
Sunday, July 23, 2023

How Long? (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Last week, Grandma had me wash all the blankets from her bed.  This week, it was Grandpa's turn, and when i told him i'd be washing his blankets because she told me to, he said, "Whatever she wants!"

Can you tell they've been married over 60 years?  She was telling him, "I ordered some sox because almost all of mine are unraveled and two flannel shirts because they'll be warm but not too hot.  I just wanted to tell you so you won't be surprised to see it on the credit card."

He responded with, "It's okay, I know you have to be shopping regularly."

She gave him the look and said, "I think I'm going to throw something at you!" but she didn't because he was cooking her lunch.

Boudreaux an' Clothile done have dem de anniversary comin', an' Thibodeaux ax, "How long you two done been marry?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Not long enough."

An' Thibodeaux ax, "What you mean by dat?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais, neither of us be dead yet!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.       

We're getting a few more crepe myrtle blooms now.

When i arrived at Ms. GA's to clean she said, "Please excuse the place, it looks like a toddler lives here!"

The fern got "loved on" a little too much.

Note the placement of the trash can and toilet paper.

Note the towel now hangs over the teapot instead of over the oven handle.

And here's the "toddler" responsible for it all now.

Abigail is trying to hide from him on the bed in the laundry hamper.



Today is:

Auntie's Day® -- as begun by The Savvy Auntie, celebrating those who chose to take on the active role of being an Auntie

Birthday of Emperor Haili Selassi I -- Rastafari

Flag Day -- Abkhazia

Gorgeous Grandma Day -- a day to celebrate those who age, date, and mate in style!   

Hot Enough For Ya Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays as the only day on which you may utter these words; any other day, and you will get high fived on the back of the head!;)

International Bog Day

Mayan Sun Festival -- honoring Ahau Kin, the sun god, date approximate

Mi'kmaq Pilgrimage to St. Anne Mission -- Mi'kmaq First Nations of Canada and Maine 

National Vanilla Ice Cream Day

Neptunalia and Salcia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (god and goddess of the ocean and wide seas, celebrates Neptune in his role as god of irrigation)

Parent's Day -- US 

Private Eye Day -- internet generated

Ranggeln -- Mt. Hundstein, Germany (traditional form of wresting, called ranggeln, in honor of St. Jacob's Day [which most celebrate on July 25]; this particular festival harks back to the pre-Christian Lughnasadh celebrations, which went through Aug. 1 and contained athletic events)

Remembrance Day -- Papua New Guinea

Renaissance Day -- Oman (celebrates the accession of Qaboos bin Said Al Said, 14th Sultan of Oman)

Revolution Day -- Egypt

St. Apollinaris' Day (Patron against epilepsy, gout; of Aachen, Germany; Burtscheid, Germany; Düsseldorf, Germany; Ravenna, Italy; Remagen, Germany)

St. Bridget of Sweden's Day (Patron of widows; Europe; Sweden)

St. Phocas the Gardener's Day (Patron of agricultural workers, boatmen, farm workers, farmers, field hands, gardeners, husbandmen, mariners, market-gardeners, sailors, watermen)

Warei Shrine Summer Festival -- Warei Shrine, Uwajima City, Japan (through tomorrow, includes "bull-sumo", a non-fatal type of bull fighting, where the bulls try to push each other out of the ring)

Anniversaries Today

Prince Andrew, Duke of York marries Sarah Ferguson, 1986

Coronation of King Mohammed VI of Morocco, 1999

Birthdays Today

Daniel Radcliffe, 1989

Michelle Williams, 1980

Omar Epps, 1975

Nomar Garciapara, 1973

Marlon Wayans, 1972

Charisma Carpenter, 1970

Philip Seymour Hoffman, 1967

Eriq La Salle, 1962

Woody Harrelson, 1961

Lamont "ShowBoat" Robinson, 1961

Edie McClurg, 1951

Belinda Montgomery, 1950

Don Imus, 1940

Nicholas Gage, 1939

Ronny Cox, 1938

Anthony M. Kennedy, 1936

Don Drysdale, 1936

Bert Convy, 1933

Arata Isozaki, 1931

Gloria DeHaven, 1925

Amalia Rodrigues, 1920

Harold "Pee Wee" Reese, 1918

Arthur Treacher, 1894

Haile Selassie I, 1892

Raymond Chandler, 1888

Samuel Augustus Maverick, 1803

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha! Ha!"(Single release), 1966

"The Gene Autry Show"(TV), 1950

Today in History

William Austin Burt patents the Typographer, a precursor to the typewriter, 1829

The Province of Canada is created by the Act of Union, 1840

The Federation Internationale de Gymnastique, the world's oldest international sport federation, is founded, 1881

The Ford Motor Company sells its first car, 1903

Fox Film buys the patents of the Movietone sound system for recording sound onto film, 1926

Telstar  relays the first publicly transmitted, live trans-Atlantic television program, featuring Walter Cronkite, 1962

The International Whaling Commission decides to end commercial whaling within 4 years, 1982 

Air Canada Flight 143 runs out of fuel and makes a deadstick landing at Gimli, Manitoba, 1983

Comet Hale-Bopp is discovered, 1995

Cape Verde becomes the 153rd member of the World Trade Organization, 2008

Patent law disputes between Samsung and Apple deadlock as the dispute addresses valuation of each other's patents, 2012

NASA's Kepler mission announces the discovery of the most Earth-like planet yet - Kepler-452b, 1,400 light years from Earth, 2015

Japan records its highest ever temperature at 41.1 degrees (105.98F) in Kumagaya, 2018

China launches its first mission to Mars, Tianwen-1, a combined orbiter, lander and rover, 2020

The XXXII Summer Olympic Games officially open at the Olympic Stadium, Tokyo, Japan, 2021


  1. Smiling at the toddler damage - and loving the crepe myrtle and the sunsets. Thank you.

  2. Good joke. Abigail is adorable. Beautiful photos. XO

  3. Quite the busy 'toddler' ~ lol ~ fun Cajun joke and awesome sunset photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. The Cajun joke is brilliant! As for your photos, all sorts of interesting scenes!

  5. I know the would be the toddler and isn't he though! Both of them are. I have said the same about this are scattered everywhere and occasional messes too from my now almost 15 yr. old toddler. She turned over the trash again in the spare bedroom.

  6. That dead stick landing by Air Canada...that was a monumental airliner like that!

  7. Those were all great photos and such a cute toddler! That was a funny shopping story.

  8. Beautiful sunsets and sweet Abigail. Always enjoying your shares. Haves a blessed day


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