Sunday, February 9, 2025

See, Time is Relative! (Cajun Joke), Sunday Selections and Sunday Selfie


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

The other day, i heard my Sweetie open the door to our bedroom and call, "Are you in there?"

Responding from "the powder room," i told him i was, and he shut the door and i heard him rattle the door of the hallway restroom, which turned out to be occupied by Brother-in-Law.

"Doggone it!  I don't even have a pot to piss in!" I heard him yell, and Brother-in-Law called out something i couldn't hear, but which probably amounted to, "I'll only be a minute."

Sweetie then began whistling the Jeopardy theme song, and i clearly heard Brother-in-Law yelling, "Hey, cut it out!"

Yes,  he got to use the facilities in time to prevent a tragedy, or an accident, or a comedy, or whatever it might have become had this gone on any longer.

Boudreaux done come in de house an' fin' Clothile in dere bathroom, an' Aline be in de kid's bathroom, an' he be sayin, "Somebody hurry, I gots to go!"

An' Clothile say, "You don' hafta yell, we's only goin' be a minute."

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais!  How long de minute take depen' on which side de door you be's on!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child, but she is currently taking a blog break.        

Because of the continuing saga of getting photos onto my blog, these are not what i'd planned, but what i was able to get.  A couple of photos of the pond, a home i visited last week, and some sky photos. 


This week, Mr. Cal wants to join the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head for their Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.   


Today is:

Feast of Apollo -- Ancient Roman Calendar

International Flirting Week -- always the Sun-Sat that encompasses Valentine's Day; if you are married, flirt with your mate, it's fun!

Man Day -- always the Sunday before Valentine's Day, sponsored by C. Daniel Rhodes

Narvik Sun Pageant (Vinterfestuka) -- Norway (annual festival held since ancient times to honor the sun goddess)

National Bagels and Lox Day

National DAV (Develop Alternative Vices) Day -- internet generated, in hopes that bad habits will be altered to positive coping mechanisms

National Read in the Bathtub Day -- yes, the day has its own Facebook page, just don't try it with a digital book, please 

Pizza Pie Day

Random Acts of Kindness Week -- always Valentine's Week

Remembrance for Eyvind Kinnrifi -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan (martyr)

Scout Sunday -- BSA (Boy Scouts are encouraged to wear their uniforms to church and represent scouting to their congregations)

St. Apollonia's Day (Patron of dentists; Achterbos, Belgium; Ariccia, Italy; Cuccaro Monferrato, Italy; against toothaches, tooth disease)

St. Maroun's Day -- Lebanon (Syriac Maronite Church of Antioch, an Eastern Catholic Church)

Super Bowl Sunday; related observance

     National Popcorn Day

     Souper Bowl of Caring (turn your Super Bowl Party into a way to help people in your community) 

Toothache Day -- and someone thought this needed a day because...?  Okay, I guess because there is a patron saint for it.  Or against it.  However that works.

Triodion begins -- Orthodox Christian (Publican & Pharisee Sunday)

Weather Day -- US (founding of the US Weather Service)

World Marriage Day -- sponsored by Worldwide Marriage Encounter   

Birthdays Today:

David Gallagher, 1985

Ziyi Zhang, 1979

Mena Suvari, 1979

Shakira, 1977

Travis Tritt, 1963

Charles Shaughnessy, 1955

Judith Light, 1949

Mia Farrow, 1945

Alice Walker, 1944

Joe Pesci, 1943

Carole King, 1942

Janet Suzman, 1939

Roger Mudd, 1928

Brendan Behan, 1923

Kathryn Grayson, 1922

Bill Veeck, 1914

Gypsy Rose Lee, 1914

Ernest Tubb, 1914

Carmen Miranda, 1909

David Dean Rusk, 1909

Ronald Colman, 1891

Amy Lowell, 1874

William Henry Harrison, 1773

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Falstaff"(Verdi Opera), 1893

"Venice Preserv'd"(Otway Play), 1682

Today in History:

The Synod of Breslau orders Jews of Silesia to wear special caps, 1267

The first recorded race meet occurs in England in Roodee Fields, Chester, 1540

The British ex-premier Walpole becomes the Earl of Oxford, 1742

After no presidential candidate receives a majority of electoral votes in the election of 1824, the United States House of Representatives elects John Quincy Adams President of the United States, 1825

– The U.S. Weather Bureau is established, 1870

The first Japanese immigrants arrive in Hawaii, 1885

The Davis Cup competition is established, 1900

The first forestry school is incorporated at Kent, Ohio, 1909

Snow falls on Mauna Loa, Hawaii, 1922

Brazil becomes a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty, 1922

Year-round Daylight Saving Time is re-instated in the United States as a wartime measure to help conserve energy resources, 1942

Joanne Woodward receives the first star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, 1960

Jamaica becomes an independent nation within the Commonwealth of Nations, 1962

The Beatles make their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, performing before a "record-busting" audience of 73 million viewers, 1964

First test flight of the Boeing 747, 1969

Satchel Paige becomes the first Negro League player to be voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame, 1971

Space Shuttle astronauts Bernard A. Harris, Jr. and Michael Foale become the first African American and first Briton, respectively, to perform spacewalks, 1995

A storehouse of thirty Egyptian mummies is unearthed inside a 2,600-year-old tomb, 2009

Australian National University scientists discover the oldest known star at 13.6 billion years old, 2014

Storm Ciara has the unintended consequence of causing the fastest supersonic journey from New York to London by a British Airways Boeing 747-436; the plane reached speeds of 1,327 km/h / 825 mph and the trip took only 4 hours, 56 minutes, 2020

United Arab Emirates is the fifth entity to successfully orbit a probe around Mars, 2021


  1. Hello Mr Cal! A lovely selfie. Now the sky shots this week are so amber, I think the last is our favourite. The wallpaper in that room is a delight. Whilst quite busy at first, it mellows when you see the images within.
    Have a lovely week!

  2. Who could resist Mr Cal's look. I am laughing about the bathroom episode. No one wants to be stuck standing in the hallway too long now do they. I really enjoyed seeing that wallpaper it looked like an enchanted forest. And what a beautiful pink sky. We got a half inch of hail and freezing rain yesterday. Don't know when it's going to melt

  3. Love the Cajun joke - and what went before it! That pond looks lovely, as do the sky pics.

  4. Mr. Cal is a cutie! Great pics. I really love the sky pics.

  5. cal...look at yur soooper SUN day soooper selfeez !!! itz pawsum :) ♥♥ letz sell a brate witha perch pizza pie sprinkled with bizcuitz !!! N de gurl rememburrz watch inn that eppa soda oh de Ed Sullivan show !!! heerz two a happee week a head ;) !!

  6. Mr Cal ~ you are adorable ~ great sky photos and fun Cajun joke as always ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Time is indeed relative :D
    What a lovely collection of diverse and pretty photos.

  8. Hi, Mr. Cal - so nice to see you today. Cute story and funny joke. We love those sky shots - just beautiful.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. That's a funny story, been there, done that! Beautiful photos and you are looking most handsome Sir Cal!

  10. Funny joke. Mr. Cal is a cutie. Beautiful photos too. XO

  11. The pink cloud rays remind me of the Statue of Liberty headpiece. Mr Cal, looks lovely. The houses you visit all seem very fancy.

  12. Mr. Cal is such a cutie.
    Whose home was it you visited? I love the decor!
    And the skyscapes - wow!!!

  13. Mr Cal is rather a fine young dog isn't he? Sometimes a grey/white coat gives wonderful texture!

  14. Mr Cal reminds us of our doggy cousin! Those are good pictures of that place you visited, a mansion?

  15. Lulu: "Hello, Mr. Cal! You're so fuzzy! I hope you were paid with treats for your participation today!"


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