Little Girl came to me on her birthday yesterday and said, "Mom, I'm mad."
"What are you mad about? Your shoulder?"
"That, and I just started my first period!"
A 12th birthday to remember, that is for sure.
Today is
Amtrak Day
Beltaine / Samhain -- Wicca
Chimney Sweep's Day
Executive Coaching Day
Faint-Hearted Fairies May (or May Not) Ball -- Fairy Calendar
Free Comic Book Day
International Labor/Workers Day
Join Hands Day (Why? Are they falling apart?)
Kentucky Derby
Law Day
Lei Day, Hawai'i
Loyalty Day
Martin Z. Mollusk Day, Ocean City, NJ (if the hermit crab sees his shadow, summer comes a week early)
May Day
Mother Goose Day
National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day
National Chocolate Parfait Day
National Dance Day
National Homebrew Day
National Scrapbooking Day
New Homeowner's Day
Plant a Flower Day
Santacruzan, Philippines (lasts through the month)
Save the Rhino Day
Silver Star Day
Stepmother's Day
Sober Day, USA
Space Day
St. Efsio's Day
St. Joseph the Worker's Day
St. Peregrine Laziosi's Day (patron against cancer)
St. Tamenend's Day (aka Tammany's Day)
St. Walpurga's Day (The saint who banishes the evil from Walpurgis night.)
Tuba Day
Birthdays Today:
Tim McGraw, 1967
Ray Parker, Jr., 1954
Rita Coolidge, 1945
Judy Collins, 1939
Terry Southern, 1924
Jack Paar, 1918
Glenn Ford, 1916
Kate Smith, 1909
Calamity Jane (Martha Jane Burke), 1852
King Kamehameha I of Hawai'i, 1738
Today in History:
The Wars of Scottish Independence end with a treaty recognizing the Kingdom of Scotland as a separate entity, 1328
The Act of Union joins the Kingdom of England and Kingdom of Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain, 1707
Species Plantarum is published by Linnaeus, marking the formal start date of plant taxonomy adopted by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, 1753
Josiah Wedgwood founds the Wedgwood pottery company in Great Britain, 1759
Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt establishes the Illuminati in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria), 1776
Kamehameha, the king of Hawai'i defeats Kalanikupule and establishes the Kingdom of Hawai'i, 1785
The British colonies abolish slavery, 1834
The Penny Black, the first official adhesive postage stamp, is issued in the United Kingdom, 1840
Queen Victoria opens the Great Exhibition in London, 1851
The Empire of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay sign the Treaty of the Triple Alliance, 1865
The Folies Bergère opens in Paris, 1869
Moses Fleetwood Walker becomes the first black person to play in a professional baseball game in the United States, 1884
The RMS Lusitania departs from New York City on her two hundred and second, and final, crossing of the North Atlantic, 1915
The first cooked meals on a scheduled flight are introduced on an Imperial Airways flight from London to Paris, 1927
The dwarf planet Pluto is officially named, 1930
The Empire State Building is dedicated in New York City, 1931
The Salk vaccine is made available to the public, 1956
Fidel Castro proclaims Cuba a socialist nation and abolishes elections, 1961
Amtrak is formed to take over the U.S. passenger rail service, 1971
Thankful Thursday
8 hours ago
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