Some people consider today to be the unluckiest day of the year. I'm not sure why that is so, but there you have it, superstitions are not supposed to make sense. (Maybe it was made up by moms so tired from the obligatory work of Christmas/solstice/whatever celebrations that they started the superstition as a way to get a day off!)
According to many of these people, any work undertaken today will never be finished. Well, if that is so, then I will never finish the laundry, ever, or the cooking, dishwashing, sweeping, cat care, people care, shopping, or any of the other work I do around the house.
I don't know about the rest of you, but around here I'm not sure that this constitutes bad luck so much as job security.
Today is:
Bairns Day, Scotland (Begins the runic half-month of Eoh, the yew tree,
which signifies the dead, so today is considered by some the unluckiest
day of the year, and no work should be undertaken today.)
Card Playing Day
Childermas a/k/a Holy Innocents Day, various Christian traditions,
called Inocentes in Mexico, and sometimes celebrated as Mexican December
Fool's Day (Herod fooled himself into thinking he had gotten rid of his
rival king born in Bethlehem.)
Cross Day, Ireland
Dyzemas Day a/k/a Tithe Day
Eat Vegetarian Day
Fairy Academy of Window-Frosting Winter Exhibition -- Fairy Calendar
Fourth Day of Christmas
Independence Day, Indonesia
Kwanzaa, Day 3, Collective Work and Responsibility
National Chocolate Day
Proclamation Day, South Australia
Unluckiest Day of the Year, various traditions state no work should be
started today, for whatever is started today will never be finished!
Anniversaries Today:
Iowa becomes the 29th US State, 1846
Birthdays Today:
Denzel Washington, 1954
Edgar Winter, 1946
Don Francisco, 1940
Maggie Smith, 1934
Nichelle Nichols, 1933
Martin Milner, 1931
Johnny Otis, 1921
Sam Levenson, 1911
Lew Ayres, 1908
Cliff Arquette, 1905
Earl "Fatha" Hines, 1905
Hendrik Meijer, 1883
Woodrow Wilson, 1856
Today in History:
The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, a/k/a Westminster Abbey, is consecrated, 1065
The reign of Emperor Hanazono of Japan begins, 1308
King Taksin is crowned as king of Thailand and establishes Thonburi as a capital, 1768
A magnitude 6.8 earthquake strikes Echigo, Japan, killing 30,000+, 1828
John Calhoun becomes the first US Vice President to resign (over differences with President Andrew Jackson), 1832
Spain recognizes independence of Mexico, 1836
Rangoon Burma, destroyed by fire, 1841
The United States claims Midway Island, the first territory annexed outside Continental limits, 1867
The world's first movie theater opens in Paris, 1895
The first daily wireless weather forecasts are published in London, 1904
An earthquake in Messina, Italy, results in nearly 80,000 deaths, 1908
The Peak District becomes the United Kingdom's first National Park, 1950
Wordless Wednesday
18 hours ago
I'll take this sound advice and do no work. Mustn't take chances.
ReplyDeleteWell, I skidded three times on my way to work this morning, and when I got home I had to call a plumber so he can figure out why there's water running in my crawlspace, so frankly I agree that this is not a lucky day. [Note to self: do not buy a Lotto ticket today.]
ReplyDeleteLeah, feel free to take the day off.
ReplyDeleteMerry, you have my sympathy on the water problems. I hope it turns out to be easier to fix than mine have been.