
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Belts, Tags,, Painting, and Towels, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.

The first order of business these days when arriving at Carl's is not to see if he's awake, because usually he is not.  It's to see if he has work that day.

If he does, and he goes in at the new time, he can move to the sleep chair and let me start on his room.  If he does not, he can move to the sleep chair and come in and out of his room at least a dozen times through the morning.

I noted he did have work that day, but he will not later on Thursday this week when i will be there to clean the rest of the house.  When i asked him why he'd requested Thursday off, he looked at me and said, "I did?"  When i confirmed it, he said, "Well, I must have something special planned!" with an excited gleam in his eye.

He'll come up with something to do, I'm sure.

Meanwhile, he left for the sleep chair and i got to it.  His trash can was unusually heavy this week and the attrition of his cold packs has started.  Two of them were leaking and he'd tossed them in the can along with all of his recyclables.  I'll have to start bringing him more cold packs from the shelter when they get shipments of meds as they simply cannot use so many of them and he obviously can.

Carl usually eats in the main kitchen but i found a TV tray with crumbs set up in his room in front of his TV.  He must have had a special show to watch and his mom wouldn't let him eat in front of the big TV in the main room.  She knows him too well to allow that, even if i will be coming to clean in a few days.

The only thing i found in the fridge which was unusual was the new bottle of mouthwash, and who knows?  Maybe it tastes better cold.  Either way, it's with the toothbrushes now, or was when i left.

I also found no towels on his linen shelf, but he did have an unused and folded towel under the bed and another in the laundry hamper nearest the shelf.

Before he got up from said sleep chair, i managed to prep the bathroom with all he would need to get dressed except the shoes and belt.

When he did come in, he was carrying clothes i'd seen earlier on the kitchen table.

He mumbled something at me about cleaning clothes, and i told him i was getting the laundry gathered.  He mumbled more emphatically and i asked him to please repeat, a little louder.  That's when he said, "My dad told me to bring these clean clothes in here."

I relieved him of them before they ended up on the floor and let him know he had everything in the bathroom he would need already gathered.  Once i set the clothes down, i walked him in the bathroom and showed him.

He nodded, then looked past me at his kitchen area and started to try to walk back out of the bathroom, saying, "I meant to clean the counter..."

Not your problem, i told him.  Once i walk in the door, cleaning is no longer your job.  Take a shower.

He did, then came out looking for socks.  I'd stayed nearby suspecting he'd lose track of at least one garment even in his tiny bathroom, and walked him back in and showed him the socks he'd dropped on the floor.

He picked them up and rounded up some shoes and his powder.  

Once i had the remainder of his shoes rounded up and put away, i noticed something.

Do i really think he would go ahead and wear shoes with those tags on them?  He just might, at that, so i took them off.

We hunted up one belt and he told me it didn't work.  Upon inspection, the belt, which has a buckle that comes off so the leather portion can be easily replaced, had been put together backward.  It got straightened and then put away because by then, he'd of course found another belt.

He told me he wanted to go jogging as soon as i'd gotten him into an apron.  I asked if he wanted to do it this morning before breakfast, and he got that gleam in his eye again.  "Breakfast!" he said, and wandered off.

When he showed up again, he was still in an apron, but a different one.  When and why he changed aprons in the middle of a meal, i imagine we'll never know.

After eating, as i got his cold vest ready and the ice chest packed, he tried to tell me something about his weekend, it sounded like he said "stick company," whatever that would be.  Later in the day, when i was cleaning at the neighbor across the street, Ms. S, she said, "Carl just posted on Facebook, 'Well, my weekend was a bust!'"

Whatever the stick company is, it obviously didn't work out so well.

He asked me about a future fundraiser for the shelter, at a local "sip wine and paint a picture" place.  Each person will be shown how to paint their pet.  He wanted to know what it was about, how it worked, and if you could go even if you don't have a pet.

Then he suddenly stopped and said, "I need a hat!"

You have one on, i told him.

"I need a bigger hat!"

Then he stalked out and got in the car and was off to the races (or the Mall-Mart, as the case may be).

I noticed Carl is ready for Father's Day.

It's snacks he loves.  Whether his father will eat them on or not remains to be seen.  I also found this.

He's just a big kid.

How about towel funnies, in honor of having clean, folded towels in places they shouldn't be.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Audacity to Hope Day -- to encourage all to have the audacity to keep hope

Emancipation Day -- Tonga (trad.)

Festival for Hercules Custos -- Ancient Roman Calendar (Hercules the Custodian)

Flag Day -- Estonia; Finland (Armed Forces observe the birth anniversary of Carl Gustaf Mannerheim)

Hug Your Cat Day -- yet another date for this noted on many sites; if you celebrate all of them, your cat will be well hugged!

International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression -- UN

Jarila's Day -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar (Festival of Jarila, god of the sun and fertility)

Lassie Day -- the first dog to play the role of Lassie, in the movie Lassie, Come Home, was born this day in 1940

National Cheese Day -- not to be confused with Cheese Lover's Day earlier in the year

National Cognac Day

National Frozen Yogurt Day -- not to be confused with the Frozen Yogurt Day celebrated on Feb. 6 in Los Angeles, where the temperatures make such a thing possible

National Unity Day -- Hungary

Plynteria -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival in Athens in honor of Athena; date approximate)

St. Petroc's Day (Patron of Cornwall and Wales, as well as many locations in Cornwall, Wales, and England, and Saint-Meen, France)

Yom Yerushalayim -- Israel (Jerusalem Day; begins at sunset)

Birthdays Today:

Evan Lysacek, 1985

Russell Brand, 1975

Angelina Jolie, 1975

Noah Wyle, 1971

James Callis, 1971

Scott Wolf, 1968

Cecilia Bartoli, 1966

Sam Harris, 1961

Eldra DeBarge, 1961

Keith David, 1956

Parker Stevenson, 1953

George Noory, 1950

Bettina Gregory, 1946

Michelle Phillips, 1944

Joyce Meyer, 1943

Freddy Fender, 1937

Bruce Dern, 1936

John Drew Barrymore, 1932

Dr. Ruth Westheimer, 1928

Dennis Weaver, 1924

Robert Merrill, 1919

Rosalind Russell, 1907

George III, 1738

Aesop, BCE620 (not certain, but close enough)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Born in the USA"(Album release), 1984

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan(Film), 1982

"Cavalcade of Stars"(TV), 1949

Today in History:

Chinese astronomers make the first recording of a solar eclipse, BC781

Sir Walter Raleigh establishes the first English colony on Roanoke Island, old Virginia (now North Carolina), 1584

Forces under the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu take Osaka Castle in Japan, 1615

New England planters arrive to claim land in Nova Scotia, Canada taken from the Acadians, 1760

A transit of Venus is followed five hours later by a total solar eclipse, the shortest such interval in history, 1769

The Montgolfier brothers publicly demonstrate their montgolfière (hot air balloon), 1783

Captain George Vancouver claims Puget Sound for the Kingdom of Great Britain, 1792

The Ottoman Empire cedes Cyprus to the United Kingdom but retains nominal title, 1878

Henry Ford test drives his first prototype automobile, the Ford Quadricycle, 1896

Massachusetts becomes the first state of the United States to set a minimum wage, 1912

A patent for the ATM is granted to Donald Wetzel, Tom Barnes and George Chastain, 1973

The Tiananmen Square protests are violently ended in Beijing by the People's Liberation Army, 1989

Solidarity's victory in the first (somewhat) free parliamentary elections in post-war Poland sparks off a succession of peaceful anti-communist revolutions in Eastern Europe, 1989

Falcon 9 Flight 1 was the maiden flight of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket,2010

Negotiations break down between Greece's leftist Syriza government and the European Union regarding issuance of additional bailout funding, 2015

A State of Emergency is declared after 20,000 tonnes of diesel oil spills near the Russian city of Norilsk, Siberia within the Arctic Circle, 2020

Nepalese Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli makes a desperate plea for vaccines amid his country's devastating COVID-19 second wave, 2021


  1. Carl is a handful - but he sounds to be mostly happy which is lovely.
    Clean towels? Bliss. Much like the day I change the sheets.

  2. Never a dull moment where Carl is involved.

  3. Once again, you have so much patience. I guess if you are around him long enough it doesn't bother you much anymore and you know how to handle him.

  4. Carl keeps you so busy, but I can't imagine you ever throwing in the towel!

  5. Mimi, like I said, you are an angel. Carl will miss you when the time comes for him to move to his new place.

  6. Funnies are great and Carl is always so fascinating keeping you busy ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Carl is lucky to have you. We love the towel funnies

  8. Carl is a jewel and so very entertaining. I think he's lucky to have you, too. You have the patience of a Saint.

    Love all your funnies and loved the wearing a towel. I spewed my coffee.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  9. Oh that Carl! Loved the towel funnies!

  10. How sweet that Carl has a Father's Day gift ready for his dad. That fundraiser sounds fun. I wouldn't want the sip part though unless it was coffee or water. XO

  11. It sure sounds like Carl can make your day quite interesting:). Mom loves all the funnies but especially the one about the 12 seconds of all clean towels. She remembers those days when the three human kids were teenagers

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. "Don't you just love that whole 12 seconds of the day when all the towels are clean?" Yes I do!
    Love that CostCo beach towel!
    And Carl.

  13. He is just a big kid! I hope you are well paid for what you do!

  14. Those funnies are great. The Costco beach towel is really great.

  15. For some reason, your comment won't show up on my blog. I got the comment via email, but not on the post itself. And you are correct. It is okay to end a sentence with a preposition these days. I prefer to be old school! LOL

  16. Lulu: "All through the things about towels our Dada was hoping to see Arthur Dent, and then there he was at the very end! Dada is happy now!"


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