
Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Silly and The Serious, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Thankful Day comes around regularly, and i'm thankful for that as it keeps me on my toes, looking for things to list.  Being on the lookout for things to be thankful for is a great mood enhancer.

While i was heading to the cat shelter last Friday, Sweetie called to say The Big Boss was so pleased with his work he'd offered to treat us to dinner out, including Brother-in-Law!  The two of them went out and brought me back mine, since i was volunteering at the shelter and couldn't leave.  It's a thankful thing not to have to come home and cook.

Later that night, Sweetie noticed his keys to the car were gone.  We're thankful the spare key will start the car even without a battery in the fob and thankful he didn't set the alarm on it so we could use the spare key.

We're also very, very thankful he found them Saturday night, in Brother-in-Law's car where they'd dropped out of his pocket.

When we arrived at Grandma's Saturday, i got a workout being thankful.

First, after Grandpa had told Grandma she didn't have any underwear either in her drawer or in the dirty clothes, i found all 12 pair.  Where?  In the dirty clothes and in the drawer, of course.  I'm thankful i look for stuff better than he does.

Then, i ended up having to change a light bulb and to do that, you have to loosen the set screws and take off the globe.  One of the screws skeedaddled, and after giving up and planning to go find a substitute screw in the tool box, i was thankful it showed itself on my coat in the corner on top of my bag.  How it got there is a mystery, but i'm thankful, however it happened.

Finally, Grandma wanted baked potatoes for lunch from her favorite restaurant.  We order online for delivery, and according to the website, they were out of potatoes.

We've done this song and dance before, they ran out Friday night, and forgot to put them back as available for Saturday at opening time.  Thankfully, a quick call to the restaurant and in about 20 minutes, potatoes appeared on the menu again and we were able to get lunch.

Our church has a livestream on Sunday morning.  Last Sunday, as i dropped Becca at Sunday school and headed into the prayer room, Mr. J handed me an extra prayer card and said, "This person was watching the livestream this morning and he messaged on our channel he is thinking of committing suicide.  We've contacted Facebook to see if they can connect with him and get him some help and given them our number to give him if he wants it."

As i took the card, he asked me to put it back in the card box for the next service so they could pray, too.  I told him i'd do that, meanwhile Mr. BA and i spent a good while praying for this person in the prayer room.  I'm thankful he reached out as much as he did, and hope he got the help he needed.

Ms. JAI has fallen again and this time, she was wearing her alert button and called for help.  By the time they got there, she was sick and disoriented and they're keeping her in the hospital until Monday and sending her to rehab for a few weeks.

I'm not thankful this happened.  I am thankful the doctors are putting their collective foot down and demanding she either go into assisted living or have someone with her 24/7.  She's not happy, but we're thankful she's going to comply as she really has no choice at this point.

The weather here has been very cold, as in a lot of places, and we're thankful we've dripped faucets and managed to avoid broken pipes.  Our neighbors did have a broken pipe, but it was the part above ground and we're all thankful they got the water shut off and the pipe fixed within just a few hours.

The cold has also played havoc with schedules.  The church ladies' meeting, rescheduled from last week because of the excessive rain expected, was rescheduled again.  This meant i got to spend the worst day of the cold at home, bundled up with my heating pad.

 I couldn't get to Kevin and Lenny's shop to clean on the usual day because of the weather, i'm thankful we made up for it a few days later.

The cat shelter also survived with no burst pipes or other damage and our Friday evening shift was the usual bit of mayhem and fun which we've come to expect and for which we are thankful.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   

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Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Mali

Camcorder Day -- five companies agreed, this day in 1982, to cooperate and construct a camera with a built in VCR

Celtic Tree Month Beth (Birch) ends

Coffee Break Day

Day of National Mourning -- Azerbaijan (a/k/a Martyrs' Day)

Festival of Jubilation for Osiris -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate, in Busiris)

Gasparilla Extravaganza -- Tampa, FL, US (the rum free version of the Pirate Festival celebration, with a kid's parade and lots of fun; the adult version is next Saturday)

Heroes Day -- Cape Verde; Guinea-Bissau (death anniversary of Amilcar Cabral)

La Tamborrada de San Sebastian -- San Sebastian, Spain (24 hours of drumming, begun last evening)

Learn to Ski Day -- always the 3rd Saturday of January, and you go right ahead

National Buttercrunch Day

National Cheese Lover's Day

National Granola Bar Day

National Disc Jockey Day -- listed lots of places, but no particular reason given for the choice of date

Penguin Awareness Day -- lots of celebrating, but no history of who started it

Sacrifices to Athena -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

Stay Young Forever Day -- celebrate the child in all of us, do something fun

St. Sebastian's Day (Patron of archers, armorers, arrowsmiths/fletchers, athletes, bookbinders, diseased cattle, dying people, gardeners, gunsmiths, hardware stores, ironmongers, lace makers/lace workers, lead workers, masons, plague victims, police officers, Pontifical Swiss Guards, racquet makers, soldiers, stone masons/stone cutters; several cities, but especially of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and San Sebastian, Puerto Rico, where today is marked with celebrations; against cattle disease, enemies of religion, plague)

Take a Walk Outdoors Day -- unless it's storming, a good way to get some exercise

Tenmangu Kowakamai -- Setaka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan (festival of old style Japanese dances)

Birthdays Today:

Skeet Ulrich, 1969

Rainn Wilson, 1966

James Denton, 1963

Lorenzo Lamas, 1958

Bill Maher, 1956

David Lynch, 1946

Dorothy Provine, 1937

Arte Johnson, 1934

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, 1930

Patricia Neal, 1926

Otis Dewey "Slim" Whitman, 1924

Federico Fellini, 1920

DeForest Kelley, 1920

Joy Adamson, 1910

George Burns, 1896

Harold Lincoln Gray, 1894

Huddie "Lead Belly" Ledbetter, 1889

Carolus Linnaeus, 1778

André-Marie Ampère, 1775

Richard Henry Lee, 1732

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Meet the Beatles"(Album, US release), 1964

Today in History:

The first elected English Parliament called into session by the 6th Earl of Leicester, and meets in the Palace of Westminster (a/k/a Houses of Parliament), 1265

The present-day location of Rio de Janeiro is first explored, 1502

The Casa Contratacion (Board of Trade) is founded in Spain to deal with American affairs, 1503

The cornerstone of Amsterdam town hall laid, 1648

The third and main part of First Fleet arrives at Botany Bay. Arthur Phillip decides that Botany Bay is unsuitable for the location of a penal colony, and decides to move to Port Jackson, 1788

China cedes Hong Kong to British, 1841

L.A. Thompson patents the roller coaster, 1885

The first full length talking motion picture filmed outdoors is released, "In Old Arizona", 1929

Nazi officials hold notorious Wannsee conference in Berlin deciding on "final solution" calling for extermination of Europe's Jews, 1942

The first atomic submarine, USS Nautilus, is launched at Groton, Connecticut, 1955

Witnesses report sightings of a Bottlenose whale swimming in the River Thames, the first time the species had been seen in the River Thames since records began in 1913, 2006

A three-man team, using only skis and kites, completes a 1,093-mile (1,759 km) trek to reach the southern pole of inaccessibility for the first time since 1958 and for the first time ever without mechanical assistance, 2007

Austria votes to maintain compulsory military service in a referendum, 2013

19-year-old aviator Zara Rutherford becomes the youngest woman to fly solo around the world, 2022


  1. Lots and lots to be thankful for. I am glad that Ms Jai is getting the help she needs - and hope that the person contemplating suicide is too.

  2. Some men no matter what their age simply don't know where to look in the right place at the right time for the right stuff. I laugh at that here everyday. You know the story where the eyeglasses are on top of their head and they can't find them.

  3. What a week! I'll pray for the lost soul, as well. I'm thankful for you.

  4. funny you mention frozen pipes, not that we had any, but I checked the oil tank and saw it was down to, like 50 gallons. called the fuel company who told me they were flat out ('cause of the cold) but would try. fortunately we have a wood stove. but they made it to the house the end of the day.
    can't wait for Summer

  5. Wow! That's a lot of thankfuls ~ glad you are weathering cold weather well ~ not fun but tis winter ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. I agree with you: knowing that the TToT comes every week helps me look for things during the week.

    Being able to recognize and accept when help is needed is a hard skill to learn, but I'm glad that Ms. JAI will not be alone.

    I hope that the individual who considered suicide was able to get help.

  7. Wonderful list of thankfuls. I have quite a few lights with those globes with screws- they are so hard to deal with.

  8. Those were all terrific thankfuls and it sure has been darn cold up this way too.

  9. You always have so many things to be thankful for! Excellent as ever.

  10. Charlee: "Hooray for the cat shelter making it through okay!"

  11. So many burst pipes during that horribly cold spell! I'm also thankful we dodged that with dripping water and spending entirely too much money on heating our 100 year old house, but it is a small price to pay for intact plumbing!


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