Monday, June 24, 2024

Wiggle Worm (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week and Poetry Monday


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

I tried to get Emmie to do a "selfie" but she's a wiggle worm.


Sparks is the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, who wanted us to post something positive and uplifting at the start of the week.  While she no longer blogs, i like to post an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.     


Our dear friend Diane is taking a break

accommodations we must make

we miss her poetry and wit

so carry on as Poetry Monday's a hit!

Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On the Alberta Montana Border Charlotte/Mother Owl and i are keeping it going while she takes a blog break, we hope temporarily.  Anyone else is welcome to join in the fun, just let us know!

This week the theme is Muse.                  


I asked my muse to tell me

what i should write to day,

my muse did simply laugh at me

and then did run away.

She thought that i would chase her,

but on this day she thought wrong,

i told her to keep running

and i would sit and sing a song!

The threat of listening to me

and my awful singing voice

was enough to convince her

she didn't have a choice.

If she wanted to prevent

the damage to her ears,

she'd have to come back again,

i'd made it very clear.

And so she came and here did stay

as smoothly we do sail

across my page with the words

to tell you this our tale!

Future themes are:

June 24 muse (Today!)

July 8 candid

July 15 growth

July 22 conclusion

July 29 holiday


Today is:

Araw ng Maynila -- Philippines (Manila Day)

Bannockburn Day -- Scotland (decisive battle of the first Scottish War of Independence, led by Robert Bruce)(FSa

Burning of the Lamps in Egypt at Sais -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar, a celebration of Isis and Neith (date approximate)

Calcio Fiorentino -- Florence, Italy (reviving 16th century style football in period costumes, through the 28th)

Carabobo Day -- Venezuela (battle commemoration)

Cat World Domination Day

Celebration of the Senses -- Wellcat Holidays urges you to enjoy all five (six?) of your senses today

Countryman's Day -- Peru (one of Peru's three Fiestas Patrias Peruanas)

Day of the Caboclo -- Amazonas State, Brazil

Feast of Rahmat (Mercy) -- Baha'i

Flying Saucer Day -- anniversary of Kenneth Arnold's 1947 sighting, while flying near Mt. Rainier, of 9 metallic, circular objects he could not identify

Fors Fortuna -- Ancient Roman Calendar (rites and festival for the goddess of good luck and fortune)

International Fairy Day/Faerie Day -- day for collectors, believers, and artists to share their love for the little folk   

June Holiday -- NL, Canada (formerly Discovery Day)

Museum Comes to Life Day -- another fun and funny day someone came up with

National Creamy Pralines Day

Please Take My Children To Work Day -- originally sponsored by; a tongue-in-cheek way to request that you give a full- or part-time stay-at-home mom a break today!

Sólmánuðr -- Icelandic calendar, Sun Month, with the midnight sun dominating the time of year

St. John the Baptist's Nativity Day and related Midsummer celebrations (Patron of baptism, bird dealers, converts, children with convulsions, epileptics, farriers, French Canadians, lambs, monastic life, motorways, printers, tailors; against convulsions, epilepsy, hail and hailstorms, and spasms; Patron of over 60 cities and countries around the globe)

    Inti Raymi -- Peru (Incan Sun Festival)

    Jaanipaev -- Estonia

    Jani -- Latvia

    Jónsmessa -- Iceland (feast of St. John the Baptist, considered a magical night when cows can speak, seals take on human form, finding magical stones and herbs is propitious, and rolling naked in the dew is healing.)

    Macau Day -- China (celebrating the defeat of Dutch invasion forces in 1622 and paying homage to St. John as the port's Patron Saint)

    Midsummer Day -- England

    National Holiday -- Quebec, Canada (Sant Jean-Baptiste)

    Saint John the Baptist Day -- Andorra

    Saint Jonas Festival or Jonines -- Lithuania

    San Juan -- CT and GA, Spain

    Surinal -- North Korea

    Zuni Buffalo, Corn, and Comanche Dances -- Zuni Native Americans (for fertility of land and people; Vespers is also observed, as San Juan is their Patron Saint)

Swim a Lap Day -- just for fun!

Swing a Kid Day -- if swimming isn't right for you, go play on the swing set

Whit Monday -- Orthodox Churches

Anniversaries Today:

Eton College is founded by Henry VI, 1441

Birthdays Today:

Sherry Stringfield, 1967

Joe Penny, 1956

Nancy Allen, 1950

Phyllis George, , 1949

Peter Weller, 1947

Mick Fleetwood, 1947

Ellison Shoji Onizuka, 1946

Jeff Beck, 1944

Michele Lee, 1942

Claude Chabrol, 1930

John Anthony Ciardi. 1916

Phil Harris, 1904

Jack Dempsey, 1895

Roy O. Disney, 1893

Ambrose Bierce, 1842

Henry Ward Beecher, 1813

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Catch-22(Film), 1970

"Hopalong Cassidy"(TV), 1949

"American Mercury Presents:  Meet the Press"(Radio), 1945

Today in History:

Battle of Cedynia, the first documented victory of Polish forces, takes place, 972

A sudden outbreak of St. John's Dance causes people in the streets of Aachen, Germany, to experience hallucinations and begin to jump and twitch uncontrollably until they collapse from exhaustion, 1374

John Cabot lands in North America at Newfoundland; the first European

exploration of the region since the Vikings, 1497

Miguel Lopez de Legazpi founds Manila, the capital of the Republic of the Philippines, 1571

Samuel de Champlain discovers the mouth of the Saint John River, site of Reversing Falls and the present-day city of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, 1604

The colony of New Jersey is founded, 1664

Kingston, Jamaica is founded, 1692

The Premier Grand Lodge of England, the first Masonic Grand Lodge in the world (now the United Grand Lodge of England), is founded in London, England, 1717

The first republican constitution in France is adopted, 1793

The decisive battle in the war of independence of Venezuela from Spain, the Battle of Carabobo takes place, 1821

First performance of O Canada, the song that would become the national anthem of Canada, at the Congrès national des Canadiens-Français, 1880

The first exhibition of Pablo Picasso's work opens, 1901

Mary Pickford becomes the first female film star to get a million dollar contract, 1916

The first airmail service in Canada from Montreal to Toronto begins, 1918

Siam is renamed Thailand by Plaek Pibulsonggram, the third prime minister, 1939

The Soviet Union makes overland travel between the West with West Berlin impossible, 1948

The United Kingdom grants Zanzibar internal self-government, 1963

Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud completes his first mission, becoming the first Arab and first Muslim in space, as a Payload Specialist, 1985

John Isner of the United States defeats Nicolas Mahut of France at Wimbledon, in the longest match in professional tennis history, 2010

The last known Pinta Island Tortoise, Lonesome George, is found dead in the Galapagos Islands, 2012

British Prime Minister David Cameron resigns after the UK votes to leave the EU, 2016

Saudi Arabia lifts its ban on women driving, 2018

The US Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, 2022

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Where the Problem Lies (Cajun Joke), Sunday Selections and Sunday Selfie


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

      As Grandpa and i were preparing to go to the store, Grandma was telling me what she wanted me to get.  Grandpa came to the door to interrupt with, "You already have some of those in the freezer," and Grandma shot back, "Excuse me!  Did I ask you to come tell me what I already have?" and she laughed.

He just shook his head and walked off, knowing when he'd been beaten.

Boudreaux done be wantin' Clothile to spen' less at de grocery, an' she be talkin' 'bout how de prices done gone up, an' how much Boudreaux eat, much less de chil'ren, and dey gets to fussin'.

Fin'ly Clothile jes say she goin' bring him de receipt an' he can see fo' hisse'f how much it all is, an' she leave de room.

Aline done hear it all an' ax, "Mère, do dere be enny such t'ing as de happy marriage?"

An' Clothile say, "Mais, every marriage be happy!  It be de livin' wit' him after dat be de pro'lem!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.        


This week, Tripod SissyCat wants to join the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head for their Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.  It's her relaxing on the front porch in the evening selfie.   


Today is:

America's Kids Day -- founded to encourage parents to teach their children the value of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

Anubis Ceremony -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Falconry Festival -- El Haouaria, Tunisia (celebrating the art of falconry, which is passed from fathers to sons in "the country of the eagle", with breeders from around the world)

Father's Day -- Nicaragua; Poland

Festival of the Purple Void -- only one internet reference, and not explained there, either, but since purple is my favorite color, and a Purple Void sound like something fun to celebrate, i'm including it!

Festivals of Het-Hert and Bast, and Great Feast of the Southern Heavens -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Grand Duke's Birthday & National Day -- Luxembourg

Kupala -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar (Summer Solstice celebration, always on St. John's Eve, as the pagans hid their celebration by naming it "Ivan Kupala", their name for John the Baptist)

Let It Go Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays; whatever you are holding on to, just let it go and the day will get better

National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism -- Canada

National Pecan Sandy Day

National Pink Day -- the color or the flower, your choice, because the creator didn't leave a trail explaining it

Pink Flamingo Day -- honoring Don Featherstone, creator of the original pink plastic flamingo lawn ornament; decorate your lawn with at least four pink flamingos, the minimum number needed for a flock

Poop Out Early Day -- act pooped out, see if you can cut out early; your success at pooping out early may vary

Public Service Day -- UN

SAT Math Day -- birth anniversary of Alan Turing

St. Agrippina (Patron against bacterial diseases and infections, evil spirits, leprosy, storms and thunder; of Mineo, Italy)

St. Ethelreda's Day (Patron of those with neck and throat ailments, widows; University of Cambridge)

St. John's Eve -- start or culmination of many midsummer festivals, including:

     Dragaica Fair -- Buzau, Romania

     Golowan Festival -- Cornwall

     Jaaniohtu -- Estonia  

     Kupala Days begin -- Belarus; Poland; Russia; Ukraine

     Ligo / Lani -- Latvia (pagan midsummer celebration originally dedicated to the god Janis

     Midsummer Eve -- Denmark; Sweden

     Midsummer Festival -- Portugal

St. Joseph Cafasso's Day (Patron of captives, prisoners, prisons, and prison chaplains)

Typewriter Day -- patented this day in 1868 by Christopher Latham Sholes

Victory Day -- Estonia

Whitsunday / Pentecost -- Orthodox Churches

Birthdays Today:

Bridget Sloan, 1992

Chellsie Memmel, 1988

Jason Mraz, 1977

Selma Blair, 1972

Louis Van Amstel,1972

Frances McDormand, 1957

Clarence Thomas, 1948

Bryan Brown, 1947

Ted Shackelford, 1946

James Levine, 1943

Wilma Goldean Rudolph, 1940

June Carter Cash, 1929

Bob Fosse, 1927

Alan Turing, 1912

Edward VIII, King of England, 1894

Alfred Kinsey, 1894

Johannes Gutenberg, 1400 (estimated)

Ptolemy XV Philopator Philometor Caesar, BC47 (Son of Cleopatra VII and Julius Caesar)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Batman(Film), 1989

"The Breakfast Club"(Radio), 1933

Today in History:

The world's oldest parliament, the Icelandic Althing, is established, 930

First Battle of Uji, starting the Genpei War in Japan, 1180

First War of Scottish Independence: The Battle of Bannockburn, south of Stirling, begins, 1314

The mutinous crew of Henry Hudson's fourth voyage sets Henry, his son and seven loyal crew members adrift in an open boat in what is now Hudson Bay; they are never heard from again, 1611

The French residents of Acadia are given one year to declare allegiance to Britain or leave Nova Scotia, Canada, 1713

Empress Catherine II of Russia grants Jews permission to settle in Kiev, 1794

Christopher Latham Sholes receives a patent for Type-Writer, 1868

The Rocky Mountains Park Act becomes law in Canada, creating the nation's first national park, Banff National Park, 1887

The International Olympic Committee  is founded at the Sorbonne, Paris, at the initiative of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, 1894

The College Board administers the first SAT exam, 1926

Wiley Post and Harold Gatty take off from Roosevelt Field, Long Island in an attempt to circumnavigate the world in a single-engine plane, 1931

The 1946 Vancouver Island earthquake strikes Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, 1946

The Antarctic Treaty, which sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve and bans military activity on the continent, comes into force, 1961

Title IX of the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 is amended to prohibit sexual discrimination to any educational program receiving federal funds, 1972

Himmy, of Australia, weighs in at domestic cat record 20.7 kg (45 lb) , 1982

Nintendo 64 goes on sale in Japan, 1996

Japan's Iwate prefecture experiences a 6.7 magnitude earthquake, 2011

Nik Wallenda completes a high wire walk across a Little Colorado River Gorge near the Grand Canyon, 2013

A ceasefire agreement is signed between the Colombian government and Farc rebels ending more than 50 years of conflict, 2016

The United Kingdom votes to leave the European Union, 2017

Indian chess prodigy Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa becomes the second-youngest grandmaster at 12 years, 10 months, 13 days, 2018

Twelve boys and their coach are stranded in Tham Luang Nang Non cave, Thailand by monsoon flooding, prompting an international rescue effort, 2018

Rembrandt's masterpiece "The Night Watch" is finally seen in its entirety for first time in 300 years after AI is used to fill in pieces that were trimmed off, 2021