
Friday, December 29, 2023

Your Superpower, Monthly Poetry Group


It's time for the Monthly Poetry Group, hosted by Karen at Baking in a Tornado.  Participants write a poem about a topic one of us chose.  This month, our theme is Your Superpower and was chosen by Diane.  Be sure to go check out all the poems.

My Sweetie thinks i have a

really neat superpower,

i can find most anything

at almost any hour.

A candy had escaped his hand

one day while in the car,

although he'd looked a good while,

in 10 seconds i found that bar.

He swore there was no mayo,

anywhere in the fridge to be found,

i opened the door and grabbed it

from right in the foreground.

The bottle of spray cleaner

he could not find when needed,

"I already looked there!"

but i found it, his protests unheeded.

His glasses, wallet, keys and phone

all take turns hiding away,

and by their turns i find them

each and every day.

He thinks it's a superpower,

when he's panicked, it's a balm,

but the true fact is it's not so super,

it's because i am a mom!

The other participants:

Karen at Baking in a Tornado     

Diane at On the Border     


  1. Definitely a super power - though I also wonder whether your sweetie looks as mine does, with his mouth rather than his eyes.

  2. I sometimes wish I had a superpower to hand, I'm forever hiding things in plain sight!

  3. I can totally relate, to all of it. Thank you so much for joining in on these monthly poetry posts, they would have been so much less fun without you.

  4. Chaplin: "My superpower is jumping to the top of the tall shelving unit and then getting from there to the top of the grandfather clock!"
    Oona: "Pffft, Oona can do that too. Oona's other superpower is disappearing completely into shadows when she closes her eyes."
    Charlee: "My superpower is making muffins on Dada's lap."
    Charlee: "Says you."
    Lulu: "My superpower is—"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, sounds like somebody wants all the superpowers to herself ..."

  5. Mr. Spiffy
    My angel Madi was a paw dunker and drinker too. She also like to 'teach her nip fishy to swim" in her water bowl. Very cute and thanks for hosting
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Most Mom's are magical ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I am not your typical Mom - my husband has to find all the things I lose!


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