
Saturday, March 23, 2024

Laughs and a Lucky Cat, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Sometimes it's the things that make you laugh you're the most thankful for on Thankful Day.

Last Sunday provided me with a doozy which still has me chuckling.

On Saturday last, Becca and family went to the local St. Patrick's Day parade.  They have a friend who lives on the route and invites people (necessary in order to have access to a good restroom).

They came home with two bags of beads and tchotchkes, and it was decided Becca and I would wear beads to church for our touch of green in honor of the day.

Becca reached in the bag and grabbed a string of beads that appealed to her, and they had a dangler hanging from them (those are usually emblems of the Krewe throwing it), and i didn't think anything of it but just started to untangle it from the other beads it was intertwined with.

Once i got it loose she went to put it on and i noticed the dangling piece was actually a beer mug!

Oops.  Not Safe For Church!

Laughing, i chose very long, very thick green beads for both of us so we'd match and went with it.

Mr. J, her dad, laughed uproariously when he heard the story later and told me the wedding they went to week before last, someone had given Becca two helpings of the punch before someone mentioned it had champagne in it.

Oops again.

Another incident that had me laughing was i'd left my umbrella in Sweetie's car and it was most certainly raining Sunday.  I know there are always a plethora of umbrellas in the lost and found, and figured i'd snag one that looked like it's been there a while.

In the years i have attended that church, they have threatened to clean out the lost and found exactly 3 times, and only once did they partially clear it of things that were obviously trash and give away a few of the items which had been in there a while.

They've been threatening again and for the first time in recent memory, the lost and found was cleared the one time i was going to borrow an umbrella from it.  Of course, i laughed so hard at the sight of the empty cabinet it's a good thing there's a wall to lean against.

I'm thankful Monday went well, it was a 3 job day and it all got done.

The Big Boss decided to reward Sweetie by paying for us to go out to a nice lunch, and Tuesday we went to our favorite Japanese fusion place where i actually had enough vegetarian sushi for the first time in a long, long time.

Although we are Presbyterian and not Roman Catholic, our church does nominally observe Lent, using it as a time for deeper prayer and reflection before Easter.  Our church also has a service on Wednesdays during this season, and i used to go every week.

Then i started working, and couldn't make it there, but this Wednesday i was thankful Ms. G managed to get out of town on time for once, which meant as soon as i was done with critter duty and vacuuming i could head down there and enjoy the service.

Enjoy it i did, and after they had four, for lack of a better term, "contemplation stations," places set up with printed scriptures and a short activity to be done quietly as you were reflecting on the scripture.  It was a welcome break in a busy week.

We got a surprise Thursday -- Ms. SE and Mr. DE, in addition to their busy schedules and having two pre-teen boys with busy schedules, have gotten another dog!

Emmie is precious and loves her big sister Cookie, and they will be good playmates, but puppies are a lot of work.  I'm thankful she only had one accident when we were there and in spite of taking her outside several times, we were only about half hour longer at the house than usual.

Friday evening, i was thankful in spite of the traffic i got to the shelter rather easily, we had extra volunteers, and there were adoptions while i was there, a preadopted cat was picked up and Phoebe struck kitty gold.  She was adopted by a lady who, in honor of adopting her first cat on her own (without her husband who passed away last year), has set up a special room just for the cat with a TV that can play the cat channels on YouTube, and has had a private catio built for her so she can be outdoors and still safe.

Yep, i am thankful Phoebe will be in kitty heaven and still on this side.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   

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Today is:

Ancient Roman Calendar Celebrations on this date

     Day of Mouring -- leading up to the festival for Hilaria

     Invocation Day of Mars and Saturn

     Tubilustrium -- Ancient Roman Calendar (ceremony to purify the trumpets used in sacred ceremonies)

Cuddly Kitten Day -- because the cats can't let the dogs get all the attention

Dandelion Dance -- Fairy Calendar

Day of Hungarian-Polish Friendship -- Hungary and Poland

Day of the Sea -- Bolivia (Dia del Mar)

Earth Hour -- 8:30pm-9:30pm, your local time; turn off your lights to take a stand against climate change     

Liberty Day -- today in 1775, Patrick Henry said, “I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.”

Lieldienas -- Ancient Latvian Calendar ("Big Days" or "Long Days", four day celebration of spring, each day devoted to a different deity)

National Chip and Dip Day

National Melba Toast Day

National Puppy Day -- encouraging you to adopt a shelter pup today   

Near Miss Day -- commemorates the mountain sized asteroid that was a near miss on this day in 1989

Rally for Decency Day -- Commemorates the first Rally for Decency, prompted on this day in 1969 by Jim Morrison

Republic Day -- Pakistan

St. Turibius de Mongrovejo's Day (Patron of Latin American bishops, native rights; Peru)

Toast Day -- supposedly for the invention of Melba toast; a recent article says it takes 6 steps to toast bread "right"; i say if you can't put bread in the toaster and butter it when it comes out and need long sets of instructions, you shouldn't be let loose in society!

World Meteorological Day -- UN

Anniversaries Today:

The University of California is founded in Oakland, California, 1868

Birthdays Today:

Michelle Monaghan, 1976

Keri Russell, 1976

Richard Grieco, 1965

Amanda Plummer, 1957

Chaka Khan, 1953

Louie Anderson, 1953

Roger Bannister, 1929

Wernher Von Braun, 1912

Akira Kurosawa, 1910

Joan Crawford, 1905

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Bold and the Beautiful"(TV), 1987

"Detective Story"(Play), 1950

"Truth or Consequences"(Radio), 1940

Today in History:

Eighteenth recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. 1066

The first dated edition of Maimonides "Mishna Torah" published, 1490

George Frideric Handel's oratorio "Messiah" premieres in London, 1743

Patrick Henry delivers his famous speech – "Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" – at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia, 1775

After traveling through the Louisiana Purchase and reaching the Pacific Ocean, explorers Lewis and Clark and their "Corps of Discovery" begin their arduous journey home, 1806

Elisha Otis's first elevator is installed at 488 Broadway New York City, 1857

The Boers and Britain sign a peace accord that ends the First Boer War, 1881

President Benjamin Harrison opens Oklahoma to white settlement starting on April 22, starting a Land Run, 1889

The Wright Brothers apply for a patent on their invention of one of the first successful airplanes, 1903

Pakistan becomes the first Islamic republic in the world, 1956

NASA launches Gemini 3, the United States' first two-man space flight (crew: Gus Grissom and John Young), 1965

Archbishop Óscar Romero of El Salvador gives his famous speech appealing to men of the El Salvadoran armed forces to stop killing the Salvadorans, 1980

Taiwan holds its first direct elections and chooses Lee Teng-hui as President, 1996

The Russian Mir space station is disposed of, breaking up in the atmosphere before falling into the southern Pacific Ocean near Fiji, 2001

In Tokyo, the Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks reports that radioactive iodine in city tap water is two times the recommended level for infants, 2011

GPR investigation of Shakespeare's tomb at Holy Trinity Church in Stratford concludes the Bard's skull probably has been stolen, 2016

A Sahara sandstorm turns snow in Sochi, Russia, orange in one of the largest-ever transfers of desert sand, 2018

Hundreds of thousands of people march on London to demand a new EU referendum, 2019

Syrian Democratic Forces announce the end of the five-year Islamic State "caliphate" with their retaking of the last IS territory, 2019

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres calls for an immediate global ceasefire to battle Covid-19, 2020

Cargo Ship Ever Given gets stuck in the Suez Canal, completely blocking all shipping traffic, 2021

Utah becomes the first US state to limit social media for minors, including an overnight curfew and parental consents, 2023


  1. Thanks for the laughs! In my mind's eye I saw Becca in green beads adorned by a beer mug being ogled by prim ladies at church :)

  2. You've had another busy week to be thankful about. Right now I have to be thankful that all I got yesterday was pouring down rain instead of the snow. It wasn't that far north of here.

  3. Love the history dates you shared and it sounds like you have lots to be thankful for---amen!

  4. Those were really great thankful things and a big hooray for the kitty adoptions, especially Phoebe!

  5. Wow! Wonderful list of thankfuls ~ love your sense of humor and laughter ~ and so happy for Phoebe ~ thanks, hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. always good to hear/read a TToT with background music of laughter...
    have a good week

  7. First off, I think I heartily agree with you about toast. 6 steps? Unless said steps were, slather with jelly, open mouth, bite down, chew, swallow, repeat until gone... Going to nope Melba... The beer mug is hilarious, oddly, one of my friends who's a pastors wife, with a wonderful sense of humor, received, and loved, a present from me. It was a personalized Crown Royal bag with Her Name's Knitting bag. But she doesn't use it at church... :)
    Puppies, portable water release valves!

  8. A catio! That's what I should rename my closed in back porch which has an entire end dedicated to cat stuff. I don't see why a tiny beer mug ornament is not suitable for church, didn't Jesus turn water into wine?

  9. That was such a fun read, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much!

  10. Laughter is my preferred way to deal with those "either laugh or cry" situations, too. May you have a great week, or at least be able to laugh about it!

  11. Chaplin: "Wow, Phoebe gets her own room, her own TV, and a catio? Nice!"
    Lulu: "You cats get your own room. Mama and Dada even still call it 'The Cat Room' even though Mama uses it as her office now too."
    Chaplin: "Yeah but there's no TV in there, and the closest thing to a catio is sitting on the windowsill when the window is open."
    Lulu: "Picky picky picky."
    Chaplin: "Hello! I'm a cat."


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