Saturday, August 31, 2024

Sailors, Housecalls and So Far, So Good, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Nephew Dre is a sailor!  That's my first thankful and it's a big one.  Uncle J (my brother, my children's uncle, Dre's father) was able to go see him graduate from Navy Boot Camp.  He's been in JROTC all through high school, and this is his dream come true.

Last Saturday, i got to visit plenty with Grandma and her doctor made a house call to see her.  Yes, we're thankful she has a fabulous doctor.

Last weekend and into the start of the week, i had two cat-sitting jobs in addition to the rest of the work.  I'm thankful i was able to keep straight which cats needed care which days, and on Sunday morning when they overlapped, i was thankful to get it all done and still get to Becca's on time.

I'm thankful i only had to do the plant watering once, and thankful we've had rain since then as our lawns were needing it.

Several years ago, Ms. V and Mr. L admired a rug at Ms. S's house (across the street, but they'd decided it was time for a change.  Mr. L picked another rug, and this past Monday, i realized it's the same as Ms. S's other rug!  I think he's been subconsciously admiring it all this time.  I'm thankful Ms. S and i had a good laugh over it.

Ms. G didn't get back in town until Thursday morning, so i had an easier Wednesday after a night with very little sleep.

I'm thankful the check engine light on GusGus die Fledermaus turned out to just be that pesky gas pressure reading getting wonky again.

We're both very thankful the noise i heard Slow-Moe making was nothing big.

Kevin and Lenny got to see us 3 times this week, with each car and for the monthly cleaning.  I'm thankful they are such cheerful, happy people.

Sweetie went to his ear doctor, we're thankful all is well.  (He had surgery on his ears a long time ago but has to have them checked every 2 months for the rest of his life, we're always thankful for no trouble there.)

When one of my errands for the out-of-town Ms. G was also over in another town, i'm thankful i was able to use Slow-Moe, the car with working A/C.  It makes a huge difference, especially when it's raining and you can't roll the windows down.

The cat shelter is doing well, we had extra help, and people looking to adopt.  We also sent a couple of kitties to their new forever homes after their surgery.  It makes for a happy, thankful Friday evening to get to go there.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful.

The tradition of Ten Things of Thankful is undergoing a transition.  I do not know if the new host will be posting to the TToT blog, sending out links, or quite what to expect.  No matter what, though, this next Friday is rEcess and i will be thankful and there will be a post from me, "If G-d says the same," as my Mawmaw used to say.

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Today is:

Be Kind to Humankind Week: Speak Kind Words Saturday 

Day of Solidarity and Freedom -- Poland (Anniversary of the 1980 August Agreement)

Eat Outside Day -- as long as you won't pass out from the heat

Eleusinia Games -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate; 3 days of games with grain as prizes)

Festal Day -- Order of the Eastern Star

Independence Day -- Kyrgyzstan(1991); Malaysia (Hari Kebangsaan/Freedom Day, 1957); Trinidad & Tobago(1962)

International Bacon Day -- good day for a double decker BLT with grilled onions and Swiss cheese (unless, of course, you are a pig)

International Day of Blogs and Bloggers 

International Overdose Awareness Day -- prevention and remembrance

Invent A New Sandwich Day -- spread around the internet like good mayo; go ahead, have fun with this

Limba Noastra -- Moldova (Day of Our Language)

Love Litigating Lawyers Day -- yes, G-d tells us to love everybody, even litigation attorneys but He never said doing it would be easy; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

National Trail Mix Day

St. Raymond Nonnatus' Day (Patron of babies, childbirth, children, expectant mothers, falsely accused people, infants, midwives, newborn babies, obstetricians, and pregnant women; Baltoa, Dominican Republic; against fever)

Birthdays Today:

Jeff Hardy, 1977

Chris Tucker, 1972

Debbie Gibson, 1970

Glenn Tilbrook, 1957

Edwin Corley Moses, 1955

Richard Gere, 1949

Itzhak Perlman, 1945

Van Morrison, 1945

Jack Thompson, 1940

Marva Collins, 1936

Frank Robinson, 1935

James Coburn, 1928

Buddy Hackett, 1924

G.D. Spradlin, 1920

Alan Jay Lerner, 1918

William Saroyan, 1908

William Shawn, 1907

Arthur Godfrey, 1903

Maria Montessori, 1870

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Alice"(TV), 1976

"The Great Gildersleeve"(Radio), 1941

"The Threepenny Opera/Die Dreigroschenoper"(Play), 1928

Today in History:

Traditional date upon which Ayonwentah (Haiwatha) and Deganawidah (The Great Peacemaker) assist the Iroquois tribes in establishing the Confederation of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Confederacy, or League of Five Nations), 1142

Lewis and Clark begin their expedition, 1803

A nuts and bolts machine is patented by Micah Rugg, 1842

The first professional football game is played in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, 1895

Edison patents the Kinetograph, 1897

Mrs. Adolph Landenburg, a horse rider, debuts the split skirt, 1902

Debut of Foghorn Leghorn, 1946

Solidarity Labor Union forms in Poland, 1980

Diana, Princess of Wales, her companion Dodi Al-Fayed and driver Henri Paul die in a car crash in Paris, 1997

Stolen on August 22, 2004, Edvard Munch's famous painting The Scream is recovered in a raid by Norwegian police, 2006

In Sudan, the People's Liberation Army announces it will demobilize its child soldiers by the end of the year, 2010

A 19-year-old Indonesian man is rescued after 49 days at sea on his floating fishing trap, 2018

Mary Peltola becomes the first Alaskan Native to be elected to US Congress, 2022 

US life expectancy falls to its lowest level since 1996 (76.1 years vs. 79 years in 2019), with COVID-19 thought to be the main contributing factor, 2022


  1. Lots and lots of things to be thankful for - which is something to be thankful for in itself.

  2. Always be thankful in all things. God bless, Mimi.

  3. Hope Grandma is doing OK. You had your week of car surprises. I'm thankful we got 1 inch of rain in 1/2 hour yesterday after a month of none. And the worst hot weather up here ever is over for sure after tonight. Happy Saturday.

  4. That was a terrific list of thankfuls and I'm glad that Grandma is doing well.

  5. Wonderful thankfuls. Congrats to your nephew! XO

  6. Great list of thankfuls, and the carpet story provides a fun touch. Thank you.

  7. Chaplin: "That's a wonderful list, especially the part where some kitties from the shelter went to good homes. We send lots of purrs for it to keep happening!"


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