Tuesday, June 29, 2010


On Sunday, there was only a 10% chance of rain. Looked to be a beautiful day. It poured for a couple of hours.

On Monday, there was a 60% chance of rain. We got a quick 10 minute drenching, and enough clouds all day to keep the temperatures down a bit from what they have been.

The rest of the week, the forecast is just like Monday's. I can only hope so! That will be just enough rain for me, that is for sure.

Today is

Camera Day

Dixon Petunia Festival: The Pink. The Proud. The Petunias. through July 4

Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul -- Christian
St. Paul, patron of Greece, Malta, rope makers, tentmakers, upholsterers
St. Peter, patron of clockmakers, fishermen, Russia; against fever, foot trouble, wolves

Hug Holiday

Independence Day, Seychelles

Library Advocacy Day

L-Imnarja, Malta (folk festival)

National Almond Butter Crunch Day

Pennsylvania Dutch Day

Prince Bernhard Day, Netherlands

Sata-Hame Accordion Festival, Ikaalinen, Finland -- through July 4

Waffle Iron Day

Wicked Fairies Summer Debate -- Fairy Calendar (I'd love to hear this!)

Veterans Day, Netherlands

Birthdays Today:

Fred Grandy, 1948
Richard Lewis, 1947
Gary Busey, 1944
Robert Evans, 1930
Ray Harryhausen, 1920
Slim Pickens, 1919
Nelson Eddy, 1901
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, 1900
William James Mayo, 1863

Today in History:

An Irish monastic chronicler records a solar eclipse, 512
Jacques Cartier makes the European discovery of Prince Edward Island, 1534
The Globe Theatre in London, England burns to the ground, 1613
Alexander Macdonell and over five hundred Roman Catholic highlanders leave Scotland to settle in Glengarry County, Ontario, 1786
Coal is discovered on Vancouver Island, 1850
Ninety-nine people are killed in Canada's worst railway disaster near St-Hilaire, Quebec, 1864
France annexes Tahiti, 1880
The first known recording of classical music, Handel's "Israel in Egypt", is made on a wax cylinder, 1888
Street railway in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, commences operation, 1891
Doukhobors burn their weapons as a protest against conscription by the Tsarist Russian government, 1895
France grants 1 km² at Vimy Ridge "freely, and for all time, to the Government of Canada, the free use of the land exempt from all taxes," 1922
Joseph-Armand Bombardier of Canada receives a patent for sprocket and track traction system used in snow vehicles, 1937
Isabel PerĂ³n is sworn in as the first female President of Argentina, 1974
The Seychelles become independent from the United Kingdom, 1976
The space shuttle Atlantis docks with the Russian Mir Space Station for the first time, 1995


  1. Sending strong, albeit virtual, thoughts of non-rain-and-pleasant-sunshine in your general direction :)

  2. Thanks, Merry! It worked today.


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