
Monday, October 23, 2023

"Tocks," Accidentally (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Poetry Monday


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

While "Tocktober" Day was last Friday, it's also "Tocktober" month and here are some tocks, some of them taken because i couldn't get the animals in question to turn around for a photo.





Tripod SissyCat gave me quite "the look" when asked to pose.


Sparks is the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, who wanted us to post something positive and uplifting at the start of the week.  While she no longer blogs, i like to post an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.     


Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border Charlotte/Mother Owl participates, and now Karen at Baking in a Tornado is jumping in at least once a month, too.  Anyone else is welcome to join in the fun, just let Diane know!

This week the theme is Talk Shows.                


What used to cause great

shame has now become just the

fodder of talk shows


When asked if i watch programs they call the TV news,

i just say i don't like talk shows, the newspaper gets my views.


Daytime, nighttime, in between,

what will you find on a TV screen?

Talk shows.

On radio there are talking heads

from wake up until we seek our beds,

Talk shows.

They talk to and about celebrities,

they talk about designer cheese,

Talk shows.

Discussing the political scene,

the news on which we're not so keen,

Talk shows.

They can be scandalous, serious or funny,

but all have the goal of earning big money,

Talk shows.

When i've had my fill of the stuff,

i turn it all off and say, enough!



Today is:

Accounting Day -- promoting the profession of accounting and finance   

Canning Day -- get that harvest preserved!  on the birth anniversary of Nicholas Appert, the French chemist who devised modern canning

Chulalongokorn Day -- Thailand (Rama V Day)

Chung Yeung Festival -- China; Hong Kong; Macau (Double Ninth Festival/Ancestors' Day; date differs in other parts of Asia)

Commemoration of the Paris Peace Agreements of 1991 -- Cambodia

Day of the Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle -- Republic of Macedonia

Dia Nacional de la Aviacion -- Mexico (National Aviation Day)

Festival of Forgotten Gods -- so we don't offend anybody, i guess?

Festival of Selket and Ceremony of Thoth -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

International School Library Day   

Labour Day -- New Zealand

Liberation Day -- Libya

National Boston Cream Pie Day

National Day / Republic Day -- Hungary

National Mole Day -- US Chemists; from 6:02AM to 6:02PM, in honor of Avogadro's Number, 2023 theme, "Sherlock Molmes"     

Peniamina Gospel Day -- Niue (celebration of the conversion of the islanders to Christianity)

St. John of Capistrano's Day (Patron of judges, jurists, military chaplains)

     Swallows Depart San Juan Capistrano Day -- after today, in spite of what you think, the natives will tell you that bird is not a swallow

TV Talk Show Host Day -- the way some of them behave, do they deserve a day? Well, I guess everyone is good for something, even if only for being a bad example!  This one is for the birth anniversary of Johnny Carson, who certainly deserves recognition

Ueno Tenjin Matsuri -- Mie, Japan (festival and parade of oni gyoretsu -- demons or ogres -- dating back to the 16th century and said to halt plague, dispel illness, and ward off bad luck; through the 25th)

Birthdays Today:

Keith Van Horn, 1975

Al Leiter, 1965

Dug Flutie, 1962

Randy Pausch, 1960

Nancy Grace, 1959

"Weird" Al Yankovic, 1959

Martin Luther King III, 1957

Dwight Yoakam, 1956

Ang Lee, 1954

Michael Crichton, 1942

Pele' 1940

Chi-Chi Rodriguez, 1934

Johnny Carson, 1925

Frank Rizzo, 1920

Gertrude Ederle, 1906

Gummo Marx, 1893

Adlai Stevenson, 1835

Nicholas Appert, 1752

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The iPod, 2001

"Shadowlands"(Play), 1989

"Pippin"(Musical), 1972

"Barefoot in the Park"(Play), 1963

Dumbo(Disney animated film), 1941

"The Fred Allen Show"(Radio), 1932

"The Squaw Man"(Play), 1914

"In Old Kentucky"(Play), 1893 (ran for 27 seasons)

"Prince Igor"(Opera), 1890

Today in History:

According to the calculations of Archbishop James Ussher and based on the Bible, Creation begins, BC4004

Second Battle of Philippi, Brutus defeated by Octavian and Marc Antony, Brutus commits suicide, BC42

The Jews of Barbados are forbidden from engaging in retail trade, 1668

A revolt is held in Haarlem after a public ban on smoking, 1690

First Jewish prayer books printed in the US, 1760

The Continental Congress approves a resolution barring blacks from the army, 1775

Failed coup against the Emperor Napoleon, 1812

The first plastic surgery is performed, in England, 1814

72 Senators are summoned by Royal Proclamation to serve as the first members of the Canadian Senate, 1867

The New Orleans Mint reopens as an assay office, 1876

The First National Horseshoe Throwing Championship is held in Kellerton, Iowa, 1915

The first North American transcontinental air service begins between New York City and Los Angeles, California, 1929

Husband and wife Dr. Carl Cori & Dr. Gerty Cori are awarded joint Nobel Prizes, 1947

An underground earthquake traps 174 miners in the No. 2 colliery at Springhill, Nova Scotia, the deepest coal mine in North America at the time; only 100 were rescued, 1958

A United Nations sanctioned cease-fire officially ends the Yom Kippur War between Israel and Syria, 1973

Emperor Akihito becomes the first Emperor of Japan to stand on Chinese soil, 1992

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat reach a "land for peace" agreement, 1998

Apple unveils the iPod, 2001

The US CDC announces that, if current trends in diet and exercise continue, by 2050 1 of 3 American adults will have diabetes, 2010

To bolster their relationship, China and India sign a new border defense agreement, 2013

The world's oldest intact shipwreck, an ancient Greek vessel 2,400 years old, is found at bottom of the Black Sea by archaeologists, 2018

The world's longest sea-crossing bridge, the Hong Kong Macau Zhuhai bridge, is opened, 2018

Colombia announces the capture of it's most wanted drug lord, Dairo Antonio Usuga 'Otoniel', 2021


  1. Great pictures of sweet pets. I like your Monday Spark, thanks.

  2. Mom misses those crazy old ones like Jerry Springer or Sally Jesse Raphael with the red glasses. They were good for a laugh if you only watched them occasionally. Great quote too.

  3. Great tocks for sure.

    I love your Spark. Spot on.

    Love your take on talk shows. I'm with you.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. Great spark and sweet 'tocks' ~ neat photos too ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. I'm not a fan of talk shows at all. Give me a good movie instead, or a good book. Even newspapers don't get fully read, I skim the headlines then go to the puzzles page.

  6. The news has nothing new or interesting or important or anything I can do about it.

  7. Those were terrific tocks and a nice Spark. We totally agree with that fun story too.

  8. Nice tocks. I love SissyCat's expression. Great spark and poem. I prefer silence to talk shows. XO


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