Saturday, September 21, 2024

Thankful, With a Side of Drama, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


This week wasn't quite so busy as the last, but of course that doesn't mean the thankful things were scarce.  That's never the case.

It also does not mean the week was without drama.  That's also seldom to never the case.

Last weekend had very foggy mornings, so i left for NOLA a bit late.  The spillway bridge is a huge concern in fog, there have been some nasty pile-ups there, and i was quite thankful by the time i'd gotten that close to NOLA, the sun was well up and the fog had burned off.

Grandpa was very thankful getting to the store a little later did not translate to a longer wait time to check out.  He loathes taking any more time than absolutely necessary when shopping.

All was back to the usual schedule on Sunday, Becca and i were both thankful to have our usual walk with Mr. Cal, church, and dropping her at Sunday school.

Poor Carl had spent the prior week getting almost everything he owns dirty because of working in the rain and i am thankful i don't often have to wash quite so much of his clothing.

Ms. D wanted us to have a shredding party as she is going through the filing cabinets and getting rid of old paperwork.  She is thankful she's doing this now and not leaving it to her kids, we did get a lot discarded, and she's decided she'll have a pile for us to do every time i come, to make it easier.  I'm thankful to be able to help.

I was thankful to see Ms. JAI for the first time in a month, she was thankful for a thorough cleaning of floors and bathrooms, and we were both thankful her daughter was able to help me get her set up to read her email on her iPad.

The Tuesday morning ladies' circle met for the first time after a summer break and we were very thankful for a good meeting with plenty of good nibbles, because what's a ladies' meeting without good nibbles?

Ms. G and i were thankful for a safe trip there and back to Mississippi where she now has a well kept mobile home to live in when she retires, on family land with family near who can keep an eye on her when she comes to needing it.

We were thankful putting together those cast iron day beds didn't kill us and they didn't fall on us and we managed to get the hardware on and the beds squared up.

The feral cats were thankful we stopped on the way back home to feed them.

I'm thankful i just managed to get to Bible study on time, where we not only had a lively lesson, we had a chance to pray over some of the more dramatic happenings in our extended church family.

First, a high school senior killed in a traffic accident last week was a classmate of several of the youth in our church and his mother is close to our women's ministry leader.  We're all heartbroken over the loss, but i am thankful to see how the family is being upheld and supported by community.

Second, our music minister's parents were in a horrible accident Tuesday, his father never made it to the hospital and his mother is in critical condition.  We're all thankful for the way our choir and the assistant music director have taken it upon themselves to work out music for the next few weeks for all services, so he is free to concentrate on dealing with the whole situation.

Third, our pastor's personal assistant, who has gracefully lived with MS for many years and who works out six days a week, has had a stroke,  Again, we're thankful as it was a minor one and not likely to slow her down long term, and the office staff are splitting her duties for now so she can take the time she needs to recover.

My Sweetie and i arrived at Ms. SE's house Thursday morning to find one of the boys home with "stomach flu" or similar.  We're thankful he wasn't contagious, thankful he is old enough to keep busy and out of the way, thankful he was willing to leave his room for the time we needed to clean it, and when he decided by noon he was better enough to take a bike ride, i was thankful i carry Allen wrenches with me as he needed one to move the water bottle holder from one bike to another and his contractor father knows enough to hide all of his tools, mostly in his truck which he takes to work with him each day.

Thursday evening was another dinner event with the church ladies' ministry (no, this is not normal to have everything fall in one week) and i was very thankful to get to go to this one, most of them are lunches and i'm always missing them because i have to work.

The cat shelter was mostly quiet Friday evening, the few of us who were there had fun and got the work done easily, there were some adopters and one made an appointment to finalize an adoption today, all in all a nice change from last week's busy, hectic and chaotic shift, and we were thankful because two Fridays in a row like that would be a bit much.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Clark and his co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   

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Today is:

America's Day For Kids -- sponsored by the Boys & Girls Clubs of America  

Arbor Day -- Brazil

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 11, Peace (to coincide with the International celebration; sponsored by We, the World

Feast of the Ingathering -- UK traditional (also called Harvest Home; in Scotland, Kirn; in northern England, Mell-Supper.  Celebrations will be held in rural areas for the next few weekends, celebrating the end of the harvest.)

Idaho Spud Day 2024 -- Idaho, US, wants the 3rd Saturday of September as a day to celebrate their favorite crop

Independence Day -- Armenia(1991); Belize(1981); Malta(1964)

International Day of Peace -- UN

International Eat An Apple Day -- a celebration of the fruit of the season, on the third Saturday of every September

Kharisteria -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate; feast of Aremis Agrotera[the huntress] that became a thanksgiving for the victory of the battle of Marathon)

Kwama Nkrumah's Birthday/Founder's Day -- Ghana

Miniature Golf Day -- golf the fun way! (separate from National Miniature Golf Day in May)

National Pecan Cookie Day

National Seat Check Saturday -- US (make sure your child's car seats are secured properly)   

Responsible Dog Ownership Day -- originally sponsored by the AKC, but i can no longer find info about it on their website  

St. Matthew the Evangelist's Day (Patron of accountants, bankers, bookkeepers, customs officers, financial officers, guards, money managers, security forces, security guards, stock brokers, tax collectors; Salerno, Italy; Trier, Germany; Villa d'Ogna, Italy)

Student's Day and Spring Day -- Argentina

Throw Away Something Day -- you have the internet's permission to get rid of that hideous gift; if you can't bring yourself to throw it out, donate it

World Alzheimer's Day

World Gratitude Day

Birthdays Today:

Nicole Richie, 1981

Luke Wilson, 1971

Ricki Lake, 1968

Faith Hill, 1967

Darva Conger, 1965

Rob Morrow, 1962

Nancy Travis, 1961

David James Elliot, 1960

Dave Coulier, 1959

Ethan Boen, 1957

Bill Murray, 1950

Stephen King, 1947

Kay Ryan, 1945

Fannie Flagg, 1944

Bill Kurtis, 1940

Henry Gibson, 1935

Leonard Cohen, 1934

Larry Hagman, 1931

Chuck Jones, 1912

H.G. Wells, 1866

Maurice Barrymore, 1849 (family patriarch)

Francis Hopkinson, 1737

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"NYPD Blue"(TV), 1993

"Glengarry Glen Ross"(Play), 1983

"Monday Night Football"(TV), 1970*

"Perry Mason"(TV), 1957

"The Texaco Star Theater"(TV), 1948

My Weekly Reader(Magazine, first issue date), 1928

*Browns 31, Jets 21

Today in History:

Richard the Lionheart captured, 1192

Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa orders Jews of Holland to wear a badge, 1451

John and Nicolaas van der Heyden patent a fire extinguisher, 1677

Nathan Hale arrested for spying, 1776

The Pennsylvania Packet & Daily Advertiser becomes the first successful US daily newspaper, 1784

Joseph Smith, Jr. claims that the Angel Moroni gives him the gold plates from which he translates the Book of Mormon, 1827

The Duryea Motor Wagon Company becomes the first auto manufacturer, 1895

"Kit Carson", the first cowboy film, premiers in the US, 1903

Publication of Tolkien's "The Hobbit", 1937

Bahrain, Bhutan and Qatar join the United Nations, 1971

Sandra Day O'Connor is unanimously approved by the U.S. Senate as the first female US Supreme Court justice, 1981

Brunei joins the United Nations, 1984

Deep Space 1 flies within 2,200 km of Comet Borrelly, 2001

The Galileo mission is terminated by sending the probe into Jupiter's atmosphere, 2003

Hurricane Rita becomes the third most intense storm hurricane (dropped to 4th on October 19, just a few weeks later), 2005

al-Shabaab Islamic militants attack the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, killing at least 67 people, 2013

Caltech scientists publish a study in the journal "Current Biology" showing that the jellyfish Cassiopea is the first animal without a brain that is known to actually sleep, 2017

Scientists announce they’ve found the world’s oldest animal fossil at 558 million years old, a species called Dickinsonia, in the White Sea of Russia, 2018

Because their "Happy Meals" make it one of the largest toy distributors in the world, McDonald's announces plans by 2025 to "drastically" reduce the amount of plastic it distributes, 2021

King Charles III becomes the first British monarch to make a speech from France’s senate chamber, 2023


  1. Your quieter week sounds more than hectic enough.

  2. I am a bit like Grandpa and do not like to spend time in the store I go at 7 AM and hurry to get out. I started doing that after the pandemic, which I am thankful is over. I am thankful for lovely but dangerously dry weather. Have a Happy Saturday.

  3. You find the good wherever you go, even in great trials. You are inspiring to all of us who read your posts.

  4. Those are some nice thankfuls. There was a lot of sadness for your friends this week and we send prayers to all of those experiencing sadness and loss.

  5. Charlee: "Shredding party! Woo-hoo! I call dibs on playing in the pile of shredded paper!"
    Lulu: "It sounds like a lot of trouble on the roads there this week! Not to mention with the stroke! We send lots of tail wags to everyone affected by all that!"
    Chaplin: "And we cats send lots of purrs!"

  6. I am so sorry about those accidents and losses. So sad. XO

  7. And THAT was a quiet week??? We too are sorry to hear about the tragic accident, stroke, and the loss of that young high school life. You continue to amaze us with all that you do and how you always manage to find thankfulness even in the difficult things.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. It sounds to me like you packed four weeks worth into just one. Sorry to hear about the accidents and the stroke, but happy that everyone is pulling together to help and comfort.

  9. That is a cute joke. I think those are lego flowers. My nieces have some kits like that. Legos have come a long way. :) XO

  10. More than a touch of drama.Those flowers are Legos ... was my first comment et up by spam dragons, or did something else happen to it?

  11. for the record? your 'not quite so busy weeks'? are for most of the rest of us, "When did they decide to make it nine days a week and thirty-seven hours per day?"

    lol good list. encouraging for those of us with lesser schedules
    have a good week


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