...only a little bit helpful.
The AT&T repair guy came. He was very nice, as they all are.
He checked everything out, as they all do.
At the end, all he could say was that all of our equipment in our home is working just fine.
It seems there has been some regional trouble. Customers in the whole Southeast region of the US are having trouble.
Some have service, but their neighbors do not. Some entire neighborhoods, cities, or regions are out.
There is no trouble with our stuff, but they can't get the signal to us.
They are "working on it." There is no timeline on when it will be repaired.
When i asked the nice man when i would know that we had service again, he said, "Just keep trying to reboot the modem. When it works, you are back on again."
So, there we are.
Meanwhile, i will be decamping to wi-fi spots when i am able.
Today is:
Bounty Day -- Pitcairn Island (celebrates the burning of the HMS Bounty in 1790
Cold, Cold, Cold Day -- coldest temp ever recorded in the US, -79.8°F (-62.11°C), this day in 1971 at Prospect Creek Camp, Alaska
Day of Hathor -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)
Lenaia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (three day Dionysian festival to arouse the sleeping vegetation and bring spring; date approximate)
Mawlid an Nabi -- Muslim (Prophet's Birthday, celebration begins at sunset)
National Pie Day
National Handwriting Day -- on the birth anniversary of John Hancock, to encourage the dying art of legible handwriting
National Rhubarb Pie Day
Measure Your Feet Day -- one can only ask...."Why!?!"
Ragwort Dance -- Fairy Calendar (Pixies only)
Snowplow Mailbox Hockey Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays; plow drivers, see how far you can make those rural mailboxes go!
St. John the Almoner's Day (Patron of Knights Hospitaller; known for his generosity to the poor, "If we are able to enter the church day and night and implore God to hear our prayers, how careful we should be to hear and grant the petitions of our neighbor in need.")
Zehnder's Snowfest, Ice Carving, and State of Michigan Snow Sculpting Competition -- Frankenmuth, MI, US (fun for the whole family; through the 28th)
Anniversaries Today:
The founding of Georgetown University, the first US Catholic college, 1789
Birthdays Today:
Princess Caroline of Monaco, 1957
Antonio Villaraigosa, 1953
Rutger Hauer, 1944
Chita Rivera, 1933
Jeanne Moreau, 1928
Ernie Kovacs, 1919
John M. Browning, 1855
Edouard Manet, 1832
John Hancock, 1737
Today in History:
Epoch (origin) of the Kali Yuga (Hindu Iron Age of the Gods), BC3102
In China, the war elephant corps of the Southern Han are soundly defeated at Shao by crossbow fire from Song Dynasty troops, 971
The first printing of Ramban's Sha'ar ha-Gemul, 1490
The first printing of the Pentateuch, 1492
The second version of Book of Common Prayer becomes mandatory in England, 1552
What is probably the most deadly earthquake in history kills 830,000 in Shensi Province, China, 1556
Queen Elizabeth I opens the Royal Exchange in London, 1571
Blaise Pascal publishes the first of his Lettres provinciales, 1656
Joseph Pease, a Quaker, is admitted to Parliament on his affirmation, 1833
Elizabeth Blackwell becomes the first female physician in the US, 1849
The first bridge over the Mississippi River opens in what is now Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1855
Alesund Fire: the Norwegian coastal town Alesund is devastated by fire, leaving 10,000 people homeless an one person dead, 1904
Charles Curtis of Kansas becomes the first Native American US senator, 1907
Pianist Ignaz Paderewski becomes premier of the Polish government in exile, 1940
Duke Ellington plays at Carnegie Hall in New York City for the first time, 1943
The bathyscaphe USS Trieste breaks a depth record by descending to 10,911 m (35,798 feet) in the Pacific Ocean, 1960
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducts its first members: Little Richard, Chuck Berry, James Brown, Ray Charles, Fats Domino, the Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley, 1986
Final communication between Earth and Pioneer 10, 2003
Seeing Things I've Never Noticed Before
2 hours ago
ahhh that regional trouble :-)
ReplyDeletewhen I hear that I always think of the blanket MECHANICAL DIFFICULTY response at the airport regarding delays.
Miz, it's one of those answers that don't answer anything.