Recent conversation with Sweetie and #2 Son:
#2 Son: "Mom, if I catch a raccoon or a possum, I'm going to take it to Sunday school to show Mr. Steve!"
Sweetie: "Son, be careful, you don't want to get kicked out of church for bringing in a wild animal."
#2 Son: "Oh, don't worry, dad! Mr. Steve said it's okay, and ever since I brought the snakes, he wants me to bring something else."
Me: "That's right, dear, they know he will bring it if he can get one in the live trap, it is okay."
Sweetie: "You won't hurt it, right?"
#2 Son: "Of course not, dad! Just show it to the 4th and 5th graders, then bring it home and let it go again."
Sweetie: "Well, if you're sure you won't get kicked out..."
#2 Son: "No, dad, I won't. Besides, I've only been kicked out of two places, homeschool co-op, and Home Depot. Don't ask about Home Depot!"
Sweetie: "You got kicked out of Home Depot? He got kicked out? When?"
The last question was shouted to me, as I was laughing so hard I was almost in tears.
Me: "I have no idea, but I'll take his word, and not ask!"
#2 Son: "All I can say is -- nail guns are awesome!"
Me: "Oh, mercy, he is right, don't ask!" Yes, I was still laughing.
Sweetie: "How did you get to Home Depot?"
#2 Son: "Sam's dad took us. And I didn't know you had to be over 18 to check out the power tools, and nail guns are fun! Can I get a nail gun?"
This last question is directed at me, as I try to stand up straight from laughing so much.
Me: "When you are 18 you can."
#2 Son: "Well, anyway, you have to be 18, and I didn't know, and they kicked me out. Well, I'm going out to set my trap!"
Sweetie, muttering: "Something's the matter with that boy."
Today is:
Biosphere Day
Feast of the Divine Light -- Ancient Egypt
Get Out of Town Today Day (Sorry, has to be delayed until Thursday for me.)
Independence Day -- Armenia; Belize; Malta
International Peace Day
Miniature Golf Day
National Pecan Cookie Day
National Women Road Warrior Day
Nativity of the Theotokos -- Orthodox Christian
Press Day
St. Matthew's Day
World Gratitude Day
Birthdays Today:
Faith Hill, 1967
Darva conger, 1965
Rob Morrow, 1962
David James Elliot, 1960
Dave Coulier, 1959
Bill Murray, 1950
Stephen King, 1947
Henry Gibson, 1935
Leonard Cohen, 1934
Larry Hagman, 1931
H.G. Wells, 1866
Maurice Barrymore, 1849
Today in History:
Richard the Lionheart captured, 1192
Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa orders Jews of Holland to wear a badge, 1451
John and Nicolaas van der Heyden patent a fire extinguisher, 1677
Nathan Hale arrested for spying, 1776
The Pennsylvania Packet & Daily Advertiser becomes the first successful US daily newspaper, 1784
Joseph Smith, Jr. claims that the Angel Moroni gives him the gold plates from which he translates the Book of Mormon, 1827
The Duryea Motor Wagon Company becomes the first auto manufacturer, 1895
"Kit Carson", the first cowboy film, premiers in the US, 1903
Publication of Tolkien's "The Hobbit", 1937
Bahrain, Bhutan and Qatar join the United Nations, 1971
Sandra Day O'Connor is unanimously approved by the U.S. Senate as the first female US Supreme Court justice, 1981
Brunei joins the United Nations, 1984
Deep Space 1 flies within 2,200 km of Comet Borrelly, 2001
The Galileo mission is terminated by sending the probe into Jupiter's atmosphere, 2003
Thankful Thursday
20 hours ago
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