
Sunday, November 12, 2023

Instant Gratification (Cajun Joke), Sunday Selections, and a Sunday Selfie


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Grandma loves her ice cream.

She keeps telling Grandpa not to buy any, saying she needs to quit eating it, but he knows better.  As soon as they run out, she'll change her mind and want more.

Clothile done knew Boudreaux like him de ice cream, so she not be surprise one day when he say, "Me 'n Thibodeaux be's goin' to de ice cream parlor."

When hims truck done pull back in de drive right quick, he an' Thibodeaux done gots out de truck an' dey don' got no ice cream wit' dem, so she say, "Was de ice cream place closed?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais, non!  We cain't wait dis long an' done ate it all in de parkin' lot!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.        

We had a ladies' meeting, and while there i stopped to take pictures of the newly renovated common areas at the place where we meet.  There are also some sky shots, and a couple of neighborhood homes had Veterans Day displays.


This week, our cat Link Linker the Stinker wants to join the Kitties Blue for their Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.   

He posed in a bag.


Today is:

A&W Rootbeer Mug Day -- see if you can frost your mug like they did at the old A&W stores

Birth of Baha'u'llah -- Baha'i

Birth of Sun Yat-Sen, Doctors Day, and Cultural Renaissance Day -- Taiwan

Chicken Soup for the Soul Day -- "Changing the world, one story at a time."

Constitution Day -- Azerbaijan

Deepavali/Diwali(Festival of Lights) -- Hindu; Jain; Sikh (3rd day of the festival)

     Gai Tihar and Laxmi Puja -- Day of Cows and Laxmi (goddess of wealth; day three of the festival)

Dia del Cartero -- Mexico (Postman's Day; postal carriers are shown appreciation with small gifts left in mailboxes)

Fancy Rat and Mouse Day -- the American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association wants you to know these little critters can give you a lot of love 

Father's Day -- Estonia; Finland; Iceland; Norway; Sweden

International Tongue Twister Day -- as declared by the Logic Puzzle Museum in Burlington, WI, US, which used to host a contest

Journee Nationale Maore -- Comoros (Admission to the UN Day)

Khalkeia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival of smiths, associated with Hephaists and Athena; date approximate)

National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day

National Pupusa Day -- Ecuador (national dish)

National Young Readers' Week -- US, sponsored by Pizza Hut's BookIt! Program and the Library of Congress

National Youth Day -- East Timor

Remembrance Sunday -- England

Snakes and Ladders Tournament -- Mirano, Italy (a life size Gioco dell'Oca [snakes and ladders] game dating back to the Medici period, in which competitors dress in medieval garb as the different areas of the city compete against each other)

St. Emillian's Day (Patron of Spain, finding lost objects)

St. Josaphat's Day (Patron of Edmonton, Alberta; Toronto, Ontario; Ukraine)

Tewa Buffalo Dance -- Native American Tewa of the Tesuque Pueblo rites on the feast day of their Patron, San Diego, to honor Mother Earth, Father Sky, the four directions, and the elements; through the 15th

Tree Festival Day -- Tunisia (equivalent to Arbor Day, as well as an agricultural festival)

World Pneumonia Day -- because we lose a million children a year to this preventable illness 

Anniversaries Today:

The Arches National Park established, 1971

Ellis Island closes, 1954

Birthdays Today:

Anne Hathaway, 1982

Ryan Gosling, 1980

Sammy Sosa, 1968

Michael Moorer, 1967

David Schwimmer, 1966

Nadia Comaneci, 1961

Megan Mullally, 1958

Neil Young, 1945

Al Michaels, 1944

Wallace Shawn, 1943

Grace Kelly, 1929

Jo Stafford, 1918

Harry A. Blackmun, 1908

Sun Yat-sen, 1866

Auguste Rodin, 1840

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1815

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Grand Hotel"(Musical), 1989

"Irma la Douce"(Musical), 1956

"Paint Your Wagon"(Musical), 1951

Song of the South(Disney film), 1946

The first Sunday American-style football game is held in Philadelphia, 1933

Today in History:

Tibetan troops occupy Chang'an, the capital of the Chinese Tang Dynasty, for fifteen days starting today, 764

Plymouth, England, becomes the first town incorporated by the English Parliament, 1439

Sir James Young Simpson, a British physician, is the first to use chloroform as an anaesthetic, 1847

Jules Leotard performs 1st Flying Trapeze circus act (Paris); he also designed garment that bears his name, 1859

World's Fair in Paris opens, 1900

The first movie stunt: man jumps into Hudson river from a burning balloon, 1910

Norway holds a referendum in favor of monarchy over republic, 1905

Robert Scott's diary & body are found in Antarctica, 1912

Austria becomes a republic, 1918

The first underwater tunnel, the Holland Tunnel connecting NY to NJ opens, 1927

The first photo of whatever is in Loch Ness is taken, 1933

Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia join the United Nations, 1956

Equatorial Guinea joins the United Nations, 1968

The Comoros joins the United Nations, 1975

The NASA space probe Voyager I makes its closest approach to Saturn and takes the first images of its rings, 1980

The Space Shuttle Columbia becomes the first time a manned spacecraft launched into space twice, 1981

Crown Prince Akihito is formally installed as Emperor Akihito of Japan, becoming the 125th Japanese monarch, 1990

Tim Berners-Lee publishes a formal proposal for the World Wide Web, 1990

Shanghai Transrapid sets up a new world speed record (501 kilometres per hour (311 mph)) for commercial railway systems, 2003

The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database is launched on the web and revolutionizes chemical-gene-disease information for research scientists, 2004

Philippine volcano Mount Bulusan erupts again, 2010

European Space Agency's Rosetta lands the Philae probe on the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,2014

For the first time since his mother became Queen, Prince Charles lays the wreath to Great Britain's war dead, instead of Queen Elizabeth, 2017

Five hundredth anniversary of the birth of Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion, 2019

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos gives his "Courage and Civility Award" of $100million to Dolly Parton, to distribute to charities of her choice, 2022


  1. I think your meeting place is beautiful and I like the Thanksgiving turkey.
    I'm a bit of a pig when it comes to icecream too, so I understand Boudreaux not being able to wait.
    Link Linker the Stinker is a lovely cat.

  2. That is the sort of selfie I could post. Such an elegant selection this week. As always I delight in your skyscapes - and love Linker.

  3. Well the cat's in the bag instead of out of the bag, LOL. The remodeled area looks so peaceful and calm, it'll be a wonderful place to hold meetings. I love the sky with a pink clouds.

  4. That is a wonderful open and inviting space. You are so lucky. The varied artwork is a delight, too. Now a cat in a bag is irresistible, as I guess the bag was. The autumn peacock display is a lovely piece of work.

  5. I suddenly want ice cream! The meeting place looks lovely, and the butterfly pictures are gorgeous. As for the sky - incredible!

  6. Great pics. The sky ones are so beautiful. And that cute kitty in a bag! I love it.

  7. Oh love the sweet kitty in the bag photo ~ Xo
    Great photos too and fun Cajun joke ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Mee-yow lovelee to see you Linker!!! Yore a hansum man cat.....iss hee REELLY a Stinker Miss Mimi???
    WOW!!! So much kewl stuff happenss on this day throu hiss-tory! Wee wish Mistur David (Ross from FRIENDSS) a furry Happy Birfday!
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  9. That is a perfect place to meet! So peaceful!

  10. I been thinking about ice-cream. It on sale under three quart.
    I also took part in Sunday Selection.
    Coffee is on

  11. Boy I sure miss being able to eat ice cream. Linker the Stinker sure is a cutie. Those were all pretty photos!

  12. I'm running so late in reading and responding to blogs. I have to get my act together! :)

    Link Linker the Stinker looks so much like my now departed much-loved Remy, except the tip of Remy's nose was black.

    Take good care. :)

  13. The photos of the sky are amazing!!! And we totally appreciate that Stinker joined our Sunday Selfies hop. What an adorable photo. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  14. Link is such a cutie. Looks so much like my Brody. Cute joke and great photos. XO


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