"Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Nominis/Canticle to Honor the Name of Saint Mark"(Stravinsky orchestral piece), 1956

Today in History:

The temple of Jupiter on Rome's Capitoline Hill is dedicated on the ides of September, BC509

Building begins on Hadrian's Wall, 122

St. Francis of Assisi receives stigmata, 1224

Michelangelo begins work on his statue of David, 1503

Henry Hudson reached the river that would later be named after him, 1609

NYC becomes the first capital of the US, 1788

US Government takes out its first loan from NYC banks, 1789

Six teenage military cadets known as Niños Héroes die defending Chapultepec Castle in the Battle of Chapultepec, 1847

Vermont railroad worker Phineas Gage incredibly survives a 3-foot-plus iron rod being driven through his head; the reported effects on his behavior and personality stimulate thinking about the nature of the brain and its functions, 1848

Hannibal Goodwin patents celluloid photographic film, 1898

Lusitania completes her maiden voyage, arriving in NYC, 1907

The temperature (in the shade) at Al 'Aziziyah, Libya reaches a world record 57.8*C (136.04*F), 1922

Elizabeth McCombs is the first woman elected to the New Zealand Parliament, 1933

Chiang Kai-shek elected president of the Republic of China, 1943

IBM introduces the first computer disk storage unit, the RAMAC 305, 1956

Hurricane Gilbert is the strongest recorded hurricane, based on barometric pressure, in the Western Hemisphere, 1988*

Largest anti-Apartheid march in South Africa, led by Desmond Tutu, 1989

The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted, 2007

Hurricane Ike makes landfall, damaging Galveston Island, Houston, and surrounding area, 2007

Jan van Eyck is credited as the painter of 'The three mary's at the tomb' a painting from the 1430's held in a Rotterdam museum, 2012

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the Rohingya refugee crisis is now "catastrophic" as 370,000 are confirmed to have fled Myanmar, 2018

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett makes first official visit to Egypt in a decade for talks with President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi in Sharm el-Sheikh, 2021

*Replaced by Hurricane Wilma in 2005


  1. This is a lovely story and I am so glad that she decided to escape the public eye - and was successful.

  2. Good for her - a much happier life.

  3. LMAO a no ty from me too lol :-)

    Have a doctorlesstastic week mimi 👍

  4. Sounds like she difinitely mad the right decision and I hope she continues to be happy.

  5. We would run like crazy if we saw that sign!

  6. wavez guyz…we gotta quik fazt minit two say Hi. climb ladderz, walk under em and eat cookeez ! bee well 🐟💚‼️

  7. I love that nameplate. You made me laugh out loud.

    I also love the use of the prompts. A fun story with a happy ending.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  8. Life spent under the spotlight can't be healthy. As for that sign - oh no you won't!

  9. Lol ~ fun desk sign ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. That was a really good story, hooray for her!

  11. Another great story, Mimi! As for that sign ... no way, no how. LOL

  12. Good story. Every time I read something like this I'm crazy happy I'm not famous! She most definitely ,made the right decision.Well written too, and thanks for using my colour.

  13. You can spin a story girl! Love it! I love pink so antique pinkis right up my alley. (wink wink)

  14. I would love to be able to write stories the way you do. Such a gift you have at writing.


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