Thursday, September 6, 2018

What a Difference (Six Sentence Story) and Good Fences

(Because some people like Blogger and some like WordPress, i am putting the same content at both.  If you would prefer to read this on the other site, it is linked here.)


We started out with about a dozen of us, determined to get through things together, first high school, then college, then life.

Dan and Kate married and stayed together, Bob and Roxy married and didn't, the rest of us found or didn't find love outside of our circle.

Kids and mortgages, jobs and layoffs and moving, life just kept happening.

We all stayed friends, more or less, mostly more, at least when we could, some closer than others because of physical proximity.

When Keith suddenly died of a heart attack, it hit all of us very hard; at his funeral I kept wondering, how did we get to this point?

One day by one day, like beads slipping off a string, one day by one day, each seeming about the same as before, but in reality, what a difference a day makes.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Difference.    


Gosia, of Looking for Identity, has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit others blog to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.     

This old red brick fence is one i pass at least once a week:


Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Sao Tome and Principe

Defense Day -- Pakistan

Ear and Trumpter Contests for Mice -- Fairy Calendar

Festa Della Rificolona -- Florence, Italy (one of Florences oldest and most colorful celebrations; through tomorrow)

Fight Procrastination Day/National Do It Day

Flag Day -- Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles

Heritage Open Days -- UK  (What's on your doorstep?  Go find out, explore for free places that often charge admission or are not usually open to the public, castles to cottages to battlefields, all over the country; through the 9th and again the 13th-16th)    

Jeune Genevois -- Geneva, Switzerland (Genevan fast, dates back to the 16th century; now a flower and garden show also)

Longs Peak Scottish/Irish Highland Festival -- Estes Park, CO, US (wonderful celebration of the heritage of the Highlands and Ireland; through Sunday)

Marion Popcorn Festival -- Marion, OH, US (performances by nationally renowned entertainers, races, parade, arts and crafts, and more popcorn than you could ever shuck; through Saturday)

National Coffee Ice Cream Day -- Sweetie swears the best ever was at Howard Johnson Restaurants back in the day

Paryushana Parva -- Jain (start of the 8 day festival signifying human emergence into a new world of spiritual and moral refinement and a celebration of the natural qualities of the soul; the final day is Samvatsari, the most important day and focused on forgiveness)

Read A Book Day -- can't find the history on who set it for today and why, but enjoy!

Rettir -- Iceland (around this time of year; a traditional sheep round up celebrated in Iceland during September and into October, actual round up dates may vary from region to region)

Sacrifice to Hera Thelchinia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

Somhlolo Day -- Swaziland (Independence Day)

St. Magnus of Fussen's Day (Patron of crops; against caterpillars, hail, lightning, reptiles, vermin)

Stillbirth Remembrance Day -- Canada (some Provinces); US

Toronto International Film Festival -- Toronto, ON, CA (through the 16th)

Unification Day -- Bulgaria

Yellow Daisy Festival -- Stone Mountain, GA, US (annual arts and crafts festival and fun; through Sunday)

Birthdays Today:

Justin Whalin, 1974
Sarah Strange, 1974
Rosie Perez, 1964
Elizabeth Vargas, 1962
Jeff Foxworthy, 1958
Jane Curtin, 1947
Swoosie Kurtz, 1944
Jo Anne Worley, 1937
Billy Rose, 1899
Joseph P. Kennedy, 1888
Jane Addams, 1860
Catharine Esther Beecher, 1800
John Dalton, 1766
Marquis de Lafayette, 1757
Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, 1711

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp"(TV), 1955
Jack Dempsey/Billy Miske Boxing Match(First match broadcast on radio), 1920
"La clemenza di Tito/The Clemency of Titus"(Opera, Mozart K. 621), 1791

Today in History:

The Victoria, the only surviving ship of Ferdinand Magellan's expedition, returns to SanlĂșcar de Barrameda in Spain, becoming the first ship to circumnavigate the world, 1522
The Spanish "Silver Fleet" disappears off the Florida Keys, 1622
Founding of Salem, Massachussetts, 1628
The first US lighthouse is built in Boston, 1716
Hurricane hits Martinique and Guadalupe, hundreds of ships sink and thousands die on land and at sea, 1776
Thomas Blanchard patents the lathe, 1819
Oberlin Collegiate Institute of Ohio becomes co-ed, with 4 women and 30 men in attendance, 1837
Louisa Ann Swain of Laramie, Wyoming becomes the first woman in the United States to cast a vote legally after 1807, 1870
Juliana becomes Queen of the Netherlands, 1948
Canada's first television station, CBFT-TV, opens in Montreal, 1952
Nine Israeli athletes are killed during a rescue attempt after being kidnapped at the Munich Olympic Games; two had died during the kidnapping the day before, 1972
The Soviet Union recognizes the independence of the Baltic states: 
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and restores the name St. Petersburg to Russia's second largest city, 1991
Cal Ripken Jr of the Baltimore Orioles plays in his 2,131st consecutive game, breaking a record that stood for 56 years, 1995
Diana, Princess of Wales is laid to rest in front of a television audience of more than 2.5 billion, 1997
China launches an investigation into its commercial pilots upon learning that more than 200 of them had falsified their resumes, 2010
Central Australia reports the first sighting since 1960 of a Central rock rat, 2013
Asteroid 2014 RC makes a close approach to Earth (39,900 km; 24,800 mi), 2014
British archaeologists announce the discovery of a Neolithic "superhenge" under 3ft of earth at Durrington Walls, 2015


  1. Love that fence.
    And yes, what a difference a day makes indeed.

  2. One by one, the group will grow smaller and that is life. A day makes a lot of difference. Stay safe and healthy!

  3. I'm game for a colorful Florentine festival, even if I have no idea what we're celebrating. :-)

  4. I'd love to see this --> "Ear and Trumpter Contests for Mice" :)

    Great story and good reminder about how short life can be.

  5. Very nice Six. (I always love a Six where the words carry the Reader in their rhythm, from the beginning to the end.)

  6. Interesting six. The name Roxy always make me think about a playboy woman. I don't why.
    Have a great Thursday Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Like sands through the hour glass, so go...wait, I think that one has been used.

    nice post.

  8. And I'm reminded of the fence that needs fixing in the back yard, wonder what stone goes for...

    Being grateful for all the days we have. :)

  9. Well done despite being a sad reminder of how fast life goes by.

  10. "One day by one day, like beads slipping off a string"
    I really like that.
    It sure seems that way, now that I've gotten this old. Indisputable that all we truly have is this day.
    Good SSS!

  11. The six sentence story is well done. Life does pass by way too quickly. A brick fence is really nice. Have a good day.

  12. This is beautiful: "like beads slipping off a string, one day by one day".

    Mmmm, coffee. So far, all those special days are ones I would like to celebrate. Someday, we will head out to some of those.

    I enjoyed your writing.

  13. That story was quite good. You really get maximum mileage out of a sentence. I could see that story as a movie.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  14. With the passing of each year, it seems there are more former classmates missing. Each death makes it all the more apparent that one's own time will eventually come.
    Well written story.

    That brick fence is one sturdy looking fence!

  15. A post on Facebook just informed me today that a member of my graduating class passed away this morning. I didn't know him, but whenever I hear of a death of a classmate, I think, "We're not that old!"

  16. It all 'goes by in a blink' ~ And that stone fence is awesome ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  17. Well written and so true. It all sneaks up.


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