
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Quasars and Nature Hikes, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Mr. L was up but Carl wasn't as he doesn't have work the early part of this week.

I went to roust him and get him to the sleep chair.  He rousted easily enough and after negotiating on how many pillows and my getting him clean pillowcases for those (the ones on them needed washing), he settled down.

Then he came back to his room to tell me, "I tried to tidy."

He did try, but he left me an obstacle course of shoes and clothes.

He also came in and brushed his teeth, then came back because, "They're still fuzzy!"

I found out last Thursday why he was eating the old gingerbread house that was making him not feel so well.  His doctor has said he's pre-diabetic and his mom has declared the house off limits to sugar as of the last day of February.  He was trying to eat it all ahead of time!

While cleaning in and the top of the fridge, i ran across the missing Beano, four cups of mystery contents, avocado, old grapes, and the one thing that made me smile.

He's a big kid.

Once he'd slept a while, he came in, grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and rubbed it over his head.  When i looked at him suspiciously and asked him if he felt feverish and was trying to cool off, he said, "No, headache."

I've never heard of that cure, but if it works for him...

He started chattering about all kinds of things, most of which i only half caught.  Pictures online of people i don't know, videos of quasars and gas clouds (he really has a science brain, just not the ability to organize it), dates of upcoming events -- i even think i heard him mention rollerblading, of all things -- and then announced this morning he was going on a conservation hike.

He needed a shower.

I'd already gotten all the towels gathered, so i passed him a fresh towel, made sure he had pants, shirt, underwear and socks in the bathroom with him, put down the mat, and i told him not to come out until he was dressed.

He yelled from within, "Washcloth?"

I called back, telling him i had one, and he stuck his hand out the door for it.

When he came out, clothed and in search of shoes, i reminded him to put socks on his shopping list, as he's lost several pair recently due to developing holes in them.

"I need pants, too," he said.  How could you need pants, i asked, you've got plenty.

"I almost ran out one day," he protested.

I counted.  He has 3 pair of jeans, 6 pair of khakis, and 6 pair of shorts.  If he can go through that much in a week, he's more talented than even i give him credit for.

Once dressed, he went to have breakfast and i cleaned the bathroom.  Then he came back in, wearing breakfast.  He'd forgotten an apron again.

We got him a clean shirt, he took a small lunch and left for his hike, and i finished his room.

How about some funnies?

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Arivee de l'Evangile -- French Polynesia (Gospel Day)

Babysitter Safety Day

Celebrate Your Name Week -- Tuesday:  Unique Names Day, a day to appreciate friends, acquaintances, and loved ones with unique names

Crispus Attucks Day*

Custom Chief's Day -- Vanuatu

Diasia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival of Zeus Meilikhios; date approximate)

National Absinthe Day

National Cheese Doodle Day

Navigium Isis/Ploiaphaesia: The Festival of Navigation -- Ancient Roman Calendar/Ancient Egyptian Calendar (Sailing Festival, honoring Isis as sea goddess and goddess of sailing, on the traditional start of the sailing season)

Scouts' Day -- Taiwan (celebration of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in Taiwan)

St. Piran's Day (Patron of miners, tin miners, tinners; Cornwall, England; Piran, Slovenia)

     St. Piran's Day Celebrations -- Cornwall, England; Kansas City, KA, US


Stop the Clocks Day -- another of those with-no-explanation web holidays that sounds like a good idea

Temperance Day -- North America's first Temperance Law was passed in Virginia this day in 1623

Town Meeting Day -- Vermont, US (giving all citizens the right to speak out about local government, an official state holiday the first Tuesday of March allows towns to have a daylong public meeting of voters to elect town officers, approve budgets, and deal with town business)

Anniversary Today:

Channel Islands National Park is established, 1980

Birthdays Today:

Jake Lloyd, 1989

Niki Taylor, 1975

Kevin Connolly, 1974

Eva Mendes, 1974

Andy Gibb, 1958

Penn Jillette, 1955

Marsha Warfield, 1954

Michael Warren, 1946

Paul Sand, 1944

Samantha Eggar, 1939

Fred Williamson, 1938

Dean Stockwell, 1936

James Noble, 1922

Rex Harrison, 1908

Zhou Enlai, 1898

Emmett J. Culligan, 1893

Heitor Villa-Lobos, 1887

Howard Pyle, 1853

James Merrit Ives, 1824

William Blackstone, 1595

Gerhardus Mercator, 1512

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"What the Butler Saw"(Play)1969

"Leningrad"/Symphony No. 7 in C major(Shostakovich Op. 60), 1942

"Mefistofele"(Opera), 1868

Today in History:

Roman Emperor Julian moves from Antioch with an army of 90,000 to attack the Sassanid Empire, in a campaign which would bring about his own death, 363

Naser Khosrow begins the seven-year Middle Eastern journey which he will later describe in his book Safarnama, 1046

English king Henry VII hires John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto) and his sons to explore unknown lands for England, 1496

Smoking tobacco is introduced in Europe by Francisco Fernandes, 1558

Copernicus' "de Revolutionibus" is placed on Catholic Forbidden index, 1616

Antonio de Ulloa, the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, arrives in New Orleans to take possession of the Louisiana territory from the French, 1766

*Boston Massacre: British troops kill 5 in a crowd, including a young boy and Crispus Attackus, the first black to die for American freedom, in an event that would contribute to the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War five years later, 1770

The Dutch city of Leeuwarden forbids Jews to go to synagogues on Sundays, 1820

Samuel Colt makes the first production-model revolver, the .34-caliber, 1836

George Westinghouse Jr patents the triple air brake for trains, 1872

Nikola Tesla, in Electrical World and Engineer, describes the process of the ball lightning formation, 1904

Winston Churchill uses the phrase "Iron Curtain" in his speech at Westminster College, Missouri, 1946

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty goes into effect after ratification by 43 nations, 1970

Soviet probes Venera 11, Venera 12 and the American solar satellite Helios II all are hit by "off the scale" gamma rays leading to the discovery of soft gamma repeaters, 1979

America's Voyager 1 spacecraft has its closest approach to Jupiter, 172,000 miles, 1979

The Soviet probe Venera 14 arrives at the planet Venus, 1982

The graves of Czar Nicholas II and his family are found near St. Petersburg, 1995

President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, dies in office in the nation's capital, Caracas, at age 58, 2013

A survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights reports that about 1/3 of women in the European Union have experienced physical or sexual violence since the age of 15, 2014

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un meets with South Korean officials for the first time since taking office, hosting a dinner in Pyongyang, 2018

The journal Nature publishes a study of the second person ever cured of HIV by stem cell transplant therapy, 2019

Explorer Ernest Shackleton's ship Endurance, which sank in 1915 in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, is rediscovered in excellent condition, 2022


  1. Totally agree with Master Yoda. Thanks for smiles!

  2. Getting Carl to quit eating sugar is going to be a tall order. Mom didn't eat many sweets but it still took her about a year to lose the cravings. Sugar is in almost every processed food.

  3. I love Carl and he's a big kid indeed.

    Love all the funnies. The cat meowing until we were awake happened this morning. They didn't want anything either.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

  4. Going without sugar for a few days can bring on a headache as your brain starts screaming for sugar :-). And I love the meme that says tell people sugar gives you diarrhea. Any other answer usually gets people telling me why I should eat whatever that sugary thing is.

  5. Oh Carl is a sweetie ~ busy one for you ~ Sugar hard to ignore ~ great funnies and my doggie wants my attention and rarely wants anything else ~ lol ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. You just never know what Carl is going to proclaim next LOL! Those were good funnies.

  7. Love the funnies! I'm trying to cut back on sugar too, actually hasn't been too hard this time. the summer heat helps because I only want to drink water.

  8. Too cute that Carl has bubbles. :)

  9. Java Bean: "Ayyy, we should all listen to Christopher Walken!"

  10. Bubbles! Carl is a big kid - love reading all his antics! And I loved all your funnies! :)


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