...at the shelter, the only adoptions have been new intakes. Dudley, Samantha, Mitzi, Coco, and Scooter have all gone. Tyler went, got returned because he gave someone an asthma attack, and readopted. The rest of the group seems to be standing pat.
Frieda let me pet her, and Sergio has gotten more friendly. Buttercup bit Little Girl, Rosie is still being treated for a UTI.
Lucky, for the first time, refused a pill pocket! He has decided he likes a different treat more, so i used that one to give him his pills. Worked well, just like the pill pockets did. He is showing his preferences.
Baby still hisses at anything that moves, and JuJu continues to monitor everyone from a high perch. Angel and Dustie are as loving as ever.
Tom, Cami, Donovan, Jack, Captain, and Cayenne are doing well. Jimmy and Bootsie's brother and sister have been renamed Georgie and DeeDee. Renaming doesn't change anything, they are still very friendly cats.
Clare still hides until she warms up, while Ringo and Woody are already warm. Portia, Gulliver, and Ellen play like the kittens they still are.
The big room was a mess. Tyler, when he was returned, was put in there but no extra food or water bowl was put in -- Miss W forgot. Thus they were short some food, and Grady solved the problem by turning over the bin of food and spilling it so they could help themselves. That problem taken care of, PittyPat, Katie, Sophia, Candy and Clint, who tried to swipe at me for getting too close, were happy to each have a dedicated bowl again.
It's spring. Let's hope that gets people in the mood to adopt. Some of these precious cats have been here in the shelter a long time.
Today is:
Anniversary of the Arengo and the Feast of the Militants -- San Marino
Annunciation of the Virgin Mary -- Roman Catholic Christian
Lady Day/Quarter Day -- England; Ireland; Wales (traditional New Year's Day)
Varfrudagen -- Sweden (waffle day)
Birthday of Kuan Yin -- Bhuddist (compassion)
Celebrate Rivers, Lakes, and Ponds Day
Freedom Day -- Belarus
Hilaria -- Ancient Roman Empire (honors Cybele, mother of the gods)
Independence Day -- Greece
International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Maryland Day -- Maryland, US
Medal of Honor Day
Mother's Day -- Slovenia
National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy -- Greece; US
National Lobster Newburg Day
Numbskulls and Clodhoppers' Dance -- Fairy Calendar (I know a couple of people who qualify on both counts; I need to find out how to buy tickets!)
Old New Year's Day
Pecan Day
St. Dismas' Day (patron of prisoners, funeral directors, criminals, thieves)
Struggle for Human Right's Day -- Slovakia
The Tichborne Dole -- in Alresford, Hampshire, UK; since 1150, a gallon of flour is given to every resident by the Tichborne family head on this day, to avoid a curse
Birthdays Today:
Danica Patrick, 1982
Sheryl Swoopes, 1971
Sarah Jessica Parker, 1965
Paul Miles, 1952
Elton John, 1947
Bonnie Bedelia, 1946
Paul Michael Glaser, 1943
Aretha Franklin, 1942
Anita Bryant, 1940
Gloria Steinem, 1934
Simone Signoret, 1921
Howard Cosell, 1920
David Lean, 1908
Bela Bartok, 1881
Arturo Toscanini, 1867
Today in History:
The first Easter, according to calendar-maker Dionysius Exiguus, 31
According to legend, Venice, Italy is born today at noon, 421
Richard I is wounded by a crossbow bolt while fighting France, leading to his death on April 6, 1199
Robert the Bruce becomes King of Scotland, 1306
Sir Walter Raleigh renews Humphrey Gilbert's patent to explore North America, 1584
Henry Hudson embarks on an exploration for Dutch East India Co., 1609
Lord Baltimore founds Catholic colony of Maryland, 1634
Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is discovered by Christian Huygens, 1655
Mount Etna in Sicily erupts, destroying Nicolosi, killing 20,000, 1669
The Slave Trade Act becomes law, abolishing the slave trade in the British Empire, 1807
The Swansea and Mumbles Railway in England, then known as the Oystermouth Railway, becomes the first passenger carrying railway in the world, 1807
Percy Bysshe Shelley is expelled from the University of Oxford for publishing the pamphlet The Necessity of Atheism, 1811
Greeks revolt against the Ottoman Empire, beginning the Greek War of Independence, 1821
In New York City, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire kills 146 garment workers, leading to factory reform laws, 1911
The Georgian Orthodox Church restores its autocephaly abolished by Imperial Russia in 1811, 1917
The first successful tornado forecast predicts that a tornado will strike Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, 1948
The European Economic Community is established (West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg), 1957
Canada's Avro Arrow makes its first flight, 1958
Civil rights activists led by Martin Luther King, Jr. successfully complete their 4-day 50-mile march from Selma to the capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, 1965
The first fully functional space shuttle orbiter, Columbia, is delivered to the John F. Kennedy Space Center to be prepared for its first launch, 1979
The world's first wiki, a part of the Portland Pattern Repository, is made public by Ward Cunningham, 1995
The Most Important Thing
2 hours ago
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