Silly Sunday is hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus.
Silly Sunday is the place to come for weekly laughs. The rules are simple, just have fun.
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A pastor from a local church made a bit of an error recently. He found out, during a church "eatin' meetin'", that one of his older female congregants was celebrating her birthday that day.
He actually went up and asked her how old she was!
She smiled very politely and taught him to never ask again by saying, "Well, Pastor, I am exactly one year older today than I was last year on this day!"
This reminds me of some things that have happened to Boudreaux as he has aged.
Boudreaux done gone to de doctor fo' his annual check-up, an' afore dey start, Dr. Trosclair ax him, "You got enny complaints or t'ings dat be buggin' you?"
An' Boudreaux he say, "Well, I don' got much, but my wife, Clothile, she say I jes' don' seem to be able to help aroun' de house so much no mo'."
So Dr. Trosclair done examine Boudreaux real thorough-like, an' fin'ly he say, "Well, you in such good shape, I t'ink dere ain't nothin' wrong wit' you but dat you be lazy!"
"Mais!" say Boudreaux. "You gots to give me de medical term for dat so I can tell it to Clothile!"
A few days later, while Clothile be out of town visitin' her sister in Ville Platte, Boudreaux an' Thibodeaux decide dey gonna go check out de new bar in town, have dem a guys night out. So dey go on in, and Thibodeaux ax de young barkeep what he recommen'.
Lookin' at de two gray-haired men sittin' dere, de young man say, "I t'ink maybe you should try dis here imported beer, Guiness." Den he wink an' add, "It's supposed to put de lead in your pencil!"
"Mais!" say Thibodeaux. "I'd goin' try dat! Marie, she won' fuss at me when I get home if dis works. How 'bout you, Boudeaux?"
An' Boudreaux, he say, "Well, I don' t'ink so dis time, 'cause wit' Clothile out in Ville Platte, I don' got no one to write to!"
Today is
Abused Women And Children's Awareness Day
Children's Sunday -- many US churches
Family History Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, urging people to brush up on family history during summer family reunions
Feast Day of Elisha the Prophet -- Christian
Flag Day -- United States
Freedom Day -- Malawi
Leinapaev -- Estonia (Mourning and Commemoration Day; remembering those deported under Soviet rule)
Liberation Day -- Falkland Islands
Mourning and Hope Day -- Lithuania (remembering those exiled to Siberia under the Soviets)
Multicultural American Child Day -- listed as a celebration on the second Sunday in June on many sites, with no way to trace it that i can find
National Bourbon Day -- celebrating America's "Native Spirit"
National Strawberry Shortcake Day
Pause for the Pledge Day -- US, in conjunction with Flag Day, all citizens are asked to pause at 7pm EDT to recite the Pledge
Pig Callers' Day -- no clue where this came from, or why; any pig callers out there want to weigh in?
Pop Goes the Weasel Day -- and just as no one knows for sure the origins of the song or it's meaning, no one knows why it is celebrated on this day
Puerto Rican Day Parade -- NYC, NY, US (recognizing the many Puerto Ricans in the US, and especially in New York City)
Race Unity Day -- Baha'i sponsored observance promoting racial harmony
Rice Planting Festivals -- Sumiyoshi Shrine, Osaka and Izawanomiya Shrine, Mie Prefecture, Japan (rice planting at sacred fields, some rites date back over 1,700 years)
Rumor Sunday -- Fairy Calendar
Runic Half-month Dag (day) commences
Sandpaper Day -- Isaac Fisher, Jr., of Vermont, was issued the first US patent for sandpaper on this day in 1834
St. Basil the Great's Day (traditional date in Roman Catholic Church, current date in Episcopal Church; Patron of education, exorcisms, hospital administrators, monks, liturgists, reformers; Cappadocia; Russia)
St. Castora Gabrielli's Day (Patron of difficult marriages, widows)
World Blood Donor Day -- International (2015's host is Shanghai, China, and the emphasis is "Thank you for saving my life")
Blood Type Awareness Day -- while donating, make sure you know your type, and that of your loved ones; in an emergency, it's good to know
Write to Your Father Day -- a week before Father's Day, write him a letter and ask him things like what he finds most enjoyable or exciting or scary or satisfying; encouraging people to stay in touch with Dad on a deeper level than the commercial holidays
Anniversaries Today:
The United States Army is founded, 1775
Munich, Germany is founded, 1158
Birthdays Today:
Daryl Sabara, 1992
Lucy Hale, 1989
Kevin McHale, 1988
Diablo Cody, 1978
Steffi Graf, 1969
Yasmine Bleeth, 1968
Traylor Howard, 1966
Boy George, 1961
Eric Arthur Heiden, 1958
Will Patton, 1954
Eddie Mekka, 1952
Donald Trump, 1946
John F. MacArthur, 1939
Jerzy Kosinski, 1933
Joe Arpaio, 1932
Marla Gibbs, 1931
Che Guevara, 1928
Pierre Salinger, 1925
Gene Barry, 1919
Burl Ives, 1909
Alois Alzheimer, 1864
John Bartlett, 1820
Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811
Debuting/Premiering Today:
The Cable Guy(Film), 1996
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves(Film), 1991
"The Gong Show"(TV), 1976
Today in History:
Kublai Khan defeated the force of Nayan and other traditionalist Borjigin princes in East Mongolia and Manchuria, 1287
Richard II in England meets leaders of Peasants' Revolt on Blackheath and the Tower of London is stormed by rebels who enter without resistance, 1381
Margaret Jones is hanged in Boston for witchcraft in the first such execution for the Massachusetts colony, 1648
The Stars and Stripes is adopted by Congress as the Flag of the United States, 1777
Bounty mutiny survivors including Captain William Bligh and 18 others reach Timor after a nearly 7,400 km (4,000-mile) journey in an open boat, 1789
Whiskey distilled from maize is first produced by American clergyman the Rev Elijah Craig, who named it Bourbon because he lived in Bourbon County, Kentucky, 1789
Badi VII, king of Sennar, surrenders his throne and realm to Ismail Pasha, general of the Ottoman Empire, ending the existence of that Sudanese kingdom, 1821
The village of Henley, on the River Thames in Oxfordshire, stages its first Royal Regatta, 1839
Trade unions are legalised in Canada, 1872
Norway adopts female suffrage, 1907
John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown depart St. John's, Newfoundland on the first nonstop transatlantic flight, 1919
Action Comics issue one is released, introducing Superman, 1938
The Canadian Library Association is established, 1946
UNIVAC I, the world's first commercial computer, is dedicated by the U.S. Census Bureau, 1951
The European Space Research Organisation is established in Paris – later becoming the European Space Agency, 1962
The Vatican announces the abolition of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 1966
The 1994 Stanley Cup Riots occur after the New York Rangers win the Stanley Cup from Vancouver, 1994
The Wallow Fire becomes the largest wildfire in the history of the US State of Arizona, 2011
Australia announces its plan to create the largest marine reserve in the world, 2012
Wordless Wednesday
2 hours ago
haha. :)
ReplyDeleteNow I'm not sure if Boudreaux was being stupid, or clever!
ReplyDeleteThe punch line is funny either way.
This one is a gem!!
ReplyDeleteLMAO @ the joke :-)
ReplyDeleteHave a giggletastic week :-)
Bwahahahahahahahahaha. I just love these jokes. And you post some great ones too.
ReplyDeleteHave a fabulous Silly Sunday. ☺
No one at home to write to---Priceless!
ReplyDeleteHaha...thanks for the laugh.