Thursday, September 15, 2022

One of Those Workdays (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day, and Brian's Thankful Thursday


It was a day where i had a feeling i would have to be on my guard, especially against anger and impatience, or feeling overwhelmed, and i was right, as at one point, i was so close to my tipping point i used my precious mobile data to stream Chris Tomlin and Steven Curtis Chapman music to calm myself.

My Sweetie sometimes has a night terror, coming awake suddenly yelling and in fear, but he can never remember what the bad dream is and seldom recalls much if anything in the morning about the incident.

When Link Linker the Stinker cat woke me with his soft snoring Tuesday night, i turned over and was almost drifting back off when the snoring must have triggered something in Sweetie and he woke with a start, yelling and scaring poor Link into running for his life.

By the time i calmed him and he went back to sleep, i was awake the rest of the night, praying and reading Scripture, finally giving up at 4am and getting ready for work, of which there was going to be a tremendous amount.

My Wednesday consisted of the very crowded cat shelter, the catios at another rescue that Ms. G asked me to help on her day for the next few weeks while they are short-staffed, then Ms. G's animals and a house she's trying to ready for sale that needed cleaning up from the workmen and we all know how much mess they can leave behind.

After spending the day losing and misplacing things, having an "upset tummy" (i'll spare you the details), and working only on adrenaline and prayer the whole time, i think if Sweetie had a bad night last night i wouldn't know because i was exhausted enough to sleep through it.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Guard.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

You may think we're crazy,

but the pay we get is great!

We really do not mind it,

my pals are all top rate.

Although right now i'm antsy

for work to end, you see,

it's not that I mind being up here,

but I really need to go pee!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful i got through yesterday's 5:30am-4pm work shift on 3 hours sleep and lived to tell the tale, as well as thankful that those sleepless nights don't happen very often.


Today is:

Battle of Britain Day -- UK

Dia de Nuestra Senora de la Bien Aparecida -- Santander, Spain

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 5, Health (sponsored by We, the World

Engineer's Day -- India

Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows (Mater Dolorosa) related observance

     Grito de Dolores -- Mexico (Cry of Dolores,a/k/a Father Hidalgo's Cry for Freedom Day, the evening before Independence Day)

     Virgin Mary of the Seven Sorrows Day -- Slovakia

Felt Hat Day (Traditional day upon which men started to wear their winter felt hats, similar to women beginning to wear white shoes on Memorial Day)

Hawaiki Nui Va'a Race -- French Polynesia (spectacular three-day open water outrigger canoe races from Huahine to Raiatea to Tahaa to Bora Bora)

Hummer/Bird Celebration -- Rockport and Fulton, TX, US (ruby-throated hummingbirds and other avians are the stars of this show; through Sunday)

Ig® Nobel Prize Ceremony -- Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, US (each winner has done improbable research, something that makes people laugh, then think)

     in 2022, the whole ceremony will take place online

Independence Day -- Costa Rica; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Nicaragua (all in 1821)

International Day of Democracy -- UN

Make a Hat Day -- just for fun (and if you are a guy, make a felt hat)

National Creme de Menthe Day

National Hispanic Heritage Month -- US, through Oct. 15

National Linguine Day

Really Bad Ideas Exhibition -- Fairy Calendar (Gremlins celebration)

Restoration of Primorska to the Motherland Day -- Slovenia

Silpa Bhirasri Day -- Thailand

St. Catherine of Genoa's Day (Patron of brides, childless people, people in difficult marriages, people ridiculed for their piety, victims of adultery and unfaithfulness, widows; against adultery and temptation)

World Lymphoma Day 

Anniversaries Today:

Greenpeace is founded, 1971

Birthdays Today:

Heidi Montag, 1986

Prince Harry, 1984

Dave Annable, 1979

Josh Charles, 1971

Dan Marino, Jr., 1961

Tommy Lee Jones, 1946

Oliver Stone, 1946

Carmen Maura, 1945

Jessye Norman, 1945

Merlin Olsen, 1940

Gaylord Jackson Perry, 1938

Norm Crosby, 1927

Jackie Cooper, 1922

Fay Wray, 1907

Roy Acuff, 1903

Agatha Christie, 1890

Robert Benchley, 1889

William H. Taft, 1857

James Fenimore Cooper, 1789

François de La Rochefoucauld, 1613

Marco Polo, 1254

Debuting/Premiering Today:

USA Today(Newspaper first issue), 1982

"CHIPs"(TV), 1977

"Columbo"(TV), 1971

"I Spy"(TV), 1965

"Lost in Space"(TV), 1965

"Bachelor Father"(TV), 1957

"The Lone Ranger"(TV), 1949

Today in History:

The first non-aristocratic, free public school in Europe is opened in Frascati, Italy, 1616

The French army under Napoleon reaches the Kremlin in Moscow, 1812

The first Negro National Convention begins in Philadelphia, 1830

The locomotive John Bull operates for the first time in New Jersey on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, 1831*

HMS Beagle, with Charles Darwin aboard, reaches the Galápagos Islands, 1835

Antoinette Louisa Brown Blackwell becomes the first woman in the US to be ordained a minister (Congregationalist), 1853

Timothy Alder patents the typesetting machine, 1857

RCA releases the 12AX7 vacuum tube, 1947

United Nations gives Eritrea to Ethiopia, 1952

The Soviet ship Poltava heads toward Cuba, one of the events that sets into motion the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962

*The John Bull becomes the oldest operable steam locomotive in the world when the Smithsonian Institution operates it under its own power outside Washington, D.C., 1981

Vanuatu becomes a member of the United Nations, 1981

Lehman Brothers files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history, 2008

In Australia, "Indeterminate" can now be listed on a passport as a gender, 2011

A previously unknown species of bottlenose dolphin is found by Australian researchers, and named Tursiops australis, 2011

Japan switches off its last working nuclear reactor, 2013

Archaeologists document their find of the oldest-known brewery and the remains of 13,000-year-old beer in a cave in Haifa Israel, belonging to the nomadic Natufian people, 2018

Norman Lear becomes the oldest person to win an Emmy at age 97, in the variety special category for ABC’s “Live in Front of a Studio Audience," 2019

SpaceX launches the first all-civilian spaceflight from Cape Canaveral, Florida, for three-day orbit around Earth, 2021


  1. I am glad, and impressed, that you survived your busy day on so little sleep.
    I like your poem, but that is a job I could not do.

  2. Nigth terrors are frightening - I hope they will be few and far between for you and Sweeetie.
    I get a strange feeling in my stomach just from looking at that photo! I won't even look long enough to make a poem.
    And your fence is a charmer :)

  3. Exhaustion definitely helps to sleep through conditions we normally wouldn't be able to.
    Not preferable long term.

    The photo of the skyscraper workers...I have it as a poster at my a perspective!

  4. Why is it that when one has a big day ahead, the night is almost always a disaster? Hope you were able to get home and go to bed early to get some rest.

  5. There's little worse than sleep deprivation. As for the photo, I hope the people below had their umbrellas up!

  6. How to negotiate a busy, caring life, Mimi.

  7. I remember those sleepless nights. Not fun at all when you have a hard days work ahead. I'm glad they don't happen often.

    Love your take on the poem. Well done. You made me chuckle.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  8. i suffer from insomnia and rarely sleep longer than 2 hours at a time. good post, loved the poem as always and Battle of Britian day, how apropos.

  9. The universe does try for balance, the night without sleep is often followed by a night with sleep beginning before the head hits the pillow.
    Good to hear you made it through the Day of Alert

  10. Oh my goodness- what a day you had! Hope there never is a repeat! That 1932 photo is so famous- "Lunch atop a Skyscraper is a black-and-white photograph taken on September 20, 1932, of eleven ironworkers sitting on a steel beam 850 feet above the ground on the sixty-ninth floor of the RCA Building in Manhattan, New York City. It was arranged as a publicity stunt, part of a campaign promoting the skyscraper." Wikipedia
    Artist: Charles Clyde Ebbets"

  11. I get the feeling you like felines, Mimi

  12. Cute poem. I had not thought of the needing to go to the bathroom part. :) Sorry you got so little sleep. Hope that doesn't happen again. XO

  13. WOW, what a day and night you had, I'm hoping it's lots better from her on out. That was a good poem, I would have passed out and fell from up there. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. Uffda! Sounds like you had a rough couple of days. Hope it all passed & naps and downtime are the order of the day!

  15. I was wondering when you slept with all that you do each day and now I know: almost never. You can't even nap here and there. I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.

  16. Well Mimi you outdid yourself on this one! Love the poem......and for the record - I wondered about that "issue" too for those guys way up there....LOL

    Hugs, Pam

  17. Not sleeping and working a long day ~ you are amazing ~ I think the full moon brings on sleepless nights sometimes ~ Sweet dreams and sleep well, my dear friend ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~ Xo

    A ShutterBug Explores ~
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Sounds like a really bad day.
    The poem though 😂

  19. Husby gets those wild, almost-waking moments when he's really stressed. I've had a few sleepless nights following so I totally understand! You still manage to pack more into a day following a sleepless night than any two people I know! Love the picture--AND the verse. But that picture makes me breathless!


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