Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Recipe for co-op: Easy and Delicious Shrimp Remoulade

1/4 C mayo (can use light mayo)
1 bunch green onions, chopped
1/3 C chopped fresh parsley
2 T prepared horseradish
2 T creole mustard
2 T Dijon mustard
2 T lemon juice
2 lb. cooked and peeled shrimp

Mix the first 7 ingredients, toss with shrimp, and enjoy. Great the first day, even better the next, if it lasts that long.

Today is:

Awashima Jinja Grand Festival -- Uto, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, through the 3rd

Baba Marta Day -- Bulgaria (Grandmother Spring Day, martenitsa are worn until you see a stork or a tree blooming.)

Beer Day -- Iceland (marks the end of the prohibition of beer in 1989)

Chalanda Marz (Calends of March) -- Ancient Roman Calendar, now a festival in Egandine, Grisons Canton, Switzerland, in which the children ring bells to ring out the winter

Eight Hours Day -- Tasmania

Elves, Woodworkers, and Mechanics' Day -- Fairy Calendar

First Day of Autumn -- Australia (they go by months, not equinoxes, like the rest of the world used to)

Heroes' Day -- Paraguay

Independence Day -- Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Association for Women of Color Day

Labour Day -- Western Australia

Martisor -- Romanians and Aromanians, especially in Romania and Moldova (similar tradition to Baba Marta; first days of March are Zilele Babei, Days of the Old Woman, when Old Woman Winter, Baba Dokia, who lives in the mountains, might come back with ferocity.)

Matronalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (marriage festival)

National Fruit Compote Day

National Pig Day

Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day

Peace Corps Birthday

Peanut Butter Lovers' Day

Plan a Solo Vacation Day

Refired, Not Retired Day

Roman New Year
Feriae Marti in honor of Mars
Matronalia in honor of Juno , a marriage and womanhood festival
Renewal of the Vestal fire

Samiljeol (March 1st Movement Remembrance Day) -- South Korea

Self-Injury Awareness Day

St. David's Day (patron of Wales)

Todai-ji Shunie -- Todai-ji Temple, Nara, Japan, festival of fire and water, through the 14th

Whuppity Scoorie Day, Lanark, Scotland (Spring festival, children run around the church and pick up coins thrown for them.)

Victory of Adwa Day -- Ethiopia

Vjunitci -- Slavic Pagan (Navii Day, a day to remember dead ancestors)

Anniversaries Today:

Ohio becomes the 17th US State, 1803
Nebraska becomes the 37th US State, 1867
Howard University in Washington, D.C., is chartered, 1867

Birthdays Today:

Russell Wong, 1963
Nik Kershaw, 1958
Ron Howard, 1954
Alan Thicke, 1947
Dirk Benedict, 1945
Roger Daltry, 1944
Robert Conrad, 1935
Harry Belafonte, 1927
Pete Rozelle, 1926
Ralph Ellison, 1914
Harry Caray, 1914
David Niven, 1910
Glenn Miller, 1904
Watsuji Tetsuro, 1889
Frederic Chopin, 1810

Today in History:

Romulus, first king of Rome, celebrates the first Roman triumph after his victory over the Caeninenses, following the Rape of the Sabine Women, BC752
Lucius Cornelius Sulla, at the head of a Roman Republic army, enters Athens, BC86
Hulagu Khan, grandson of Genghis, conquerors Damascus, 1260
The Unitas Fratrum is established in the village of Kunvald, on the Bohemian-Moravian borderland. It is to date the second oldest Protestant denomination, 1457
23 Huguenots are massacred by Catholics in Wassy, France, marking the start of the French Wars of Religion, 1562
The Uppsala Synod is summoned to confirm the exact forms of the Lutheran Church of Sweden, 1593
Samuel de Champlain reclaims his role as commander of New France on behalf of Cardinal Richelieu, 1633
Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba are arrested for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts, 1692
"The Spectator" begins publishing, in London, 1711
The first US census is authorized, 1790
Napoleon returns to France from his banishment on Elba, 1815
Rebecca Lee Crumpler becomes the first African-American female to earn a medical degree, 1864
Yellowstone becomes the world's first national park, 1872
E. Remington and Sons in Ilion, New York begins production of the first practical typewriter, 1873
Nikola Tesla gives the first public demonstration of radio in St. Louis, Missouri, 1893
Henri Becquerel discovers radioactivity, 1896
Battle of Adwa, Abyssinia (Ethiopia) defeats invading Italians, the first defeat of a colonizing European nation by an African colony, 1896
Albert Berry makes the first parachute jump from an airplane, 1912
The Republic of China joins the Universal Postal Union, 1914
The March 1st Movement, demonstrations for independence from Japan, begins in Korea, 1919
Charles Lindbergh, Jr., is kidnapped, 1932
The Hoover Dam is completed, 1936
US Steel raises workers wages to US$5/day, 1937
Trans-Canada Air Lines (forerunner of Air Canada) begins transcontinental operations (between Vancouver and Montreal), 1939
The International Monetary Fund begins financial operations, 1947
Chiang Kai-shek resumed the presidency of National China on Formosa, 1950
The Castle Bravo, a 15-megaton hydrogen bomb, is detonated on Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, resulting in the worst radioactive contamination ever caused by the United States, 1954
The Peace Corps is established, 1961
Villarrica Volcano begins a strombolian eruption causing lahars that destroy half of the town of CoƱaripe, Chile, 1964
Venera 3 Soviet space probe crashes on Venus becoming the first spacecraft to land on another planet's surface, 1966
Bosnia and Herzegovina declares its independence from Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1992
Yahoo! was incorporated, 1995
The Envisat environmental satellite successfully reaches an orbit 800 kilometers (500 miles) above the Earth on its 11th launch, carrying the heaviest payload to date at 8500 kilograms (9.5 tons), 2002
The International Criminal Court holds its inaugural session in The Hague, 2003
English-language Wikipedia reaches its one millionth article, Jordanhill railway station, 2006

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