"Mom, Young Jacob is here." Little Girl had knocked on my door, and told me that when i told her to come in.
Yes, he usually does come by after work, i noted. What's up?
"Well, he got a new tattoo, and it's really neat, but he needs some Vaseline or something to put on it. He has to do that several times a day until the skin heals. Do we have any Vaseline?"
No, i don't keep petroleum type stuff around most of the time, i told her. But i do have this, see if it will do.
Then i handed her this:
Several minutes later, she brought it back up to me.
Did that work? i asked.
"Yes," she said. Then she added, "And I wish I hadn't read the back of the box!"
That reminds me of a joke.
Boudreaux and his family were visiting Clothile's family in Mamou. Little "Tee" Boudreaux came downstairs the first morning to have breakfast and axed his MawMaw, "Where be Mere and Pere?"
"Dey still up in dey room," MawMaw said, and "Tee" giggled as he ate his grits, then went out to play.
When "Tee" come back in for dinner, he ax agin'," Where be Mere and Pere?"
"Dey's up in dey room still," MawMaw said, at which "Tee" giggled even harder. He grinned all the way through is bowl of okra and tomatoes and his cornbread, then went back out to play.
Comin' on toward evenin', "Tee" come in for supper. Once more he ax, "Where be Mere and Pere?"
Dis time, MawMaw say, "Don' you know, chile, dey still be up dere, and why you be laughin' so much? All day you bin gigglin' and carryin' on!"
"Tee" was laughin' so hard he was holdin' his side. When he fin'ly catch his breath, he say, "Oh, mais, I know why dey still up dere! Las' night, Pere come knock on de door when I was in de bat'room, and he ax me for to han' him de Vaseline, and I done give him de super glue!"
Today is:
2014 Healthy Weight Week -- sponsored by Healthy Weight Network, including the Slim Chance Awards (highlighting the unhealthiest fad diets of the previous year), the Women's Healthy Body Image Awards, and, on Tuesday, Rid the World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day
Annual Visit of the Poe Toaster -- the mysterious person who, for almost 75 years, dressed in black with a wide brimmed hat and scarf, annually visited Poe's grave on his birthday, leaving roses and cognac; has not been seen since 2009
Ati-Atihan Festival -- Aklan, Kalibo, Panay Island, Philippines (main feast and final day of the vivid religious carnival/feast dating back to the 13th century to honor Santo Nino [Baby Jesus])
Augusta Futurity -- Augusta, GA, US (the top cutting horses and riders in the world to compete for purse and awards; through Saturday)
Birth of Prophet Mohammad and of Imam Sadegh -- Iran
Brew A Potion Day -- internet generated, no reasons given
Carlsbad Marathon and Half Marathon -- Carlsbad, CA, US
Confederate Heroes Day -- Texas, US (some things never change)
Feast of Sultan (Sovereignty) -- Baha'i
Horror Novels Are Horrendous Day -- for Poe's birth anniversary
Hunt For Happiness Week begins -- sponsored by the Secret Society of Happy People, who want you to join this week; through Saturdayhttp://sohp.com/society-celebrations/hunt-for-happiness-week/
La Tamborrada -- San Sebastian, Spain (begins in the evening, a 24 hour drum jam session and the city's biggest fiesta)
Little Ricky Day -- marking the date of his arrival on "I Love Lucy"
National Activity Professionals Week begins -- celebrating the contributions of Activities Professionals in all senior living communitieshttp://naap.info/2013/11/2014-national-activity-professional-week/
National Popcorn Day
Neon Sign Day -- patented this day in 1915
Sacrifices to Apollon -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)
Santos Tour Down Under -- Adelaide, Australia (a world class cycling event; through next Sunday)
Sinulog -- Cebu City, Philippines (a very colorful festival about the pagan origin of the people, and their acceptance of Roman Catholicism)
St. Canute's Day a/k/a St. Knud (Patron of Denmark)
St. Henry of Uppsala's Day (Patron of the Catholic Cathedral of Helsinki; Finland; against storms)
Theophany/Epiphany -- Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Christians who still follow the Julian Calendar
Timket -- Ethiopian Orthodox Christian (with huge, colorful festivals through the whole country)
Blessing of the Waters -- Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sophia, Bayswater, London, UK
Tin Can Day -- patented this day in 1825
World Religion Day -- Baha'i
Birthdays Today:
Shawn Johnson, 1992
Jodie Sweetin, 1982
Frank Caliendo, 1974
Drea de Matteo, 1972
Shawn Wayans, 1971
Wendy Moniz, 1969
Junior Seau, 1969
Paul McCrane, 1961
William Ragsdale, 1961
Thomas Kinkade, 1958
Simon Rattle, 1955
Desi Arnaz, Jr., 1953
Dewey Bunnell, 1952
Robert Palmer, 1949
Paula Deen, 1947
Dolly Parton, 1946
Shelley Fabares, 1944
Janis Joplin, 1943
Michael Crawford, 1942
Phil Everly, 1939
Richard Lester, 1932
Robert MacNeil, 1931
Tippi Hedren, 1931
Fritz Weaver, 1926
Jean Stapleton, 1923
Guy Madison, 1922
John H. Johnson, 1918
Lester Flatt, 1914
Edgar J. Helms, 1863
Paul Cezanne, 1839
Edgar Allan Poe, 1809
Robert E. Lee, 1807
James Watt, 1736 (O.S. date)
Debuting/Premiering Today:
"48 Hours"(TV), 1988
"The Millionaire"(TV), 1955
"Woman of the Year"(Film), 1942
"Il Trovatore"(Verdi Opera), 1853
"Faust Part I"(Goethe tragic play), 1829
Today in History:
Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England completing his reconquest of Normandy, 1419
San Agustin Church in Manila is officially completed; it is currently the oldest church in the Philippines, 1607
The second group of ships of the First Fleet arrives at Botany Bay, 1788
The United Kingdom occupies the Cape of Good Hope, 1806
Ezra Daggett and Thomas Kensett obtain a patent for a process of storing food in tin cans, 1825
Goethe's Faust Part I premiers, 1829
Verdi's Il Trivatore preniers in Rome, 1853
The first electric lighting system employing overhead wires, built by Thomas Edison, begins service at Roselle, New Jersey, 1883
Ibsen's play The Master Builder premiers in Berlin, 1893
Georges Claude patents the neon discharge tube for use in advertising, 1915
The US Senate votes against membership in League of Nations, 1920
Coopers Inc. sells the world's first briefs, 1930
For the only time in recorded history, snow falls in Miami, Florida, 1977
The last VW Beetle made in Germany leaves the plant, 1978
United States and Iranian officials sign an agreement to release 52 American hostages after 14 months of captivity, 1981
The Apple Lisa, the first commercial personal computer from Apple Inc. to have a graphical user interface and a computer mouse, is announced, 1983
Czech Republic and Slovakia join the United Nations, 1993
The New Horizons probe is launched by NASA on the first mission to Pluto, 2006
Wordless Wednesday
9 hours ago
ReplyDeleteHa! They are really stuck on each other ... literally! :) Good one! Thanks and have a great day!
ReplyDeleteBwahahahahahahahaha. Funny for everyone but...well you know.
ReplyDeleteHave a fabulous Silly Sunday. ♥♥♥
Lol and ick!
ReplyDeleteLOL, Super glue! Not nice. Not nice at all.
ReplyDeleteI'm having difficulty NOT picturing this.
ReplyDeleteSnortle. I think the legs of all your female readers spontaneously crossed themselves.