
Thursday, March 9, 2023

Enjoying Every Moment, a Six Sentence Story


"C'mon, Hunga, I love the park, too, but we can't lounge here all day, I have a shift in the kitchen coming up."

Mimi and Hunga padded back to the Six Sentence Cafe and Bistro, and Hunga, knowing in his doggy way Tom would have his after-park-time treat waiting, continued through the swinging door into the kitchen the moment they walked through the front door.

Mimi laughed to see him go, as did the Proprietor behind the bar, while a regular patron sitting at the bar smiled and observed, "They're like children, really, but not really -- they don't grow up to betray you, and they leave too soon, but children outlive you and often betray you, I wonder why that is.

Mimi looked thoughtful and said, "Our children, we teach them to live without us, it's not a betrayal when they move off and into the world, growing up and outliving us, raising their own.  Pets, though, they're of a different species which wouldn't live the way we do if left to themselves, and since we teach them to live with us, it's best they go first though it hurts so much, as we really unfit them to be on their own."

"Maybe that's so," the patron mused, as Mimi went past to catch up with Hunga and Tom, and take over her kitchen duties.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Lounge.      



  1. Very nice lesson in there. I raised my own to be independent and able to live good lives and I'm happy they are all now doing so. It's not a betrayal, it tells me I did a good job.

  2. Beautiful story with good observations about our children and how they are different from our pets.

  3. A thoughtful Café Six on humans and pets, plus kitchen duties ahoy as you take over from Tom!

  4. Cleo YAY YAY for your furever home. What a precious face
    Hugs cecilia

  5. Very true! The pets give and get the best of us, and our children live on and spread what they've observed!

  6. Lightning did strike twice this week.
    Long live the SSC&B.

  7. An elegantly written, thoughtful Six.

  8. My children have moved into their own natural world and they are responsible. I've removed my pets from their own natural world, so I am responsible!
    Great story, and great lesson, Mimi!


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