Sunday, September 6, 2020

Heritage (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

While at Sam's Club yesterday, i saw mangos and picked up a box.  Grandma loves mangoes as much as i do, and i knew neither of us could eat a whole box of nine, so i figured on leaving four with her, giving two to #1 Son, who enjoys them, and having three for myself.

Then we went to the local grocery where they were still almost completely depleted of all canned soup, probably because of people stocking up for the hurricane that didn't hit our part of the state.  While i went and got everything on Grandma's list, Grandpa went and bought her more bottled water.

When we got to the house, the discussion with Grandma went just as i thought it would.

Grandma:  You found mangoes!

mimi:  Yes...

Grandma:  (before i could finish my sentence) And you didn't get me a box of them!

mimi:  We got these to share, i only want a couple of them, the rest are for you.

Grandma:  (a little mollified) Well, okay.

A few minutes later,

Grandma:  I can't eat that many of them, they will go bad before I could eat them all.  Here, I'll take 3, no, wait, I'll take four, that will be enough.  You take the rest.

mimi:  Perfect, and i will share them with #1 Son.

See?  Just as i planned, only i had to let it be her plan.

While taking the mangoes to the foyer where i put things to be moved to the car later, i passed the wet bar area where they keep both potent and non-potent potables, and heard Grandpa in there clinking those bottles of water around putting them away and muttering, "Doggone bottles!"  She really does already have plenty, but she insists on his getting more every time, just in case.

Clothile done come back from makin' de groceries an' she still be buyin' like dey gots to stock up fo' de storm season.  Boudreaux jes' shake hims head an' get Aline an' Tee come he'p wit' de puttin' away.

While dey be puttin' de cans in de cupboard, while Clothile be at de car gettin' de las' bags, Boudreaux turn to de chil'ren an say, "Jes' t'ink, someday, all dis gonna be yours!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It is now hosted by Elephant's Child.    

How about flowers and a sort-of-cooperative butterfly:


Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Sao Tome and Principe

Defense Day -- Pakistan

Ear and Trumpter Contests for Mice -- Fairy Calendar

Father's Day -- Australia; Fiji; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea

Festa Della Rificolona -- Florence, Italy (one of Florences oldest and most colorful celebrations; through tomorrow)

Fight Procrastination Day/National Do It Day

Flag Day -- Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles

Harvest Wine Celebration -- Livermore, CA, US (open-house visits to over 40 wineries)

National Coffee Ice Cream Day -- Sweetie swears the best ever was at Howard Johnson Restaurants back in the day

Read A Book Day -- can't find the history on it, but enjoy!

Regata Storical (Historical Regatta) -- Venice, Italy (competition among two-oar racing gondolas, preceded by Venetian ceremonial boats)

Rettir -- Iceland (around this time of year; a traditional sheep round up celebrated in Iceland during September and into October, actual round up dates may vary from region to region)

Sacrifice to Hera Thelchinia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

Somhlolo Day -- Swaziland (Independence Day)

St. Magnus of Fussen's Day (Patron of crops; against caterpillars, hail, lightning, reptiles, vermin)

Stillbirth Remembrance Day -- Canada (some Provinces); US

Unification Day -- Bulgaria

Wakes Sunday -- Abbots Bromley, England

Birthdays Today:

Justin Whalin, 1974
Sarah Strange, 1974
Rosie Perez, 1964
Elizabeth Vargas, 1962
Jeff Foxworthy, 1958
Jane Curtin, 1947
Swoosie Kurtz, 1944
Jo Anne Worley, 1937
Billy Rose, 1899
Joseph P. Kennedy, 1888
Jane Addams, 1860
Catharine Esther Beecher, 1800
John Dalton, 1766
Marquis de Lafayette, 1757
Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, 1711

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp"(TV), 1955
Jack Dempsey/Billy Miske Boxing Match(First match broadcast on radio), 1920
"La clemenza di Tito/The Clemency of Titus"(Opera, Mozart K. 621), 1791

Today in History:

The Victoria, the only surviving ship of Ferdinand Magellan's expedition, returns to SanlĂșcar de Barrameda in Spain, becoming the first ship to circumnavigate the world, 1522
The Spanish "Silver Fleet" disappears off the Florida Keys, 1622
Founding of Salem, Massachussetts, 1628
The first US lighthouse is built in Boston, 1716
Hurricane hits Martinique and Guadalupe, hundreds of ships sink and thousands die on land and at sea, 1776
Thomas Blanchard patents the lathe, 1819
Oberlin Collegiate Institute of Ohio becomes co-ed, with 4 women and 30 men in attendance, 1837
Louisa Ann Swain of Laramie, Wyoming becomes the first woman in the United States to cast a vote legally after 1807, 1870
Juliana becomes Queen of the Netherlands, 1948
Canada's first television station, CBFT-TV, opens in Montreal, 1952
Nine Israeli athletes are killed during a rescue attempt after being kidnapped at the Munich Olympic Games; two had died during the kidnapping the day before, 1972
The Soviet Union recognizes the independence of the Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and restores the name St. Petersburg to Russia's second largest city, 1991
Cal Ripken Jr of the Baltimore Orioles plays in his 2,131st consecutive game, breaking a record that stood for 56 years, 1995
Diana, Princess of Wales is laid to rest in front of a television audience of more than 2.5 billion, 1997
China launches an investigation into its commercial pilots upon learning that more than 200 of them had falsified their resumes, 2010
Central Australia reports the first sighting since 1960 of a Central rock rat, 2013
Catalonia's parliament passes a law to allow a referendum on independence from Spain, 2018


  1. Love the flowers and the flutterby.
    I adore mangoes too.

  2. Grandma needs to be in charge heheh!

    I liked those flowers nice captures nice close up of the butterfly too :-)

    Have a flitterflattertastic safe Sunday đŸ˜·đŸ˜·đŸ˜·

  3. I like St Francis of Assisi. I looked everywhere for one but could not find it. You can get them from the internet; but they're too big to fit through the letter box.

    God bless.

  4. Grandma always feels happier if she is in charge. Lol! I love mangoes too.

  5. You sure planned out that mango tango well. Those flowers are so darn pretty!!!

  6. How did they know I plan to spend the day reading???
    Do you know the name of the flowers with St. Francis? They look lovely.

  7. That is one beautiful butterfly - and the flowes are lovely as well.

  8. Fun Cajun joke and so true ~ beautiful photos of Nature's gem ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Funny joke. And funny story about the mangoes. Beautiful blooms and butterfly.

  10. Love the joke, and as the photos, beautiful especially the butterfly.


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