
Thursday, May 18, 2023

No Guile Intended (A Six Sentence Cafe and Bistro Story)


He stood looking at her, expectantly, and she smiled.

"Yes, Hunga, I'm fixing some for you and a bite for me, too.  Now just let me get back over here and close the fridge..."

The refrigerator door caught on a bottle of salad dressing leaning out at the wrong angle, and by the time she bent over, straightened it up, and turned back with the door successfully shut, the counter where the snack had been was empty, and the dog was happily scarfing down the whole portion.

"Hunga!" she said, and the dog, unlike a human who would probably flush with shame, just looked up with his wide doggy grin and his whole back end wagging, obviously proud of himself for his snack hunting prowess.

Mimi laughed and said, "Well, you got me this time, buddy, but now you're going to have to wait while I make a bit more before we go out -- and you better be ready to run today, you have extra calories to burn off!"

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Flush.

(Based on our morning -- Sweetie turned his back on the breakfast sandwich he brought to work with him to close the microwave door and Cookie, rather than wait for him to give her a tidbit as he always does, helped herself to the whole thing from the counter!)

Cookie, tummy full.



  1. Smiling - in rueful familiarity of the scene. They are quick aren't they? And feel no guilt.

  2. Oh Cookie ~ you sweet thing ~ are you in trouble? ~ Another well written story ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. One can't turn one's back on a good snack.

  4. Made me laugh! We have three dogs, but only one would dream (and does) of snatching something from the counter.

  5. I think I will have a discussion with Hunga!
    Kindred souls he and Sweetie are 😆

    (Btw, the way you approached this incident- real and literal life - speaks volumes )

  6. Excellent Six.
    I have yet to see a dog exhibit malice. Hunger, sure, diminished impulse-control? ok
    Be spiteful? never.

  7. Our son's Great Danes didn't even have to jump up to grab something off the counter. It was just at eye level! Sneaky beakers!


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