I stand in front of this blank screen, and all I can think of is how much I still have left to do today.
News from the cat rescue shelter is mixed. Rory is doing better, but I think we have another ringworm outbreak starting, and Dustie is on antibiotics. Frieda still hisses whenever #2 Son wears a hat. He has to take his hat off to clean that room, and we just can't figure out why.
The schedule is to clean the church, get to the bank, arrange for the work on the van, spend two hours running Bigger Girl to and from work, cook dinner, finish laundry, the cat boxes are already scooped and I've already had my prayer time and exercise and cleaned the kitchen from the midnight snackers and made the bed and fixed breakfast and washed a couple of loads that I will dry at the church while we clean, and I'm bringing dinner to simmer on the stove there where I can keep an eye on it.
It's not even 7am. I'm already a bit tired.
Today is
Constitution Day -- Cayman Islands
Distressed Elves' Creditors' Day (Fairy)
Halfway Point of the Year Day
Heroes Day, Zambia
I Forgot Day (the day to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or other special days that you forgot during the first half of the year)
International Chicken Wing Day
National Anisette Day
National Literacy Day
Palio di Provenzano -- Siena, Italy (horse race and pageant, named after the Madonna di Provenzano, whose church is in Siena)
World UFO Day
Birthdays Today
Lindsay Lohan, 1986
Johnny Weir, 1984
Jose and Ozzie Canseco, 1964
Ron Silver, 1946
Richard Petty, 1937
Polly Holiday, 1937
Dave Thomas, 1932
Medgar Evers, 1925
Dan Rowan, 1922
Ken Curtis, 1916
Thurgood Marshall, 1908
Hermann Hesse, 1877
Today in History
Thomas Savery patents the first steam engine, 1698
Vermont becomes the first American territory to abolish slavery, 1777
Twenty miles off the coast of Cuba, 53 rebelling African slaves led by Joseph Cinque take over the slave ship Amistad, 1893
Charles J. Guiteau shoots and fatally wounds U.S. President James Garfield, who eventually dies from an infection on September 19, 1881
Italian scientist Guglielmo Marconi obtains patent for radio in London, 1897
The first zeppelin flight takes place on Lake Constance near Friedrichshafen, Germany, 1900
Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan are last heard from over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to make the first equatorial round-the-world flight 1937
The first Wal-Mart store opens for business in Rogers, Arkansas, 1962
North and South Vietnam, divided since 1954, reunite to form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 1976
The AbioCor self contained artificial heart is first implanted, 2001
Steve Fossett becomes the first person to fly solo around the world nonstop in a balloon, 2002
Feline Friday foto.
17 minutes ago
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