
Sunday, May 3, 2020

Pulling Rank (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

The children have each gotten their stimulus money from the government.  As Little Girl said, “I feel so stimulated.”  We need a sarcasm font for that statement, by the way.

Boudreaux an’ Clothile be argue ‘bout how dey goin’ spen’ dere stimulus money.  Boudreaux done tell Thibodeaux all ‘bout it.

“She be sayin’ we need to pay us de bill an’ get de car fix, an’ den put de rest away fo’ de emergency, ‘cause we don’ know how t’ings goin’ go wit’ de work.  Can you b’lieve!  She done know I need to get de boat fix up, an’ get de better motor, an’ she want it to be on de bills!”

Thibodeaux done shake hims head.  “You jes’ need tell her you be de capt’in o’ dis ship, an’ you be goin’ spen’ it de way you see bes’!”

De nex’ day, Boudreaux done be lookin’ ver’ down an’ sad, and Thibodeaux ax, “Did you get you money?”

An’ Boudreaux say, “Oui.”

“Did you done tol’ her you be de capt’in an’ you goin’ spen’ de money to fix de boat?”


“Den what fo’ you look so sad?”

An’ Boudreaux say, “Mais, I done get overrule when she done remin’ me dat I may be de capt’in o’ de ship, but she be de adm’ral o’ de fleet!”


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It is now hosted by Elephant's Child.     

Yesterday, i said to myself, self, you need to go on a walk and you need pictures for Sunday Selections.  See how many pictures you can get in a nice walk around the block (it’s a big block).

Have a beautiful and restful Sunday, everyone!


Today is:

Be Kind to Animals Week -- sponsored by the American Humane Association, through Saturday 

Bent Wand-Straightening Day -- Fairy Calendar

Bona Dia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (a women's festival)

Constitution Day -- Poland

Constitution Memorial Day -- Japan (Part of the Showa Golden Week Festivities)

Dia de la Cruz -- Mexico (Day of the Holy Cross, a festive day for construction workers, with parties and a flower decorated cross placed on every piece of new construction through the country)

Florae -- Ancient Roman Calendar (ceremony at the temple of Flora)

Garden Meditation Day -- let go your concerns and center your attention on your garden 

International Dawn Chorus Day -- encouraging everyone to get up early and join others in listening to the early morning bird chorus   

Lumpy Rug Day -- the tongue-in-cheek day to tease bigots about shoving unwanted facts under the rug, sponsored by Robert L. Birch of Puns corps

Martyr's Day -- Lebanon

Mayday for Mutts -- originally sponsored, but now celebrated by many animal rescues on different dates   

Mother's Day -- Angola; Cape Verde; Hungary; Lithuania; Mozambique; Portugal; Romania; Spain

National Infertility Survival Day® -- US (encouraging infertility survivors to reach out to those still coming to terms with being diagnosed as infertile) 

National Raspberry Popover Day / National Raspberry Tart Day

National Two Different Colored Shoes Day -- celebrate your uniqueness, take a risk, and step outside of your routine today 

Paranormal Day -- i have enough trouble with normal, thank you

Pregnancy Fitness Awareness Day 

Root Canal Awareness Week begins -- sponsored by the American Association of Endodontists   

Specially-Abled Pet Day -- learn more about caring for disabled pets over here or over here         

St. James the Lesser's Day (Patron of apothecaries, druggists, the dying, fullers, hatters and hatmakers, miliners, pharmacists; Frascati, Italy; Monterotondo, Italy; Nemi, Italy; Uruguay; Venegono Inferiore, Italy)

St. Phillip the Apostle's Day (Patron of hatmakers and hatters, milliners, pastry chefs; Luxembourg; Monterotondo, Italy; Nemi, Italy; San Felipe Indian Pueblo) 

Wordsmith Day

World Laughter Day -- sponsored by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement 

World Press Freedom Day -- International/UN

Birthdays Today:

Joseph Addai, 1983
Christine Hendricks, 1975
Dule Hill, 1975
Christopher Cross, 1951
Mary Hopkin, 1950
Doug Henning, 1947
Greg Gumbel, 1946
Frankie Valli, 1937
Engelbert Humperdinck, 1936
James Brown, 1933
Sugar Ray Robinson, 1921
Pete Seeger, 1919
Bing Crosby, 1903
Golda Meir, 1898
Niccolo Machiavelli, 1469

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Bent"(Play), 1979
"All Things Considered"(National Public Radio Network first broadcast), 1971
"The Most Happy Fella"(Musical), 1956
"CBS Evening News"(TV), 1948

Today in History:

Christopher Columbus first sights Jamaica (Santiago), 1494
Francis Bacon is charged with bribery, 1621
A royal charter is granted for Connecticut, 1662
The last total solar eclipse to be observed from London for the next 900 years occurs as predicted by Edmund Halley; called Halley's eclipse as he predicted it to within 4 minutes accuracy and described its path to within 30km, 1715
The Constitution of May 3 (the first modern constitution in Europe) is proclaimed by the Sejm of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1791
Washington, D.C., is incorporated as a city, 1802
The Canterbury and Whitstable Railway is opened. It is the first steam hauled passenger railway to issue season tickets and include a tunnel, 1830
The Hudson's Bay Company gives up all claims to Vancouver Island, 1867
The Great Fire of 1901 in Jacksonville, Florida, destroys 1,700 buildings, 1901
Raja Harishchandra the first full-length Indian feature film is released, marking the beginning of the Indian film industry, 1913
The poem In Flanders Fields is written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, 1915
Nellie Tayloe Ross becomes the first woman to head the United States Mint, 1933
Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind is awarded the Pulitzer Prize, 1937
The Kentucky Derby is televised for the first time, 1951
Lieutenant Colonels Joseph O. Fletcher and William P. Benedict of the United States land a plane at the North Pole, 1952
The Anne Frank House opens in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1960
The first "spam" email is sent by a Digital Equipment Corporation marketing representative to every ARPANET address on the west coast of the United States, 1978
The strongest tornado ever recorded, one of  66 tornadoes recorded that day,with winds of up to 313mph, strikes Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1999
The sport of geocaching begins, with the first cache placed and the coordinates from a GPS posted on Usenet, 2000
New Hampshire's famous Old Man of the Mountain collapses, 2003
New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art announces it will return two statues from northern Cambodia's archeological site Koh Ker, 2013
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences members vote to expel Bill Cosby and Roman Polanski, 2018
Kilauea volcano on Big Island, Hawaii begins erupting forcing the evacuation of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and residential areas, 2018


  1. Boudreaux should have known that without being reminded.
    Loved walking round the block with you - and how amazing that we both featured a blockie (half a world apart) on the same Sunday Selections. Your weather looked kinder than mine though.

  2. Thanks for the smile and photos, I liked to walk with you.

  3. Thanx for your lovely photos. I was inspired to do the same. I switched on the cell-phone and got ready to take photos as soon as I got up. And I fell down the stairs.

    God bless.

  4. Oh the weather is getting better day after day. People are no getting out a lot more. Are you Mimi? Keep safe my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. I enkoyed the photos mimi :-)

    LOL @ the joke haha!

    Have a safetastic Sunday 😷😷😷

  6. Hatters and pastry chefs?!?
    I like the manatee mail box holder. (At least, I think it's a manatee?)

  7. Fun Cajun joke ~ love it! And neat photos that look like Spring ^_^

    Be Well ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Yes, The Admiral does for sure outrank the Captain.

  9. That was a fun joke and terrific pics, love the mailbox holder!

  10. Poor Boudreaux. Eventually ever man must come to the realization that wives do indeed control the fleet. :) - Love your spring photos. Nice to have a virtual walk about. I was thinking about doing that today but it looks like it may rain.

  11. Ha ha! Good one :) Great photos too.

  12. Women rule!! It's about time this fact as faced, and acknowledged! :)

    Great array of pics, messymimi! Keep taking good care...all of this, too, shall end...and perhaps a better, brighter, happier, more considerate world will be at its the new beginning-awakening! :)

  13. I agree - we NEED a sarcasm font :)

    Lovely spring pictures - you have far more green there than we do here.

  14. The Cajun joke was too funny! I am a spender too. I am getting better. I won some money on a radio contect. With all that has been going on I have patiently waited since February to receive my money. Finally they will release checks via mail until all is resolved. I will use a bit for shopping but mainly save it for our trip to see our youngest daughter and her hubby in upstate NY. I love all the photos from your walk. A nice selection of smiles for all to enjoy. Thank you. HUGS

  15. Checking out the Ten Things of Thankful. I participated and may be too late but I liked joining in. Thanks for sharing and always fun to stop by for Aw....Mondays. Thanks all around.


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