Thursday, October 17, 2024

Changing All the Time (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Angel Sammy's Poetry Day and Brian's Thankful Thursday


Working with Ms. G can get complicated, if it happens at all.

It's as if she has a little panel of people in her head and all are arguing for their own pet plan, and one after another they step up and say, "We're doing this!" and then step back and the next one steps up and has a turn.

Tuesday she noted she was camping in her 5th Wheel/camper "Patience" and she'd see me next week.

Wednesday morning she called and texted 4 more times with a change of plans which began with go to her house and just take care of the cats and the second expanded that to a couple of outdoor chores and stocking up the fridge with her cold drinks while i was there.

Then a call to say she'd forgotten to bring her insulin on the trip and could i just feed the cats and then get her insulin and meet her halfway between here and the park where she is camping?

The final upshot was she'd only packed shorts and t-shirts and had run out of propane for heat and the temps were down in the 50's, so she was coming back to town to get warmer clothes and insulin and she'd take care of the cats, and i got an unexpected partial day off!

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Panel.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

Mike comes in every day

and has himself a beer

and what do you know today he has

brought his human here!


Angel Brian's Family of Brian's Home - Forever hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful no matter how many times the plans changed today, it all still worked out.


Today is:

Black Poetry Day -- birth anniversary of the USA's first published black poet, Jupiter Hammon (some sites say this is on the 3rd Friday each year)

Buffalo Racing Festival -- Chonburi, Thailand (lots of water buffalo contests, including fancy dress!)

Conflict Resolution Day -- Association for Conflict Resolution   

Dessalines Day -- Haiti

Doburoku Matsuri -- Oita Prefecture, Japan (one of the few sake festivals at a shrine; through tomorrow)

Festival of Hengest -- Asatru (approximate date of the Norse celebration of Hengest and Horsa, who fought to establish Norse settlements in Eastern Britain)

Four Prunes Day (only if you dare!)

Full Hunter's Moon/Full Blood Moon/Full Sanguine Moon (some also consider this the true Harvest Moon, if last month's came too early)

     Boun Ok Phansa and Ventiane -- Laos (end of "Buddist Lent" and a traditional boat race festival starting tomorrow with hundreds of decorated candle-lit floats made of paper set adrift in the rivers)

     Kojagrat Purnima -- Nepal (end of Dashain)

     Thadingyut Full Moon/"Buddhist Lent" ends -- Myanmar (begins at sunset, through tomorrow)

     Vap Full Moon Poya Day -- Sri Lanka

Gaudy Day a/k/a Wear Something Gaudy Day

Get Smart About Credit Day -- sponsored by the American Bankers Association   

Get to Know Your Customers Day -- third Thursday of every quarter

International Credit Union Day -- World Council of Credit Unions   

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty -- UN

Lakshmi Puja -- OR, TR, WB, India (Hindu celebration during the Festival of Lights)

Loyalty Day -- Argentina

Mulligan Day -- C. Daniel Rhodes wants you to give yourself or someone else a free do-over today

National Pasta Day

National Police Day -- Thailand (Wan Tamruat)

Paint a Mural on a Sidewalk Day -- let your inner child go a bit wild, but please use paint that will wash away so you don't get in trouble!

Preaching of the Lion Sermon -- St. Katharine Cree Church, London, England (Sermon dating back to the 1640's in commemoration of a gift for the poor made by Sir John Gayer, who was delivered from a lion while in Turkey)

St. Ignatius of Antioch's Day (Patron of the Church in the Eastern Mediterranean and North Africa; against throat diseases)

St. Richard Gwin's Day (Patron of large families, parents of large families, torture victims)

Sukkot -- Judaism (begins at sundown, through sundown Oct. 24)

Work on Your Charisma Day -- because what else are you going to do on a lazy October afternoon?

Anniversaries Today:

Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is founded, 1919

Composer Johann S. Bach marries his niece Maria Bach, 1707

Crown Prince Fernando of Aragon marries Princess Isabella of Castile, 1469

Birthdays Today:

Eminem, 1972

Ermie Els, 1969

Norm MacDonald, 1963

Richard Roeper, 1959

Alan Jackson, 1958

Mae Jemison, 1956

Howard Rollins, 1950

Margot Kidder, 1948

George Wendt, 1948

Michael McKean, 1947

Ronn Owens, 1945

Evel Knievel, 1938

Beverly Garland, 1926

Jimmy Breslin, 1930

Tom Poston, 1921

Montgomery Clift, 1920

Rita Hayworth, 1918

Arthur Miller, 1915

Albino Luciani, Pope John Paul I, 1912

Jean Arthur, 1905

Spring Byington, 1893

Buck Ewing, 1859

Jupiter Hammon, 1711

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical"(Musical), 1967

"The Hollywood Squares"(TV), 1966

"On a Clear Day You Can See Forever"(Musical), 1965

Jailhouse Rock(Film), 1957

"Chayka/The Seagull"(Chekhov play), 1896

"Don Sanche"(Liszt opera), 1825

Today in History:

King Cyrus the Great of Persia marches into the city of Babylon and releases the Jews from their 70 years of exile and making the first Human Rights Declaration, BC539

Battle of Neville's Cross, the defeat of King David II of Scotland by Edward III of England, 1346

German astronomer Johannes Kepler observes a supernova in the constellation Ophiuchus, 1604

Boston blacks petition the legislature for equal school facilities, 1787

The political rights of Jews are suspended in the Duchy of Warsaw, 1808

Thomas Edison files a patent for the Optical Phonograph (the first movie), 1888

Guglielmo Marconi's company begins the first commercial transatlantic wireless service between Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada, and Clifden, Ireland, 1907

Albert Einstein arrives in the US as a refugee from Nazi Germany, 1933

The first commercial nuclear power station is officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II in Sellafield,in Cumbria, England, 1956

Prime Minister of Australia Robert Menzies opens the artificial Lake Burley Griffin in the middle of the capital Canberra, 1964

Botswana and Lesotho join the United Nations, 1966

Quebec Vice-Premier and Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte murdered by members of the FLQ terrorist group, 1970

OPEC starts an oil embargo against a number of western countries, considered to have helped Israel in its war against Syria, 1973

Mother Teresa is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, 1979

The pinnacle is fitted on the roof of Taipei 101, making it the World's tallest highrise, 2003

Australia's first Saint, Mary MacKillop, is canonized by Pope Benedict XVI, 2010

Astronomers confirm the identification of the nearest planet outside of our solar system, orbiting Alpha Centauri B, 2012

Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch muppeteer Caroll Spinney leaves "Sesame Street" after 50 years, 2018

Canada legalizes the sale of recreational cannabis, the second country after Uruguay, 2018

Shehan Karunatilka becomes the second Sri Lankan author to win the Booker Prize with his novel The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida, 2022

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

They Emptied the Change from the Gumball Machine (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, BeThere2Day, and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

The prompts will be posted by Elephant's Child this month and are provided by  Sean Jeating.   

This week's prompts are:

  • consider, 
  • rather, 
  • superstitious,
  • paraskevidekatriaphobia, 
  • table



  • bigots, 
  • different, 
  • gender, 
  • hyperbolise, 
  • teeth, 

Charlotte (MotherOwl)  has given us Pebble Grey as the colour of the month.  If you can also incorporate it into your stories she (and I) will be grateful.

"PARASKEVIDEKATRIAPHOBIA, friggatriskaidekaphobioa, triskaidekaphobia, HYPERBOLISE, transubstantiationalist, supercalifradulisticexpialicodious..."

"What are you doing, child-o-mine?"

"Practicing big words because they sound funny.  And besides, Laney said she'd be ready to play with me by the time I finished learning them."

Trish, often called "kidlet" by her big sister, was holding a paper with all these long words written out very carefully, which she showed her dad.

"I needed time to work on my report and I couldn't send her outside to do something like pick a bouquet for the table, not with those Pebble Grey skies looking like they're ready to let go any moment" Laney said, coming into the room.  "I've decided to CONSIDER the RATHER SUPERSTITIOUS beliefs behind what makes people BIGOTS, whether against those who are of DIFFERENT races or of a different GENDER."

"That's quite a big project," dad mused.

"It's my Senior Thesis and I wanted to do something I hadn't seen done before, and I don't expect it to cover every aspect, just a few of the more prominent ones we see in early US history."

"Good for you."

"But I've had enough of studying for the moment.  C'mon, kidlet, lets go to the kitchen TABLE and play a game while we wait to get our TEETH into whatever's bubbling on the stove right now."

"It's my famous beef and barley stew with my five-grain bread," dad said, "and I need to go give the stew a stir and see if the bread's ready to come out of the oven and cool.  We'll all play until supper's done."


Today is National Feral Cat Day  in the US.  It is sponsored by Alley Cat Allies.     


Today is:

Boss's Day -- either celebrate, or roll your eyes, both are acceptable responses (begun by Patricia Bays Haroski in 1958 in honor of her boss, who was also her father; this date was his birthday)

Chrysanthemum Festival -- Japan ("The Festival of Happiness", various shrines; through Nov. 15)

Clean Your Bug Zapper Day -- internet generated, and we're getting a bit overboard here, aren't we?

Day of National Concern About Young People and Gun Violence -- US (students around the nation are asked to sign the Pledge Against Gun Violence)       

Day of Pope John Paul II -- Poland

Dictionary Day / Learn a Word Day -- Noah Webster's birth anniversary

Dress Like A Dork Day -- does someone have it out for us with these?

Elephantine Festival -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (several such celebrations of elephants were held around this time of year in Egypt)

Ether Day (first demonstrated use, see History)

Feast of 'Ilm (Knowledge) -- Baha'i

Hagfish Day -- a day to celebrate the uniqueness and necessity of even the ugliest of sea creatures, like the hagfish

National Fossil Day -- US (National Park Service information) 

National Liqueur Day

National Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day -- US

National Take Your Parents To Lunch Day -- US (sponsored by Kiwi Magazine, encouraging parents to go to school and have lunch with the children, learning what goes into a healthy lunch) 

Niihama Drum Festival -- Niihama, Japan (three day festival with two ton drum floats)

Sennin Musha Gyoretsu -- Tochigi, Japan (procession of 1,000 warriors; through tomorrow)

St. Hedwig's Day (Patron of brides, duchesses, difficult marriages, widows; Bavaria; Berlin, Germany; Gorlitz, Germany; Silesia; against the death of children, jealousy)

Teachers' Day -- Chile

World Food Day -- UN

Anniversaries Today:

The first birth control clinic in the US is opened, 1916

Brigham Young University is founded in Provo, Utah, 1875

Girton College, Cambridge is founded, becoming England's first residential college for women, 1869

Zion's Co-Operative Mercantile Institution, America's first department store, opens, 1868

The Collegiate School is established(forerunner of Yale University), 1701, Old Style Date

Birthdays Today:

John Mayer, 1977

Kellie Martin, 1975

Flea, 1962

Tim Robbins, 1958

Melissa Louise Belote, 1956

Barry Corbin, 1940

Bob Weir, 1947

Suzanne Somers, 1946

Gunter Grass, 1927

Angela Lansbury, 1925

William Orville Douglas, 1898

Eugene O'Neill, 1888

David Ben-Gurion, 1886

Oscar Wilde, 1854

Noah Webster, 1758

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Red Mill"(Musical), 1945

"The Man Who Came too Dinner"(Play), 1939

"Billy the Kid"(Ballet), 1938

Jane Eyre(Publication date), 1847

Today in History:

Jadwiga (yes, a she) is crowned King of Poland, 1384

Olivier van Noorts' ships reach the Philippines, 1600

George Washington takes Yorktown, 1781

Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI, is guillotined, 1793

Sir William Rowan Hamilton comes up with the idea of quaternions, a non-commutative extension of complex numbers, 1843

Dentist William T. Morton demonstrates the effectiveness of ether, 1846

Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre" is published, 1847

John Brown leads a raid on Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, 1859

The Cardiff Giant, one of the most famous American hoaxes, is "discovered", 1869

John Harwood takes out a patent on a self-winding watch, 1923

The Disney Company is founded, 1923

Benjamin O. Davis Sr. is named the first African American general in the United States Army, 1940

Fidel Castro is sentenced in Havana to 15 years in prison, 1953

The People's Republic of China detonates its first nuclear weapon, 1964

In response to the October Crisis terrorist kidnapping, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau of Canada invokes the War Measures Act, 1970

Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, 1973

Pope John Paul II is elected after the October 1978 Papal conclave, 1978

Wanda Rutkiewicz is the first Pole and the first European woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest, 1978

Desmond Tutu is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, 1984

Reinhold Messner becomes the first person to summit all 14 Eight-thousanders, 1986

Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, a commemoration of the Library of Alexandria that was lost in antiquity, is officially inaugurated, 2002

A 1,255lb. portion of the Chelyabinsk meteor is recovered by divers in Russia, 2013

New Zealand, Malaysia, Angola, Spain and Venezuela are elected to the United Nations Security Council, 2014

Ed Whitlock, 85, becomes the oldest person to ever finish a marathon in under 4 hours, completing the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 3 hours 56 minutes, 2016

In an experiment on microbial fuel cells, Pete the Fern at the London Zoo becomes the first plant to take a selfie, 2019

Egyptian archaeologists announce the discovery of more than 20 painted wooden coffins from the Theban necropolis of Asasif, 2019

NASA launches the Lucy probe on a 12-year, four-billion-mile trek to explore 8 of the so-called Trojan asteroids, 2021

The Amazon River's largest tributary, the Negro River, falls to its lowest level ever confirming the rain forest is enduring a significant drought, 2023