
Sunday, December 3, 2023

From a Child’s Eyes (Cajun Joke), Sunday Selections and the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Ms. SE, before her surgery, had been sorting out clothes to try to get rid of old  stuff and what no longer fit the boys.  Her mother has been trying to help her do this, but it's slow going.

Boudreaux done be goin' through de pile o' clothes, tryin' see what fit an' what dey can git out de door.

Aline done be tryin' to he'p him, an' dey be pullin' stuff out de back o' de closet an' dey fin' dem a garter belt.

"What dis be?" Aline ax?

An' Boudreaux laugh an' say, "Dat be a garter belt, it be fo' holdin' up de stockin's."

An' Aline's eyes get big an' she say, "Mais, we gots to save dis fo' nex' Christmas, fo' de stockin's by de fireplace fo' Papa Noel!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.       

It's been such a long week, i've only taken a few pictures, but i also have some older ones i haven't shown yet.


This week, Mr. Cardinal agreed to pose for a selfie for the Kitties Blue Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, as long as he could do it from the safety of the top of the bird feeder.   

That won't quite do it.

A little better.

Not quite.

As good as he'd let me get.


Today is:

Advocate's Day -- India

Clerc-Gallaudet Week begins -- celebrating the pioneers in education for the deaf in the US

Day of Remembrance for Bogatir (Great hero) Svatogor -- Asatru/Pagan Slavic Calendar

Festival for Bona Dea -- Ancient Roman Calendar (goddess of chastity, fecundity, the earth, and fertility; a women's festival)

Festival for Serket/Selket -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (scorpion goddess, who healed from their sting; date approximate)

First Sunday of Advent -- Christian (start of the Liturgical Year in the Western Church) related observances

     Lighting the Candle of Hope/Promise

     Midwinter Horn Blowing -- rural Netherlands (folkloric custom announcing the birth of Jesus, celebrated through Epiphany)

Good Neighborliness Day -- Turkmenistan

International Day of Persons with Disabilities -- UN

International Day of the Basque Language

Make a Gift Day -- internet generated, and go ahead, 'tis the season

National Apple Pie Day

National Ice Cream Box Day -- internet generated, for those who love ice cream that comes in the rectangular box, and being the first to dig in

National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day -- be grateful you have one

Pompaia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (procession dedicated to Zeus; date approximate)

Reinvigorate Your Brain by Reading Something Day -- internet generated, and good to do every day, don't you think?

St. Francis Xavier's Day (Patron of African missions, foreign missions, missionaries, navigators, parish missions, Agartala, India; Ahmedabad, India; Alexandria, LA) related observance

     San Francisco Javier -- Navarre, Spain (special observances)

Takata no Inoko -- Sakurai, Japan (offerings for peace and good harvests)

Telescope Day -- marking its invention by Galileo in 1621

Tinsel Day -- remember when this stuff used to contain lead?

Anniversaries Today:

Illinois becomes the 21st US State, 1818

Birthdays Today:

Alicia Sacramone, 1987

Amanda Seyfried, 1985

Bruno Campos, 1974

Holly Marie Combs, 1973

Bucky Lasek, 1972

Brendan Fraser, 1968

Katarina Witt, 1965

Daryl Hannah, 1961

Julianne Moore, 1960

Rick Ravon Mears, 1951

Ozzy Osbourne, 1948

Jaye P. Morgan, 1932

Jean-Luc Godard, 1930

Andy Williams, 1927

Ferlin Husky, 1927

John Backus, 1924

Nino Rota, 1911

Carlos Montoya, 1903

Joseph Conrad, 1857

Charles Alfred Pillsbury, 1842

Gilbert Charles Stuart, 1755

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Camelot"(Musical), 1960

"Troilus and Cressida"(Opera), 1954

"A Streetcar Names Desire"(Play), 1947

Alka-Seltzer, 1931

Today in History:

Sir Thomas Herriot introduces potatoes to England, 1586

In an uprising over mining licenses, which came to be called the rebellion at the Eureka Stockade, more than 20 goldminers at Ballarat, Victoria, Australia are killed by state troopers in what many claim to be the birth of Australian democracy, 1854

The trial of Jefferson Davis starts with the first blacks on a US trial jury, 1868

Settlers arrive at Petach Tikvah, Israel, 1878

The Jovian moon Himalia is discovered by Charles Dillon Perrine, 1904

Neon lights make their public debut at the Paris Auto Show, 1910

The Quebec Bridge, after almost 20 years of planning and construction, opens, 1917

The first successful Technicolor movie, "Tall of the Sea," premiers in NYC, 1922

Chinese refugee ship "Kiangya" explodes in E China Sea, killing 1,100, 1948

Paul Harvey begins his national radio broadcast, 1950

At Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, a transplant team headed by Christiaan Barnard carries out the first heart transplant on a human, 1967

Pioneer 10 sends back the first close-up images of Jupiter, 1973

In one of the worst industrial disasters ever, a methyl isocyanate leak from a Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, kills thousands and injures hundreds of thousands, 1984

In Ottawa, Canada, representatives from 121 countries, not including the US, Russia, or China, sign The Ottawa treaty prohibiting manufacture and deployment of anti-personnel landmines, 1997

XCOR Aerospace makes first manned rocket aircraft delivery of US Mail in Mojave, California, 2005

The Nissan Leaf, one of the first mass marketed electric cars, is launched, 2010

US Defense Secretary Ash Carter announces all combat roles in US armed forced will be opened to women, 2015

The first pizza party in space held by astronauts of the International Space Station, 2017

The 70th anniversary of NATO is marked by a gathering of world leaders in London at a reception hosted by Queen Elizabeth II, 2019

AT&T Inc’s Warner Bros. Studios announces all its 2021 movies will stream online the same day they appear in theatres because of the pandemic, 2020


  1. Lovely photos (they always are). I do hope this week isn't quite so long and busy for you.

  2. Those cardinals sure are bright. Makes for a lovely Christmas selfie vibe. The sky images you took are so nice. I'm not at all sure about the inflatable decorations. Being a cat, if I had them they'd have deflated by now 🙂
    Have a lovely week.

  3. Lovely Christmas decorations. Happy Advent.

    God bless.

  4. Cute joke. It would be fun to see a photo for that. :)
    Nice photos- I love seeing how others decorate for Christmas. XO

  5. Aline ' s very knowledgeable . LOL
    Have a very Happy Advent and a very Merry Christmas Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  6. Another Cajun joke and some lovely pictures! Perfect!

  7. A LOL Cajun joke and great sky shots and Xmas scenes
    photo and always enjoy your lovely sky shots ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Thank you for mentioning International Day of Persons with Disabilities. :-)


    N we hope everee one ther haza grate week a head ♥♥♥♥

  10. I like fall colors, to be truthful I like all colors.

  11. We need to sort out some clothes too. Those were nice photos and such a sweet Cardinal.

  12. Happy December B-day! Mine is tomorrow, my son's is on the 11th, and daughter is on 31st. Such beautiful photos.

  13. Love the Christmas decorations and the lovely sky shots. Christmas blessings to you!


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